Representative cultures of different belief systems


The greatest cultures of atheism are represented by the following:

1. the former Soviet Union;
2. the People's Republic of China before 1980s;
3. Cuba;
4. North Korea;

Please give more examples if you wish or provide evidences if you want to exclude any of the above from the list. :)
The best spokesman for the Judaism is of course Israel.
We need examples for the following:
1. Islam - Shiite;
2. Islam: Sunni;
3. Christianity - protestant;
4. Christianity - Catholic;
5. Buddhism;
6. Hinduism;
7. Other minor belief systems.
The relationship between countries' belief in a god and average Intelligence Quotient

The topic of religiosity and intelligence is the statistical relationship between intelligence and religiosity. Studies have begun to explore the link between religiosity and issues related to intelligence and educational level.

Various studies further suggest that intuitive thinking and inductive reasoning styles tend to increase religious beliefs, but also imply more conservative beliefs in general. Less religious people prefer analytical and deductive reasoning.

Highly religious countries (Barber, 2012 psychology today.):
Are poorer.
They are less urbanized.
Have lower levels of education.
They have less exposure to electronic media that increase intelligence (Barber, 2006).
Experience a heavier load of infectious diseases that impair brain function.
Suffer more from low birth weights.
Have worse child nutrition.
Do a poor job of controlling environmental pollutants such as lead that reduce IQ.

just some numbers for people with basic sense of logic to ponder upon.


  • LynnHarveyNyborg-CountryBelieveGod-Intelligence.svg (1).png
    LynnHarveyNyborg-CountryBelieveGod-Intelligence.svg (1).png
    53.2 KB · 查看: 21

The topic of religiosity and intelligence is the statistical relationship between intelligence and religiosity. Studies have begun to explore the link between religiosity and issues related to intelligence and educational level.

Various studies further suggest that intuitive thinking and inductive reasoning styles tend to increase religious beliefs, but also imply more conservative beliefs in general. Less religious people prefer analytical and deductive reasoning.

Highly religious countries (Barber, 2012 psychology today.):
Are poorer.
They are less urbanized.
Have lower levels of education.
They have less exposure to electronic media that increase intelligence (Barber, 2006).
Experience a heavier load of infectious diseases that impair brain function.
Suffer more from low birth weights.
Have worse child nutrition.
Do a poor job of controlling environmental pollutants such as lead that reduce IQ.

just some numbers for people with basic sense of logic to ponder upon.



I am totally amazed by your resourcefulness. :) Probably we should have a little in-depth discussion on the data presented in the nice chart?
calculate the the correlation coefficient between % not believe in god and the country's IQ, you get 0.62. there is a clear relationship between a people's IQ and their religious beliefs. look it up and see what the coefficient means.

Country IQ % no believe in god
Honduras 81 1
Hungary 98 32 correlation coefficient = 0.623240907
Iceland 101 16
India 82 3
Indonesia 87 1.5
Iran 84 4.5
Iraq 87 0.5
Ireland 92 5
Israel 95 15
Italy 102 6
Jamaica 71 3
Japan 105 65
Jordan 84 0.5
Kazakhstan 94 12
Kenya 72 0.5
Kuwait 86 0.5
Kyrgyzstan 90 7
Laos 89 5
Latvia 98 20
Lebanon 82 3
Liberia 67 0.5
Libya 83 0.5
Lithuania 91 13
Madagascar 82 0.5
Malawi 69 0.5
Malaysia 92 0.5
Mali 69 0.5
Mauritania 76 0.5
Mexico 88 4.5
Moldova 96 6
Mongolia 101 20
Morocco 84 0.5
Mozambique 64 5
Namibia 70 4
Nepal 78 0.5
Netherlands 100 42
New Zealand 99 22
Nicaragua 81 1
Niger 69 0.5
Nigeria 69 0.5
Norway 100 31
Oman 83 0.5
Pakistan 84 0.5
Panama 84 1
Paraguay 84 1
Peru 85 1
Philippines 86 0.5
Poland 99 3
Portugal 95 4
Romania 94 4
Russia 97 27
Rwanda 70 0.5
Saudi Arabia 84 0.5
Senegal 66 0.5
Sierra Leone 64 0.5
Afghanistan 84 0.5
Albania 90 8
Algeria 83 0.5
Angola 68 1.5
Argentina 93 4
Armenia 94 14
Australia 98 25
Austria 100 18
Azerbaijan 87 0.5
Bangladesh 82 0.5
Belarus 97 17
Belgium 99 43
Benin 70 0.5
Bolivia 87 1
Botswana 70 0.5
Brazil 87 1
Brunei 91 0.5
Bulgaria 93 34
Burkina Faso 68 0.5
Burundi 69 0.5
Cambodia 91 7
Cameroon 64 0.5
Canada 99 22
Central African 64 1.5
Chad 68 0.5
Chile 90 2
China 105 12
Colombia 84 1
Congo: 64 2.7
Costa Rica 89 1
Cote d'Lovoire 69 0.5
Croatia 90 7
Cuba 85 40
Czech 98 61
Denmark 98 48
Dominican 82 7
Ecuador 88 1
Egypt 81 0.5
El Savlvador 80 1
Estonia 99 49
Ethiopia 64 0.5
Finland 99 28
France 98 44
Gambia 66 0.5
Georgia 94 4
Germany 99 42
Ghana 71 0.5
Greece 92 16
Guatemala 79 1
Guinea 67 0.5
Haiti 67 0.5
Singapore 108 13
Slovakia 96 17
Slovenia 96 35
Somalia 68 0.5
South Africa 72 1
South Korea 106 30
Spain 98 15
Sri Lanka 79 0.5
Sweden 99 64
Switzerland 101 17
Syria 83 0.5
Taiwan 105 24
google "Average-intelligence-predicts-atheism-rates-across-137-nations" by Richard Lynn and others from European Universities.

here's the abstract of the research.

Evidence is reviewed pointing to a negative relationship between intelligence and religious
belief in the United States and Europe. It is shown that intelligence measured as psychometric g
is negatively related to religious belief. We also examine whether this negative relationship
between intelligence and religious belief is present between nations.We find that in a sample of
137 countries the correlation between national IQ and disbelief in God is 0.60.

The very intelligent Dawkins becomes entertaining. :)

The greatest cultures of atheism are represented by the following:

1. the former Soviet Union;
2. the People's Republic of China before 1980s;
3. Cuba;
4. North Korea;

Please give more examples if you wish or provide evidences if you want to exclude any of the above from the list. :)


Richard Dawkins

Richard Dawkins
it looks like you are not very interested in scientific stats presented. it's okay. understood.

too bad you got a fundamental concept wrong. Atheism is not a belief system. it only concerns if you believe the existence of a deity or not. An atheist can be a good person or a bad one. it is irrelevant.

Whereas religions are systematic belief system and have a complete methodology of their own of defrauding mankind.
it looks like you are not very interested in scientific stats presented. it's okay. understood.

Let's leave the laughable "statistics" and its interpretation where it is for a little while.:)

too bad you got a fundamental concept wrong. Atheism is not a belief system. it only concerns if you believe the existence of a deity or not. An atheist can be a good person or a bad one. it is irrelevant.

Whereas religions are systematic belief system and have a complete methodology of their own of defrauding mankind.

You may argue that atheism is not a systematic belief but it is certainly a belief system, A random and chaotic system is still a system and so does a chaotic and random belief system such as atheism.
it looks like you are not very interested in scientific stats presented. it's okay. understood.

too bad you got a fundamental concept wrong. Atheism is not a belief system. it only concerns if you believe the existence of a deity or not. An atheist can be a good person or a bad one. it is irrelevant.

Whereas religions are systematic belief system and have a complete methodology of their own of defrauding mankind.

You may argue that atheism is not a systematic belief but it is certainly a belief system. A random and chaotic system is still a system and so is a chaotic and random belief system such as atheism.
You may argue that atheism is not a systematic belief but it is certainly a belief system. A random and chaotic system is still a system and so is a chaotic and random belief system such as atheism.

people as yourself who describe atheism as as philosophy, ideology, or something analogous are trying to depict atheism as being much more complicated than it really is. All of these categories are defined in one way or another as systems of beliefs which provide guidance or information. None of this can describe atheism, atheism simply concerns if you believe in a god or not. it starts there and ends there.

Of course anything what a theist (especially a christian) would say to defend its cause is possible. if you believe the earth is merely 6,000 years old, woman is a rib taken off a man, jesus was the son of your god etc, i certainly would not expect logics and reasoning.