
回到正题,这事还真不是科学家的错。。。本来就是大家一块摸象,有人摸尾巴有人摸鼻子,因为大象屁股比较大, 所以屁股帮占了上风。 无奈的是屁股帮后面那帮人,各种利益驱使,开始了象屁第一定律,开始嘲笑象牙、象耳帮。。。然后世道就乱了。

Who are the climate change deniers?

Despite the international scientific community's consensus on climate change, a small number of critics continue to deny that climate change exists or that humans are causing it. Widely known as climate change "skeptics" or "deniers", these individuals are generally not climate scientists and do not debate the science with the climate scientists directly—for example, by publishing in peer-reviewed scientific journals, or participating in international conferences on climate science. Instead, they focus their attention on the media, the general public and policy-makers with the goal of delaying action on climate change.
Not surprisingly, the deniers have received significant funding from coal and oil companies, including ExxonMobil. They also have well-documented connections with public relations firms that have set up industry-funded lobby groups to, in the words of one leaked memo, "reposition global warming as theory (not fact)."
Over the years, the deniers have employed a wide range of arguments against taking action on climate change, some of which contradict each other. For example, they have claimed that:
• Climate change is not occurring
• The global climate is actually getting colder
• The global climate is getting warmer, but not because of human activities
• The global climate is getting warmer, in part because of human activities, but this will create greater benefits than costs
• The global climate is getting warmer, in part because of human activities, but the impacts are not sufficient to require any policy response
After 15 years of increasingly definitive scientific studies attesting to the reality and significance of global climate change, the deniers' tactics have shifted. Many deniers no longer deny that climate change is happening, but instead argue that the cost of taking action is too high—or even worse, that it is too late to take action. All of these arguments are false and are rejected by the scientific community at large.
To gain an understanding of the level of scientific consensus on climate change, one study examined every article on climate change published in peer-reviewed scientific journals over a 10-year period. Of the 928 articles on climate change the authors found, not one of them disagreed with the consensus position that climate change is happening and is human-induced.
These findings contrast dramatically with the popular media's reporting on climate change. One study analyzed coverage of climate change in four influential American newspapers (New York Times, Washington Post, LA Times and Wall Street Journal) over a 14-year period. It found that more than half of the articles discussing climate change gave equal weight to the scientifically discredited views of the deniers.
This discrepancy is largely due to the media's drive for "balance" in reporting. Journalists are trained to identify one position on any issue, and then seek out a conflicting position, providing both sides with roughly equal attention. Unfortunately, this "balance" does not always correspond with the actual prevalence of each view within society, and can result in unintended bias. This has been the case with reporting on climate change, and as a result, many people believe that the reality of climate change is still being debated by scientists when it is not.
While some level of debate is useful when looking at major social problems, society must eventually move on and actually address the issue. To do nothing about the problem of climate change is akin to letting a fire burn down a building because the precise temperature of the flames is unknown, or to not address the problem of smoking because one or two doctors still claim that it does not cause lung cancer. As the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) acknowledges, a lack of full scientific certainty about some aspects of climate change is not a reason for delaying an immediate response that will, at a reasonable cost, prevent dangerous consequences in the climate system.
1/08/2014 @ 11:24AM |3,405 views

Embarrassed Global Warming Alarmists Sink To Comedic Lows With 'Polar Vortex' Excuse
@老华侨 ,华老,您羞愧吗?您窘迫吗?:tx:


对气象爱好者(更别说那些气象学家了)来说,这里有些被拿来说事的素材,其实都是常识性的东西,根本不是什么新鲜的东西,不具有对Global Warming构成任何否定。特别是LZ随后提到的米兰科维奇的关于影响地球冰川期周期变化的元素,更是常识中的常识了。如果把这些讨论以数万年为周期的东西,应用到现在讨论的Global Warming,只能理解为搅局,或者是卖吆喝、挣点击率。
没有人类文明的时候 气候也是周期变化的 别以为最近一百年比较暖和就觉得理所应当了
不说大周期,就连几百年前的小冰期都能让广东经常下大雪 够加拿大喝一壶的了吧

对气象爱好者(更别说那些气象学家了)来说,这里有些被拿来说事的素材,其实都是常识性的东西,根本不是什么新鲜的东西,不具有对Global Warming构成任何否定。特别是LZ随后提到的米兰科维奇的关于影响地球冰川期周期变化的元素,更是常识中的常识了。如果把这些讨论以数万年为周期的东西,应用到现在讨论的Global Warming,只能理解为搅局,或者是卖吆喝、挣点击率。