取完证,就立即给City打电话,不能以询问的口吻打,要以complain的方式去叙述:邻居在后院施工,你认为邻居的施工存在安全隐患,想和city 确认一下邻居是否已经取得了building permit。理由是By-Law “Any pool installed in Ottawa deeper than 24 inches above or below ground requires a permit”, and "Under the Ontario Building Code Act, a building permit is required for the construction of a new building, an addition, or alteration of any building or structure with a building area of over 10 square metres." 根据你的观察和记录,邻居的施工规模是xxx,应该需要向city申请building permit。
如果你的邻居是申请了building permit,按照批准的layout plan来施工的话,如果楼主还是觉得有问题,那问题就出在City而不是你的邻居。
如果你的邻居根本就没有building permit的话,那你的邻居就麻烦大了。