Here's a sweet deal on a power supply pointed out by forum member
rbl_posse. If you're putting together a new budget system, and are still looking for a power supply, Newegg.ca has the
Corsair Builder Series CX500 500W Power Supply on sale for $29.99 after $20 mail in rebate and after using the coupon code
CEMCXTVN23 at the checkout. Despite the mail in rebate, this is a sweet deal on a 500 watt unit, especially because its average retail price is around the $60-$70 mark. Brand name power supply units don't come this cheap so you'll definitely want to get your order in if you're interested.
Just a heads up, the deal is on for
today only as the rebate expires tonight. To be eligible for it, you'll need proof of purchase on or before April 1 -- which means you still have until midnight tonight to place an order. You'll also want to download any rebate material available on the product page just in case Newegg.ca decides to remove it when the deal expires.
Free shipping is available.