



Liberal campaign co-chair steps down after advising TransCanada on lobbying next government

Justin Trudeau's national campaign co-chair is stepping down after he sent a detailed email to people behind the Energy East pipeline with advice on how and when to lobby a new government — including a Liberal minority.

Earlier in the day the Liberals stood by Dan Gagnier, saying he did not break any ethical standards. But in a statement later Wednesday, Gagnier said he didn't want to be a distraction to the campaign.

"I deeply regret that the campaign has been affected by these negative, personal attacks," the statement reads.

"I have always conducted my business openly and in full accordance with the rules. In the best interests of the party, I have taken this decision. I continue to support Justin Trudeau and hope for a Liberal government on Oct. 19."

In a statement of its own, the Liberal party said it respects Gagnier's decision, but blames the controversy on the Conservatives and their "negative and mean-spirited politics."

In the email, a copy of which was obtained by The Canadian Press, Gagnier advises five TransCanada Corp. officials to target the right people in a new government as quickly as possible so they can help shape either Liberal or NDP decisions on a national energy strategy.

Such a lobbying effort would be needed to ensure the planned "in-service" dates of projects like Energy East aren't put at risk, the email said.

Getting this "early entry point" in any revisions to the rules governing the National Energy Board "is sensitive," but also an opportunity, it continues.

"If the premiers and the new PM want investment and jobs, they will have to provide a lead and an efficient time-frame for getting this done," Gagnier writes.

Near the end of the message, he notes that energy companies needed to act "uniformly" to work with a new government if the Conservatives lose the election on Oct. 19.

"An energy strategy for Canada is on the radar and we need a spear carrier for those in the industry who are part of the solution going forward rather than refusing to grasp the implications of a changing global reality," the email reads.

"The last point is critical as federal leadership and a discussion with premiers will take place early. This is where we can play and help them get things right."

Prior to his resignation, a Liberal spokeswoman said Gagnier's analysis in the email has "nothing to do with his volunteer role on the campaign," noting that he didn't advise Trudeau on energy issues.

"The analysis draws on his years of experience in public service, and is based on publicly available information describing possible scenarios that any new government may face," Zita Astravas said in an email.

"In all areas, we hold our campaign to the highest ethical standards. I would point out that both the Conservative and NDP campaigns include many consultants."

Gagnier has spent years in politics, including time working for the Privy Council Office, the central federal bureaucracy that supports the prime minister and cabinet.

He has also worked in the federal Department of Foreign Affairs and was twice chief of staff to former Quebec premier Jean Charest.

With only five days before election day, polls have put the Liberals and Conservatives in a tight race, with the Grits in sight of forming a minority government after Oct. 19.

Under the Constitution, Prime Minister Stephen Harper still has first dibs on forming a government should there be a hung Parliament where no one party has a majority. How that would happen, or how the Liberals or NDP would transition to a new government, is the focus of much of Gagnier's Oct. 12 email.

Gagnier also writes that a Liberal or NDP government would likely reduce the size of cabinet to about 25 ministers, which would make the finance minister a critical lobbying target.

Conservative campaign spokesman Stephen Lecce tried to link the email with past Liberal miscues, which occurred before Trudeau became an MP and, later, leader.

Lecce dismissed Trudeau and the Liberals as "a party run by elite insiders who sell their influence to the highest bidder to the detriment of taxpayers."

The argument that anyone could have written a similar analysis doesn't hold water, said the NDP's ethics critic, Charlie Angus.

The email suggests Gagnier was "signalling to his friends in 'Big Oil"' how to get in the good graces of the next government, should it not be Conservative, Angus said.

"It's a pretty lame excuse when you say anybody could have written this.... No, this was the co-chair of Trudeau's campaign," Angus said.

"Anybody could have written that, but nobody would have paid attention to it if a volunteer wrote it."

自由党还没有上台,就开始迫不及待开始和利益集团勾结, As soon as possible!!! OMG。 要快啊,这么多钱的工程, 别耽误。赶紧找人, 张3 李四 王5是未来政府管这事的, 快找他们活动活动。:buttrock:

这是啥性质的问题? 国家交给这些人手上会是灾难。
自由党还没有上台,就开始迫不及待开始和利益集团勾结, As soon as possible!!! OMG。 要快啊,这么多钱的工程, 别耽误。赶紧找人, 张3 李四 王5是未来政府管这事的, 快找他们活动活动。:buttrock:

这是啥性质的问题? 国家交给这些人手上会是灾难。
你不理解算了, 借用村长大人的话说 “加拿大人”民主素质高,会有他们的判断。:cool:
自由党还没有上台,就开始迫不及待开始和利益集团勾结, As soon as possible!!! OMG。 要快啊,这么多钱的工程, 别耽误。赶紧找人, 张3 李四 王5是未来政府管这事的, 快找他们活动活动。:buttrock:

这是啥性质的问题? 国家交给这些人手上会是灾难。

c-24是公民修正法,看仔细了, 哪种情况下会被剥夺公民?

However Bill C-24 has added other conditions under which a Canadian can lose his or her citizenship, thereby returning the punishment of "exile" to Canada for certain crimes including but not limited to:

  • Committing an act of terrorism
  • Being convicted of an act of terrorism by a foreign court


c-51是反恐法, 得到保守党和自由党同时支持,
The bill was introduced and passed by the Conservative Party, who hold a majority in Parliament, with support from the Liberal Party, which promised to amend the bill to increase oversight if elected.

The Bill provided that the Canadian government would have the ability to intercede and stop "violent Islamic jihadi terrorists" inspired by the existence of theIslamic State of Iraq and the Levant.[19] Public Safety Minister Steven Blaney stated that the international jihadi movement had "declared war on Canada" and other countries around the world.[21] He also stated that the new tactics granted to CSIS would only be used if there are reasonable grounds to believe a particular activity constitutes a threat to the security of Canada.[21]

Liberal Party leader Justin Trudeau listed three ways the law will, in his view, improve the safety of Canadians:

    • by making “preventive arrest” easier when police suspect someone may be planning to carry out a terrorist activity;
    • by strengthening Canada’s “no-fly list”; and
    • by improving communication and coordination on potential threats among federal agencies.
During the same exchange, when asked about what he would like to see amended further, he also said, "narrowing and limiting the kinds of new powers that CSIS and national security agencies would have.” Trudeau also said the Liberals would bring in mandatory review of the Anti-Terrorism Act every three years, and introduce oversight of CSIS by a committee of MPs."[22]

要加强学习啊, 别听左党乱叫, 这两个法老中根本没机会触犯, 实际在保护加拿大人(包括广大爱好和平和安定环境的老中)的安全。如果对木木恐怖活动纵容,老中有好处吗? 你是愿意在一个安全的社会环境生活还是象欧洲那样木木横行搞no-go zone警察都不敢进去的地方生活?
加拿大卑诗省公民自由协会执行主任派特森 (Josh Paterson,上图)在多伦多记者会上,宣布要就新公民法案提出违宪挑战,与加拿大难民律师协会一起并肩作战。



All Canadian citizens used to have the same citizenship rights no matter what their origin,” B.C. Civil Liberties Association Executive Director Josh Paterson said at a news conference.

“We were all equal under the law. Now this new law has divided us into classes of citizens: those with more rights and those — overwhelmingly immigrants to Canada and their children and grandchildren —who have fewer rights.

代表全国3万7千名律师的加拿大大律师公会(Canadian Bar Association)批评C-24号公民法违反宪法、违反国际公约和严重侵犯人权。


虽然加拿大的宪法-人权及自由宪章(Charter of Rights and Freedom)开宗明义地尊定人人平等的基本价值和权利,但保守党政府却首次透过公民法,把加拿大人划分为4大类,不同类别的加拿大人享有不同的权利和待遇。



第三类,虽然在加拿大出生,却拥有双重国籍(有些国家给与公民在海外出生子女公民权,某些国家像埃及和伊朗的公民权甚至可以留传五代。亦即是说,即 使埃及裔的加拿大人已经在加国生活了数代,而这些子孙都在加拿大出生,甚至从未踏足埃及,却仍然有埃及国籍。)这类加拿大人若果犯上严重的刑事罪行、叛 国、参与恐怖活动、盗窃国家和商业机密、从事间谍活动等罪行,以及日后政府可能加进可剥夺公民权罪行名单上的行为(根据大律师公会的专业分析,当C-24 号法案打开以犯法撤销公权的先例之后,政府日后便可以把其它行为和罪行加进剥夺公民权的罪行名单里面)。




因为触犯恐怖活动而获判监五年的人,很有可能没有犯上涉及伤亡的严重暴行。最近加拿大记者化米(Mohamed Fahmy)在埃及被法院判监七年,便是一个真实的个案。化米是拥有双重国籍的加拿大公民,被派到埃及采访新闻,却被埃及政府控告揑造新闻、危害国家安全 和协助恐怖份子。


所谓恐怖活动、危害国家安全、颠覆国家、推翻政府和叛国,都是由执政者所界定和作出惩处的。无论是南非的曼德拉、中国的孙中山,又或是民运领袖,都 可以被当权者认定为颠覆国家的恐怖份子而收监。恐怖活动,并不一定是杀人和放炸弹。至于窃取国家和商业机密的间谍活动,亦可以很空泛。



加拿大人权及自由宪章第6.1条列明,所有加拿大公民都有权进入,逗留和离开加拿大。最高法院过去对6.1条的解释是不容许放逐。这项重大原则,就连宪法内的旦书条文(notwithstanding clause),也不能用作否决。







旧有法律赋予当事人到联邦法院聆讯的权利,即使法院认同部长的决定,公民撤销是由院督(Governor in Council)所执行,在撤销前院督都会再审视撤销公民身份的理据和公正性。



自由党还没有上台,就开始迫不及待开始和利益集团勾结, As soon as possible!!! OMG。 要快啊,这么多钱的工程, 别耽误。赶紧找人, 张3 李四 王5是未来政府管这事的, 快找他们活动活动。:buttrock:

这是啥性质的问题? 国家交给这些人手上会是灾难。
你拿英文原始文章和数据吧, 我给你解释被左翼媒体和政党曲解的所谓政府给石油公司补贴论。

我去世界上看了一下,加拿大真不是第一个。你可以搜搜Counter terrorism law,传统的发达国家不是已经立法,就是在酝酿中。

再到C51,Justin Trudeau也是投的支持。

Revocation of British nationality
Under the Immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006, people with dual nationality(看着眼熟不?) who are British nationals can be deprived of their British citizenship if the Secretary of State is satisfied "deprivation is conducive to the public good"; there is a right of appeal.This provision has been in force since 16 June 2006 when the Immigration, Nationality and Asylum Act 2006 (Commencement No 1) Order 2006 came into force.Loss of British nationality in this way also applies to people born in the UK as British citizens and who also hold another nationality.As the provision applies only to dual nationals, it cannot render a person stateless.

The Home Office does not issue information on these cases and is resistant to answering questions,for example under the Freedom of Information Act 2000.As of 15 July 2013 at least 17 people had been deprived of their British citizenship, in most cases on the recommendation of MI5. Usually it appears that the government waits until the person has left Britain, then sends a warning notice to their British home and signs a deprivation order a day or two later.Appeals are heard at the highly secretive Special Immigration Appeals Commission (SIAC), where the government can submit evidence that cannot be seen or challenged by the appellant.

Previously since 2003 under the Nationality, Immigration and Asylum Act 2002, British nationals could be deprived of their citizenship if the Secretary of State was satisfied they were responsible for acts seriously prejudicial to the vital interests of the United Kingdom or an Overseas Territory.

British nationals who are naturalised or registered may lose British nationality if it was obtained by fraud or concealment of a material fact. The nationality laws of the US, Canada and Australia have similar provisions to revoke local nationality from citizens who gained such citizenship via naturalisation.

Australian government unveils bill to revoke citizenship by ministerial decree

After months of increasingly hysterical scare campaigns about terrorism, Prime Minister Tony Abbott’s government on Wednesday unveiled unprecedented legislation to arbitrarily strip citizenship from people accused of involvement in a wide range of anti-government or “terrorist”-related activity.