
Let me repeat my word "If you know the truth, show it with evidence. Otherwise, you are just risking yourself into endless trouble." What kind of intelligence made you come up such a conclusion that I was threatening the author to shut up. I am actually encouraging the openness and truth-telling. :)
I did my part in the donation and paid my due respect to the victim. If you ask what I did to stop the controversy, well, I have been keeping silence and do not bother be part of it. I believe that the truth is there and sooner or later everyone will know it. I do not have any interest in this. I encourage anyone knowing the truth to stand out and to speak aloud.

I just hate the person who are entertaining themselves over the dead body. You seem to be an intelligent person, you know what I mean.

You truly have a rather exceptional way of "encouraging openness and truth-telling." You claim that you "encourage anyone knowing the truth to stand out and speak aloud." The truth is, you have done no such thing!

-The public deserved and still deserves, openness. Like you, they gave their hard-earned cash to a family that claimed to be "in financial crisis" so that the victim's remains could be returned and a proper funeral be held in reasonable time. Remember, the initial appeal for donations was so that the "body" could be returned. Did you remind the family and their friends that they should, and could, have told the truth and still got public sympathy?

-In the latest newspaper article, published on April 3 in MetroNews, there was an error about an undisputed truth regarding Woody, the gentleman who saved Connor's life. While the family and their friends continued to ask for more donations, now for "funeral, her children and her parents," they failed to make sure that Woody got his proper credit. He remained "unknown." Were you bothered that this piece of truth was not told? Did you contact the paper and ask it to make that correction?

- You said you had paid your due respect to the victim. Were you ever bothered that it took three weeks to have a proper obituary published? Did you say anything about focusing on dealing with the final respect for the deceased first and with $$$ later?

The truth is, you were "keeping silence" and did not "bother to be part of it." In other words, you stood by and let the bizarre events unfold over the last three weeks and the public left on an emotional roller-coaster ride when transparency and truth-telling could have ended it all in the first place.

Yet, you threaten "endless trouble" when the writer, who may or may not have been part of the story and who is not writing a news report, dares to exercise his/her creative freedom and write a fiction.

How do you know that this book is going to be of only entertainment value? Why can't you wait and let the writer's story to unfold?

For a God-loving person, it is unkind of you to use the word "hate." True intelligence involves the courage to tell truth!
You truly have a rather exceptional way of "encouraging openness and truth-telling." You claim that you "encourage anyone knowing the truth to stand out and speak aloud." The truth is, you did no such thing!

-The public deserved and still deserves, openness. Like you, they gave their hard-earned cash to a family that claimed to be "in financial crisis" so that the victim's remains could be returned and a proper funeral be held in reasonable time. Remember, the initial appeal for donations was so that the "body" could be returned. Did you remind the family and their friends that they should, and could, have told the truth and still got public sympathy?

-In the latest newspaper article, published on April 3 in MetroNews, there was an error about an undisputed truth regarding Woody, the gentleman who saved Connor's life. While the family and their friends continued to ask for more donations, now for "funeral, her children and her parents," they failed to make sure that Woody got his proper credit. He remained "unknown." Were you bothered that this piece of truth was not told? Did you contact the paper and ask it to make that correction?

- You said you had paid your due respect to the victim. Were you ever bothered that it took three weeks to have a proper obituary published? Did you say anything about focusing on dealing with the final respect for the deceased first and with $$$ later?

The truth is, you were "keeping silence" and did not "bother to be part of it." In other words, you stood by and let the bizarre events unfold over the last three weeks and the public left on an emotional roller-coaster ride when transparency and truth-telling could have ended it all in the first place.

Yet, you threaten "endless trouble" when the writer, who may or may not have been part of the story and who is not writing a news report, dares to exercise his/her creative freedom and write a fiction.

How do you know that this book is going to be of only entertainment value? Why can't you wait and let the writer's story to unfold?

For a God-loving person, it is unkind of you to use the word "hate." True intelligence involves the courage to tell truth!

I did notice that someone really concerned about the money and the remains of the victim, those are not my concern. How the family handle it is purely their own business. I have no right and no interest in interfering their life just because I have made a donation. I hope this answers all your questions. For the God's sake, please stop asking these stupid questions. I don't care a damn.
By the way, are you saying you are one of the a few guys that behind the whole controversy. Really a shame. You could have put your energy into something meaningful.

Truth can not be told by a fiction. If the author is just writing a fiction, stop implying you guys are telling the truth. That is misleading and for sure will bring your guys some trouble.

God loves me and I deserve what I have gained and be grateful to what he has given me. God will make you become a better person. So believe in God, my friend.
I did notice that someone really concerned about the money and the remains of the victim, those are not my concern. How the family handle it is purely their own business. I have no right and no interest in interfering their life just because I have made a donation. I hope this answers all your question. For the God's sake, please stop asking these stupid questions. I don't care a damn.

Really? You just said you paid due respect to the victim.

What right do you have in interfering with the writer's life as a creative artist? For a "God-loving" person, you really should be more economical with foul words!

[/quote]By the way, are you saying you are one of the a few guys that behind the whole controversy. Really a shame. You could have put your energy into something meaningful.[/quote]

There would have been NO controversy if truth were told in the first place. I used my energy to defend the deceased's right to dignity!

[/quote]Truth can not be told by a fiction. If the author is just writing a fiction, stop implying you guys are telling the truth. That is misleading and for sure will bring your guys some trouble.[/quote]
"故事纯属虚构" was this a promise of truth? The author made it very clear that it was a piece of creative work. Are you continuing with your threats? At least now the trouble is no longer " endless?" Good progress!

[/quote]God loves me and I deserve what I have gained and be grateful to what he has given me. God will make you become a better person. So believe in God, my friend.[/quote]

God may well love you. But God alone can and will decide what you deserve! And glad that you have gained what you have and that you are grateful.

God will make you a better person when you take responsibility to do so yourself.

You may well believe in God. But turning a blind eye when untruth is being told where truth should have been told and taking no action is hardly a convincing piece of evidence of your belief in God.

两位的英文绝对给力。 三好同学很有仁义之心; 三维再立体,踩不好线,吃亏的不是众人。 中国的老话讲,不要常在河边走!

我可以断定,有任何的风吹草动,“一点红” 之类的人是一定不会出来相救的,虽然现在一味地鼓动 !
If the writer dare to write, everyone has the right to make a comment. You call that interference? You are misleading the concepts. Are you a hero trying to save a beauty? ;)
By the way, I did not make a threat. Only suggestions. If he or she feels the threats from the comments, in most of the cases, he or she may have done something bad.
If you call those ill-minded ID who have been shamelessly accusing the widow of cheating and spreading rumours to be a way of defending the deceased's right to dignity, I would rather not have that kind of dignity.
Most of the person who have made a donation have been keeping silence over this case. This is not a blind belief. People believes that good will be rewarded good and evil with evil. So let it be, let it be.
If the writer dare to write, everyone has the right to make a comment. You call that interference? You are misleading the concepts. Are you a hero trying to save a beauty? ;)
By the way, I did not make a threat. Only suggestions. If he or she feels the threats from the comments, in most of the cases, he or she may have done something bad.
If you call those ill-minded ID that shamelessly accusing the widow of cheating and spreading rumours to be a way of defending the deceased's right to dignity, I would rather not have that kind of dignity.
Most of the person who have made a donation have been keeping silence over this case. This is not a blind belief. People believes that good will be rewarded good and evil with evil. So let it be, let it be.

Making threats is not the same as making "comments." However, I am glad you are backing away from your threats, which you did promise to be "endless." The real hero saved a real life but was kept "unknown."

The family could have easily told the truth from the very beginning and avoided being accused of cheating. The deceased deserved the dignity of a proper send-off in a reasonable time. That was not too much to ask for, was it?

People who truly believe in doing good do not expect to "be rewarded." If you turn a blind eye on things that are not done right, you are not only blind, you are willfully blind.

By the way, when public donations are solicited, the public has a right to be told what their donations are used for. This right arises not only from common sense, but is also protected by law. This right can be summed up by the word "trust."

Once again, if truth had been told in the first place, if immediate attention had been paid to the repatriation of the victim's remains, there would have been no controversy and the public would have been spared a roller-coaster emotional ride. The public deserves better! The victim deserves better!
Making threats is not the same as making "comments." However, I am glad you are backing away from your threats, which you did promise to be "endless." The real hero saved a real life but was kept "unknown."

The family could have easily told the truth from the very beginning and avoided being accused of cheating. The deceased deserved the dignity of a proper send-off in a reasonable time. That was not too much to ask for, was it?

People who truly believe in doing good do not expect to "be rewarded." If you turn a blind eye on things that are not done right, you are not only blind, you are willfully blind.

By the way, when public donations are solicited, the public has a right to be told what their donations are used for. This right arises not only from common sense, but is also protected by law. This right can be summed up by the word "trust."

Once again, if truth were told in the first place, if immediate attention were paid to the repatriation of the victim's remains, there would have been no controversy and the public would have been spared a roller-coaster emotional ride. The public deserves better! The victim deserves better!

I was wondering who have taught your English. Did I promise "endless"? I just recommend the author telling a truth with evidences back up, otherwise, he or she MAY risk in trouble. Did you English teacher forget to teach you the common sense of reasoning?
Did I say people can not ask a question regarding the donation? I have told you I don't care the process of donation, why are you keeping argue around that?
Put it down, easy, take it easy. :tx:
I was wondering who have taught your English. Did I promise "endless"? I just recommend the author telling a truth with evidences back up, otherwise, he or she MAY risk in trouble. Did you English teacher forget to teach you the common sense of reasoning?
Did I say people can not ask a question regarding the donation? I have told you I don't care the process of donation, why are you keeping argue around that?
Put it down, easy, take it easy. :tx:
[/quote]"Let me repeat my word "If you know the truth, show it with evidence. Otherwise, you are just risking yourself into endless trouble." [/quote]

Show me the word "may" in this sentence!
"Let me repeat my word "If you know the truth, show it with evidence. Otherwise, you are just risking yourself into endless trouble." [/quote]

Show me the word "may" in this sentence![/quote]

Well, read between the lines please. :cool:

Where is the stone? Show me the stone. Did you feel the pain on your toes? :tx:
Where is the stone? Show me the stone. Did you feel the pain on your toes? :tx:

楼主不用理他/她! 坚持写您的!

我不一样, 我还得借这个机会学英文呢! : )