*ShutUp^^* 知名会员 注册 2003-04-13 消息 3,060 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 148 2003-08-08 #107 小小顶一下! ps:张三,你平时说话是不是也是一口气说完为止的呢?或者说到一半就“YO,YO...”两下,厚厚!要是谁和你吵架一定会很惨的我想!
Pako(不哭水瓶座) 新手上路 注册 2003-07-10 消息 1,422 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-08-09 #114 gooda gooda, anyways, is tut u on the pic?
大漠张三 知名会员 VIP 注册 2003-04-18 消息 9,432 荣誉分数 84 声望点数 158 2003-08-09 #115 最初由 无翼天使 发布 gooda gooda, anyways, is tut u on the pic? 点击展开... 嗯
^@^铑?小亻亻^@^ 新手上路 VIP 注册 2003-03-03 消息 9,638 荣誉分数 8 声望点数 0 2003-08-09 #117 so nice~~i heard so many times!!~xixi!~~
Gravel 2 Grave 新手上路 注册 2003-05-28 消息 2,247 荣誉分数 1 声望点数 0 2003-08-11 #118 u guy just track EMINEM..u can try other kinda of genre...like too short,or 2PAC,even ludacris..or mix them..don't follow slim shady so tight........u have tha talent anyway...but lyric not so dope...
u guy just track EMINEM..u can try other kinda of genre...like too short,or 2PAC,even ludacris..or mix them..don't follow slim shady so tight........u have tha talent anyway...but lyric not so dope...