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UT have aerospace engineering program???

The only 2 universities in canada that have this program is Carleton and Ryerson
最初由 流浪梦 发布
Carleton -- n; easy access.

Usage : She was wearing jogging pants; it was real Carleton.
最初由 Marvin 发布

:) 反正我是觉得OU的计算机课程比我们CU的简单!
最初由 流浪梦 发布
REPUTATION 34 out of 47
:D 你也太幼稚了,看这个排名能说明什么?ou的排名的确比cu高很多,那是ou的哲学法律医学都比较好,那是cu比不上ou的地方。那又怎样?为什么北电每年都来cu招很多人?cu进四大会计师事务所的学生不比ou少。在加拿大国家统计局的cu校友多得数不清。当然,ou在总体上胜过cu,so what? 谁 care?
不太清楚今年OU总共拿到了多少research funding,Carleton 至今已拿到了超过100M,其中包括3月8号从CFI那里获得的$7,435,632(1 project).而OU比我们多?了医学院也不过拿了$7,721,387(1 project).只多处300万而已,比起同一层次的

UT (8 projects--$31,643,372)
Western (5 projects--$34,135,094)
Queen's ($14,644,971)
UBC ($32,968,405)
UofA ($25,351,127)
McGILL ($10,638,225),
U of saskatchewan ($19,284,152)

等等差?好多,甚至还不如,Guelph ,Simon Fraser,U de Laval,U de Montréal,Newfoundland,只比York,Waterloo,McMaster和Dalhouse高.所以MCLEAN的排名说明不了什么,暂且不论她是个商业杂志(PROBABLY BIASED),光从她的排名中没有research funding,和research award(只有教授的AWARD)来看就很难让人信服.
sure OU music is way better than Carleton, but it is not one of the best, sure you guys have a huge french program, but can you speak english properly?
最初由 加国的枫叶 发布
:cool: :cool:
流浪梦,can you just cut this nonsense crap?!

Spend your time wisely on what you have to study and do some REAL thing will be much helpful on your school's reputation than sitting in fornt of computer copying and pasting some commercial ranking, alright?

If you had too much time to kill and you had a feeling you care so much more on the fundation/reputaion of the school than we do, why don't you go to CU or your school president's office complain it?! If all you can do is blah,blah,blah, then blah to whoever deserve it! For god's sake, stop bothering the hell of whole world, OK? Do us a favor,please!:mad:
最初由 Stitch 发布
流浪梦,can you just cut this nonsense crap?!

Spend your time wisely on what you have to study and do some REAL thing will be much helpful on your school's reputation than sitting in fornt of computer copying and pasting some commercial ranking, alright?

If you had too much time to kill and you had a feeling you care so much more on the fundation/reputaion of the school than we do, why don't you go to CU or your school president's office complain it?! If all you can do is blah,blah,blah, then blah to whoever deserve it! For god's sake, stop bothering the hell of whole world, OK? Do us a favor,please!:mad:

:cool: 说的好
最初由 Stitch 发布
流浪梦,can you just cut this nonsense crap?!

Spend your time wisely on what you have to study and do some REAL thing will be much helpful on your school's reputation than sitting in fornt of computer copying and pasting some commercial ranking, alright?

If you had too much time to kill and you had a feeling you care so much more on the fundation/reputaion of the school than we do, why don't you go to CU or your school president's office complain it?! If all you can do is blah,blah,blah, then blah to whoever deserve it! For god's sake, stop bothering the hell of whole world, OK? Do us a favor,please!:mad:
:) 不要激动,这种傻比你越骂他越高兴,不要管他就好了

忽然发现有人抄袭一些关于UO的英文文章,好像是蜗大的宣传册上的、关于英语的言论最好是自己写,如果觉得英文好可以给Sun/Citizen报纸投稿,能不好还可以挣点抄费什莫地:bad: :bad: :shan: