


Hahaha...How about the $90,000 from Harper's office?
加拿大联邦保守党在多伦多和温哥华刊登中文和旁遮普语(Punjabi)广告,指摘自由党领袖杜鲁多(Justin Trudeau)赞成售卖大麻给儿童、扩展毒品注射站,在社区开设妓院,保守党领袖哈珀为这个广告运动辩护。





温哥华南选区自由党候选人石俊(Harjit Sajjan)说:「我认为保守党转向一种战术,已超越散播恐惧和分化政策,那令人困扰。」


石俊说,很清楚,保守党以特别信息,向华裔、旁遮普选民拉票。南亚和中文报纸的记者说,这个政治广告对社区有冒犯性。印裔英文报纸Indo-Canadian Voice编辑马尔(Rattan Mall)说:「这对社区是侮辱,保守党可能认为,可以操纵人们。」

1名华裔记者说,政治攻击广告可能对中文社区较有影响。加拿大中文电台(Fairchild Radio)时事节目主持人陈心田(Wallace Chan)说,保守党知道,多数华人担心大麻,他们用这类信息吓唬公众,吸取选票。


前密西沙加市长、94岁的麦考莲(Hazel McCallion)周三在自由党广告中讲话,反驳哈珀的说法。哈珀说,杜鲁多要取消耆老的收入分报计划。麦考莲说,那好像老年人接到欺诈电话,哈珀以此吓唬耆老。

民意调查显示,自由党有望组阁,有人在周三问杜鲁多,自由党有没有组织多数政府的可能。他回答说,他确实期待国民投自由党一票,期望组织多数政府。联邦新民主党领袖唐民凯(Tom Mulcair)则坚称,新民主党仍在竞赛,这次是三雄鼎立,他仍是击败哈珀的最佳人选。
I work for the Fed, but for the future of our kids, I already voted for Conservatives. The words that politically right does not mean it is the truth. Just politicians like to cover it up and never mention it.
I work for the Fed, but for the future of our kids, I already voted for Conservatives. The words that politically right does not mean it is the truth. Just politicians like to cover it up and never mention it.


Liberal campaign co-chair steps down after advising TransCanada on lobbying next government

Justin Trudeau's national campaign co-chair is stepping down after he sent a detailed email to people behind the Energy East pipeline with advice on how and when to lobby a new government — including a Liberal minority.

Earlier in the day the Liberals stood by Dan Gagnier, saying he did not break any ethical standards. But in a statement later Wednesday, Gagnier said he didn't want to be a distraction to the campaign.

"I deeply regret that the campaign has been affected by these negative, personal attacks," the statement reads.

"I have always conducted my business openly and in full accordance with the rules. In the best interests of the party, I have taken this decision. I continue to support Justin Trudeau and hope for a Liberal government on Oct. 19."

In a statement of its own, the Liberal party said it respects Gagnier's decision, but blames the controversy on the Conservatives and their "negative and mean-spirited politics."

In the email, a copy of which was obtained by The Canadian Press, Gagnier advises five TransCanada Corp. officials to target the right people in a new government as quickly as possible so they can help shape either Liberal or NDP decisions on a national energy strategy.

Such a lobbying effort would be needed to ensure the planned "in-service" dates of projects like Energy East aren't put at risk, the email said.

Getting this "early entry point" in any revisions to the rules governing the National Energy Board "is sensitive," but also an opportunity, it continues.

"If the premiers and the new PM want investment and jobs, they will have to provide a lead and an efficient time-frame for getting this done," Gagnier writes.

Near the end of the message, he notes that energy companies needed to act "uniformly" to work with a new government if the Conservatives lose the election on Oct. 19.

"An energy strategy for Canada is on the radar and we need a spear carrier for those in the industry who are part of the solution going forward rather than refusing to grasp the implications of a changing global reality," the email reads.

"The last point is critical as federal leadership and a discussion with premiers will take place early. This is where we can play and help them get things right."

Prior to his resignation, a Liberal spokeswoman said Gagnier's analysis in the email has "nothing to do with his volunteer role on the campaign," noting that he didn't advise Trudeau on energy issues.

"The analysis draws on his years of experience in public service, and is based on publicly available information describing possible scenarios that any new government may face," Zita Astravas said in an email.

"In all areas, we hold our campaign to the highest ethical standards. I would point out that both the Conservative and NDP campaigns include many consultants."

Gagnier has spent years in politics, including time working for the Privy Council Office, the central federal bureaucracy that supports the prime minister and cabinet.

He has also worked in the federal Department of Foreign Affairs and was twice chief of staff to former Quebec premier Jean Charest.

With only five days before election day, polls have put the Liberals and Conservatives in a tight race, with the Grits in sight of forming a minority government after Oct. 19.

Under the Constitution, Prime Minister Stephen Harper still has first dibs on forming a government should there be a hung Parliament where no one party has a majority. How that would happen, or how the Liberals or NDP would transition to a new government, is the focus of much of Gagnier's Oct. 12 email.

Gagnier also writes that a Liberal or NDP government would likely reduce the size of cabinet to about 25 ministers, which would make the finance minister a critical lobbying target.

Conservative campaign spokesman Stephen Lecce tried to link the email with past Liberal miscues, which occurred before Trudeau became an MP and, later, leader.

Lecce dismissed Trudeau and the Liberals as "a party run by elite insiders who sell their influence to the highest bidder to the detriment of taxpayers."

The argument that anyone could have written a similar analysis doesn't hold water, said the NDP's ethics critic, Charlie Angus.

The email suggests Gagnier was "signalling to his friends in 'Big Oil"' how to get in the good graces of the next government, should it not be Conservative, Angus said.

"It's a pretty lame excuse when you say anybody could have written this.... No, this was the co-chair of Trudeau's campaign," Angus said.

"Anybody could have written that, but nobody would have paid attention to it if a volunteer wrote it."

现在的骗子无孔不入,但是“哈伯不死,CBC死”, CBC死了谁来揭丑啊?