原来是东华大学的最初由 爱尔兰咖啡豆 发布
最初由 流浪梦 发布
CU也就AEROSPACE和Journalism好一点,其它OAC都是暴低,全是拉级东西,还国内同步,QUEENS每个专业分都很高,UT有的低点,但全高于CU! 名小就是名小,OVERALL都很强! 除了WATERLOO怪胎,比专业那是TOP学小比的,不是垃记学小比的,The Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania比HARVARD的BUSINESS SCHOOL FINANCE强一些!国内人是不好糊弄的!烂小家里蹲,回国文凭就是草纸,最近又跟我以前大学搞连合MBA,中国读也能拿CU的MBA!恶心死了,本科中介人人都在办!
]最初由 流浪梦 发布
MACLEANS在差比CU强很多,CU 大烂小,一直后面,就OVERALL RANK进过次7 out of 12, 第二类大学.OU最高进过6 out of 15 1994年时!还是第一类大学!REPUTATION CU一直都30多位,学小差就要沉认,别拿烂东西出来现!carleton 的计算机在美国硅谷都是有名的,是全去扫地的吧!自几查查IBM的BOARD MEMBER没有一个是CU的,吹牛乱讲没依锯!我知道RBC的VICE PRESIDENT是这几年OU 管理系出来的,看看CU 记算机招生每年OAC就知道!70出头,QUEENS是要90不到,差太多!
最初由 流浪梦 发布
Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Computer Science
Students who wish to pursue studies in computer science leading to the degree of Master of Computer Science (MCS) or Doctor of Philosophy in Computer Science (PhD) can do so in joint programs offered by the School of Information Technology and Engineering at the University of Ottawa and the School of Computer Science at Carleton University under the auspices of the Ottawa-Carleton Institute for Computer Science. The institute is responsible for supervising these programs and for providing a framework for interaction between the universities in graduate computer science education. In addition to the faculty members from the two computer science programs, the institute also has members with computer science expertise from other departments. Requests for information and application forms should be sent to the secretaries that handle admission process at corresponding institution
CU和OU的记算机MASTER是通读的! OCICS国内都知道!
最初由 流浪梦 发布
我真觉得可笑死了。费这麽大劲到处收集这些垃圾资料。你们OU,靠着政府,吃着政府,还要建一堆烂系,象一个寄生虫一样到处捞钱,最后还混成一个连本地人都恶心的末流学校。当然,得感谢他收容了一些垃圾,不然我们也没有机会在这里揭露事实真相。最初由 流浪梦 发布
Canada's Top 50 Research Universities 2003 ,讲RESARCH的,上次那个人不是要比RESEARCH吗?
最初由 流浪梦 发布
Medical students among Canada’s best
Graduates of the University of Ottawa’s Faculty of Medicine consistently finish on top or near the top in tests administered by the Medical Council of Canada. In five of the past seven years, our graduates finished either first or second in the Objective Structured Clinical Exam. The exam tests a graduate’s ability to interact with patients, emphasizing communication and physical diagnostic skills. The University of Ottawa was one of the first schools in Canada to introduce this type of training into its curriculum. Students are tested for their knowledge as well as their clinical skills, and must pass both parts of the exam prior to receiving medical licences.
University of Ottawa Medical Graduates’ ranking in the Medical Council of
Canada’s Phase II test
Year Ranking
1996 1 (only school)
1997 1 (with 3 other schools)
1998 2 (with 4 other schools)
1999 5 (with 4 other schools)
2000 3 (only school)
2001 1 (only school)
2002 2 (with 1 other school)
Finding the evidence to confirm best medical practices
The University of Ottawa has been selected as an Evidence-based Practice Center (EPC) by the US Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality. As an EPC, the University of Ottawa will help collect, review and analyze scientific evidence about the effectiveness of medical practices. Evidence-based practice is a growing and important field that will benefit practitioners and patients across North America and around the world. The University is one of only 13 academic institutions designated as EPCs in North America.
最初由 Edison 发布
我发现,有的人就是挨打上瘾。我看你以后就改叫“大沙袋”的了,CU的好汉们可以闲下来爆踢一顿,就当是健身了。IBM 的BOARD MEMBER是谁,你给我把最近几年的全列出来,特别是技术部们的,我看你再在那里胡说八道,去年来Carleton的高层难道全是骗子,只可惜我当时没有记下来他们的名字。RBC 是甚麽东西,还从OU的管理系出来,OU 的管理系都烂臭街了。“REPUTATION CU一直都30多位”,这是哪一类排名,谁给的。我讲的可是综合类排名, 你不要拿个医学类或其他偏门来滥于充数。比不过CU的现在,就去翻老本去了。OU靠着政府,建校又比Carleton早那麽多,搞垄断经营。现在还混成这样,恶不恶心。你进了这个烂校,而且还是著名的烂系,整日往里赔钱,还好意思跑到这里来把伤疤揭给人家看。我们Carleton现在早和MACLEANS,QUEEN,Mcmaster,成兄弟学校了,大家取长补短,谁也不挤兑谁,你这个OU的破落户在嚷嚷甚麽。OU计算机OAC连60都不到,白送都没人要。System Science 的主任每年都给拒绝了他的offer的人写信恳请他们来上,EMP不是靠中国人,早就被取消了。越想越恶心。