
家附近一家老外的修车行,就是车跑起来噪音比较大,去检查的时候说是左球头和右控制臂坏了,全下来的400块钱,当时感觉有点贵,但老板说这个毛病不修会危及安全,我也就把车扔在那里修了,回来一看账单有点傻眼,换了刹车片,这个我觉得正常,我的车跑了14万,还没换过刹车片,让我有点不对劲的是工时费是每小时90,并且花了5个小时,最让我不能理解的是换刹车片这样的“小活”竟然用了3个小时(在国内时换过,不到一个小时搞定),我有点怀疑是不是这家店有点不地道,尽管一个本地朋友说我至少被黑了couple hundreds,但我毕竟不太懂车,所以在这里把账单晒出来,请朋友看看,就是听听大伙的意见,没被黑最好,如果被黑了也知道哪被黑了,先谢了。请看附件。
Initial quote (and told by 老外) : 全下来的400块钱
Final: 1358.25 ???
It seems that 老外 trapped you to let his company service your car.
If you know ahead it will be 1358.25, you may first ask for quote and shop around....
If you leave your car at dealer, dealer will call you and give you quote, only if you agree on those expensive jobs then they will go ahead. (My Toyota dealer did that).
As for labour cost, at dealer, is between 85 - 115 (plus tax). You can ask your car dealer...
Brake job is 115 an hour.
I changed engine oil at a 老外 garage in Ottawa, he told me later my car needs to change ...., cost and labour over 500.
I drove my car back to Toronto, my garage (licensed mechanic) ordered original parts from dealer (SUBARU), with receipt, parts and labour less than 300.
It is always good to know honest mechanic.
我的车跑了14万? That is quite uncommon you have to change ball joints with that mileage, only if you always drive on bumpy services.
这个毛病不修会危及安全: tactics to scare you to leave your car there.

Initial quote (and told by 老外) : 全下来的400块钱
Final: 1358.25 ???
我的车跑了14万? That is quite uncommon you have to change ball joints with that mileage, only if you always drive on bumpy services.
这个毛病不修会危及安全: tactics to scare you to leave your car there.


我的车13万左右就换了两个ball joints,两个control arm和所有的sway bar links。
轮子越小的车悬挂越容易坏。 公司一辆20多万公里数的皮卡悬挂都没事。
control arm和ball joint绝对和安全有关,不要在这里误导。不信的话你将一个control arm或者ball joint的螺丝摇松一点看看你的轮子会是怎样。
另外control arm和ball joint也很好检查,肉眼看和手摇一摇就知道了。多数其实是bushing的问题,但很多车的bushing都是和arm/joint一起的,一换就要一起来,所以就贵一点。
@zhaoche 这个帖子突然让我想到你了,如果是你肯定要骂街了 lol