
You are welcome. If you know the truth, show it with evidence. Otherwise, you are just risking yourself into endless trouble.
I would be very interested in reading your story then.




You are welcome. If you know the truth, show it with evidence. Otherwise, you are just risking yourself into endless trouble.
I would be very interested in reading your story then.

If you knew the truth, then why wouldn't you tell it? Why keep it from the public? What are you hiding? Who/what are you afraid of? Why are you so afraid of telling the truth?

You cannot terrorize the writer! He/she has the right to tell whatever the story he/she wants to tell. It's called creative freedom and freedom of expression. If what you read bothers you, maybe it's because you see yourself in it and you don't like the part of you that you see in the story. Too bad for you!!!

Back off! Let him/her exercise his/her rights as a writer!!!
If you knew the truth, then why wouldn't you tell it? Why keep it from the public? What are you hiding? Who/what are you afraid of? Why are you so afraid of telling the truth?

You cannot terrorize the writer! He/she has the right to tell whatever the story he/she wants to tell. It's called creative freedom and freedom of expression. If what you read bothers you, maybe it's because you see yourself in it and you don't like the part of you that you see in the story. Too bad for you!!!

Back off! Let him/her exercise his/her rights as a writer!!!


吆喝,大姐你够孙子兵法,挑功不错呀! 那就“信”你一次。

吆喝,大姐你够孙子兵法,挑功不错呀! 那就“信”你一次。


前一阵子读 Arthur Golden 的艺妓回忆录(Memoirs of a Geisha), 看到作者曾经采访过的 Mineko Iwasaki 就彻底对号入座,好像还和作者打过官司,接着又出了一本书大概叫 Geisha of Gion,不过这本我还没有搞到。

If you knew the truth, then why wouldn't you tell it? Why keep it from the public? What are you hiding? Who/what are you afraid of? Why are you so afraid of telling the truth?

You cannot terrorize the writer! He/she has the right to tell whatever the story he/she wants to tell. It's called creative freedom and freedom of expression. If what you read bothers you, maybe it's because you see yourself in it and you don't like the part of you that you see in the story. Too bad for you!!!

Back off! Let him/her exercise his/her rights as a writer!!!

How can you tell I am terrifying the author?
Are you implying that the author is telling a truth?
Although he or she has claimed that the story is fabricated, however, everyone can tell the major flow of drama is based on a real incident.
The author is taking advantage of the victim's story and added his or her own imaginary. I can not say what he or she is doing is illegal but in some sense, it is not ethical at all. Especially when rumours and controversy are around.

If the author really know some truth as he or she has implied, please bravely stand out to uncover the so called "hidden truth".

God is seeing what you are doing! The karma will find you.
How can you tell I am terrifying the author?
Are you implying that the author is telling a truth?
Although he or she has claimed hat the story is fabricated, however, everyone can tell the major flow of drama is based on a real incident.
The author is taking advantage of the victim's story and added his or her own imaginary. I can not say what he or she is doing is illegal but in some sense, it is not ethical at all. Especially when rumours and controversy are around.

If the author really know some truth as he or she has implied, please bravely stand out to uncover the so called "hidden truth".

God is seeing what you are doing! The karma will find you.

He/She is writing a fiction. He/she is NOT a reporter and therefore has every right to write on the basis of a true story and to add his/her own imagination. Life is the writer's source of inspiration. People can even find similarities in their lives in the stories told in books like Harry Potter. Should they be upset about that?

If you were so interested in truth, where were you when the fundraisers told different stories of the same events? Where were you when the public, who had shown overwhelming love and support for the victim's family, had to find out, through "rumours," about what was going on? Where were you when it took a good three weeks before the public got a clear indication of how the victim was to receive his due respect? What did you do to help stop the controversy? Did you encourage openness and transparency? Did you encourage truth-telling?

You meant to shut the writer up by threatening "endless trouble." You are not the only one who can relate to God. Indeed, God loves you too BUT would have loved you even more had you been more truthful!
He/She is writing a fiction. He/she is NOT a reporter and therefore has every right to write on the basis of a true story and to add his/her own imagination. Life is the writer's source of inspiration. People can even find similarities in their lives in the stories told in books like Harry Potter. Should they be upset about that?

If you were so interested in truth, where were you when the fundraisers told different stories of the same events? Where were you when the public, who had shown overwhelming love and support for the victim's family, had to find out, through "rumours," about what was going on? Where were you when it took a good three weeks before the public got a clear indication of how the victim was to receive his due respect? What did you do to help stop the controversy? Did you encourage openness and transparency? Did you encourage truth-telling?

You meant to shut the writer up by threatening "endless trouble." You are not the only one who can relate to God. Indeed, God loves you too BUT would have loved you even more had you been more truthful!

Let me repeat my word "If you know the truth, show it with evidence. Otherwise, you are just risking yourself into endless trouble." What kind of intelligence made you come up such a conclusion that I was threatening the author to shut up. I am actually encouraging the openness and truth-telling. :)
I did my part in the donation and paid my due respect to the victim. If you ask what I did to stop the controversy, well, I have been keeping silence and do not bother be part of it. I believe that the truth is there and sooner or later everyone will know it. I do not have any interest in this. I encourage anyone knowing the truth to stand out and to speak aloud.

I just hate the person who are entertaining themselves over the dead body. You seem to be an intelligent person, you know what I mean.