雪 雪雪 新手上路 注册 2003-06-02 消息 54 荣誉分数 0 声望点数 0 2003-08-10 #1 车子刚过保修期,小毛病就不断来,每次CHECK灯一亮,四十元泡汤,然后花多少就没谱了,请教各位有经验的朋友去哪里修理比较好,我的车现在有个小配件坏了,我打电话询价,便宜和贵的差别高达几十倍,真不知该怎么办?请指明路,谢谢.
人在天涯 ┳??初级会员??┳ 注册 2002-01-23 消息 17,253 荣誉分数 7 声望点数 0 2003-08-10 #2 http://www.comefromchina.com/newbbs/forumdisplay.php?s=&forumid=83
H hotswapping 知名会员 注册 2003-01-13 消息 1,008 荣誉分数 136 声望点数 173 2003-08-10 #3 You must buy it from dealer, right? never buy vehical from dealer!!!!!!!!!!!!!
B bill 知名会员 注册 2002-01-27 消息 642 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2003-08-10 #4 最初由 hotswapping 发布 You must buy it from dealer, right? never buy vehical from dealer!!!!!!!!!!!!! 点击展开... What? His car is used car when he bought it? HOw do you know? he never mentioned about it.
最初由 hotswapping 发布 You must buy it from dealer, right? never buy vehical from dealer!!!!!!!!!!!!! 点击展开... What? His car is used car when he bought it? HOw do you know? he never mentioned about it.
H hxp417 知名会员 注册 2002-04-14 消息 2,397 荣誉分数 2 声望点数 148 2003-08-11 #6 最初由 hotswapping 发布 You must buy it from dealer, right? never buy vehical from dealer!!!!!!!!!!!!! 点击展开... Are you stupid?? Most people, all over the world, bought vehicles from dealers... Why can't people buy vehicles from dealers? Thought yourself being smart?? Think it twice... Are dealer's car specially made from somewhere else? Don't try to be smart, otherwise you just made yourself a sucker.
最初由 hotswapping 发布 You must buy it from dealer, right? never buy vehical from dealer!!!!!!!!!!!!! 点击展开... Are you stupid?? Most people, all over the world, bought vehicles from dealers... Why can't people buy vehicles from dealers? Thought yourself being smart?? Think it twice... Are dealer's car specially made from somewhere else? Don't try to be smart, otherwise you just made yourself a sucker.
B buddy 知名会员 注册 2003-06-26 消息 305 荣誉分数 3 声望点数 178 2003-08-11 #7 最初由 雪雪 发布 车子刚过保修期,小毛病就不断来,每次CHECK灯一亮,四十元泡汤,然后花多少就没谱了,请教各位有经验的朋友去哪里修理比较好,我的车现在有个小配件坏了,我打电话询价,便宜和贵的差别高达几十倍,真不知该怎么办?请指明路,谢谢. 点击展开... 即使是懂行的人也没法给你指路, 因为不知道你买的什么车。
最初由 雪雪 发布 车子刚过保修期,小毛病就不断来,每次CHECK灯一亮,四十元泡汤,然后花多少就没谱了,请教各位有经验的朋友去哪里修理比较好,我的车现在有个小配件坏了,我打电话询价,便宜和贵的差别高达几十倍,真不知该怎么办?请指明路,谢谢. 点击展开... 即使是懂行的人也没法给你指路, 因为不知道你买的什么车。
B bill 知名会员 注册 2002-01-27 消息 642 荣誉分数 6 声望点数 128 2003-08-11 #8 最初由 hxp417 发布 Are you stupid?? Most people, all over the world, bought vehicles from dealers... Why can't people buy vehicles from dealers? Thought yourself being smart?? Think it twice... Are dealer's car specially made from somewhere else? Don't try to be smart, otherwise you just made yourself a sucker. 点击展开... I almost said the same words in my first post , but finally I think this guy " hotswapping " maybe thought 雪雪's car is a used car when 雪雪 bought it.
最初由 hxp417 发布 Are you stupid?? Most people, all over the world, bought vehicles from dealers... Why can't people buy vehicles from dealers? Thought yourself being smart?? Think it twice... Are dealer's car specially made from somewhere else? Don't try to be smart, otherwise you just made yourself a sucker. 点击展开... I almost said the same words in my first post , but finally I think this guy " hotswapping " maybe thought 雪雪's car is a used car when 雪雪 bought it.
H hotswapping 知名会员 注册 2003-01-13 消息 1,008 荣誉分数 136 声望点数 173 2003-08-11 #9 hehe, interesting. hxp417, just take it easy. Don't be so excited.