Want to keep your heart healthy? Drink organic milk: Cows' diet helps produce high levels of polyunsaturated fats
- Cows who pasture and eat forage-based feeds produce healthier milk
- Ratio of 'healthy' and 'unhealthy' fats varied between 400 brands of milk
- Omega-3, is credited with improving the health of the heart
PUBLISHED: 23:20 GMT, 9 December 2013 | UPDATED: 08:30 GMT, 10 December 2013
Scientists compared the fat content of 400 brands of milk
Organic milk is the healthiest on the market, research suggests, and it is all down to the grass the cows graze on.
When scientists compared the fat content of 400 brands of milk, the organic bottles and cartons consistently came out on top.
They found that the levels of polyunsaturated fatty acids – the ‘healthy fats’ good for the heart – were far higher in organic milks.
The difference was made by organic cows’ diet.
They went out to pasture and also ate forage-based feeds, instead of being given the corn and grains relied on by non-organic farms, the American researchers said.
Dr Charles Benbrook, who led the research team at Washington State University, said: ‘We were surprised by the magnitude of the nutritional quality differences.’
While total fat contents were consistent across the milks, the ratio between ‘healthy’ and ‘unhealthy’ fat varied hugely.
The study - the largest of its kind ever conducted - found that organic milks had more than twice as much healthy fat on average than the normal types.
One type of fatty acid, omega-3, is credited with improving the health of the heart.
But another, omega-6, is a risk factor for cardiovascular disease, cancer, inflammation and auto-immune disease.
The study – published in journal PLOS ONE – found that organic milks were proportionally twice as much higher in healthy fat and lower in unhealthy fat.
The organic milks had an average omega-6 to omega-3 ratio of 2.3-to-1. Normal milk had a ratio of 5.8-to-1.
Western diets typically have a ratio of up to 15-to-1, while a ratio of 2.3-to-1 is thought best for heart health.
The researchers estimate that by switching to organic milk, the average American or European could make 40 per cent of the change required to meet the guidelines.
Researchers also compared the fatty acids found in dairy products to those in fish
Dr Benbrook said: ‘Surprisingly simple food choices can lead to much better levels of the healthier fats we see in organic milk.’
The researchers also compared the fatty acids in dairy products to those in fish.
Donald Davis, who co-authored the research paper, said: ‘We were surprised to find that recommended intakes of full-fat milk products supply far more of the major omega-3 fatty acid than recommended servings of fish.’
The researchers said more and more dairy farms are now feeding their cows with the kind of grass that would improve the milk.
The paper said: ‘The increasing reliance on pasture and forage-based feeds on dairy farms has considerable potential to improve the fatty-acid profile of milk and dairy products.
‘Improvements in the nutritional quality of milk and dairy products should improve long-term health status and outcomes, especially for pregnant women, infants, children and those with elevated cardio-vascular disease risk.’
Whole milk contains the most beneficial fatty acids. Skimmed and semi-skimmed organic milks will still contain healthy fats but in smaller amounts.
Previous studies have credited organic milk with higher levels of health-boosting anti-oxidants and vitamins, including vitamin E, and beta-carotene, a building block of vitamin A.
Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/art...elps-promote-healthy-heart.html#ixzz2n56DzRZo
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如果你不关心健康问题, 那么别人就不关心你。
如果你不关心别人, 那么别人也不会关心你
不关心别人在他那句话里逻辑成立, 不关心健康放上去就不符合。
我现在没空玩那些阅读游戏, 谢谢你推荐。 不知道你为什么这么烦, 外面的雪很美丽, 请欣赏大自然
这个坛子里大家列出加拿大这里什么食物是转基因,什么不是,怎么判别,都好多好多次了,mimi_ge都讲过不止20次了,谁愿意老重复? (http://bbs.comefromchina.com/threads/1321019/page-2#post-8500815 )
总结起来,就是市场上能买到的转基作物产品,只有: 玉米(Maize,Corn),大豆(Soybean),棉花(Cotton), Canola油和夏威夷木瓜及其制品(比如玉米油)。以及用这些东西作为原料或添加剂做成的"加工食品"(70%的加工食品含转基因成分).
其他的,比如转基因土豆和西红柿,早就从市场上绝迹。(The Canadian government has approved 5 varieties of Bt potatoes - potatoes genetically engineered with genes from the soil bacterium Bacilus thuringiensis (Bt) to be resistant to the Colorado potato beetle - all of which are owned by Monsanto. But none of these are currently on the market in Canada or the U.S. - Monsanto says they stopped selling the potatoes because they captured less than 5% of the North American market. http://www.cban.ca/Resources/Topics...Potato/One-Potato-Two-Potato-Five-Potato-None )。
转基因麦子和转基因大米也没有,孟山都都停止转基因麦子开发了;搞个“黄金大米”,还得偷偷跑到中国去做实验。(In 2000, the first two GM rice varieties both with herbicide-resistance, called LLRice60 and LLRice62, were approved in the United States. Later, these and other types of herbicide-resistant GM rice were approved in Canada, Australia, Mexico, and Colombia. However, none of these approvals resulted in commercialization GM Crop Database of the Center for Environmental Risk Assessment, (LLRICE06, LLRICE62).)
如果有smart phone, 还可以安装一个App, 帮你检查你买的食品是否含转基因成分:
Fooducate App -- An App To Tell You If There Are Genetically Modified Ingredients In Your Food
关于转基因和杂交的关系,你也不妨听听遗传学专家David Suzuki的看法,当然本坛的挺转人士以Suzuki是环保分子为由试图说明他的反转观点不可信,不过我觉得相比方舟子这个学术弃儿无业流民而言,我当然更愿意相信Suzuki。至少对于Suzuki所说的内容,我还没见到真正有力的专业的驳斥。