
我虽然不反对大麻要用, 但是也不相信政府说的理由成立,

大麻要真的要用, 使用提取物才是正招, 让人去吸大麻, 整个一个害人. 止痛, 需要的药用成分两是一致的(科学). 但是吸大麻, 要吸入更多的没用, 或者有害的成分进入肺部.
但是既然能medical use,说明它本身没有那么坏。而且既然已经indicate for medical use说明


你的意思是说, 大麻里药用成分就是大麻素? 哈哈
那不就正好, 直接上大麻素. 我在坛子里, 推荐了半天的大麻素, 中国产, 中东财团经营. 去吧
我虽然不反对大麻要用, 但是也不相信政府说的理由成立,

大麻要真的要用, 使用提取物才是正招, 让人去吸大麻, 整个一个害人. 止痛, 需要的药用成分两是一致的(科学). 但是吸大麻, 要吸入更多的没用, 或者有害的成分进入肺部.

所以我推荐 大麻素合法化, 不建议大麻合法化. 要来就来青纯的.
你的意思是说, 大麻里药用成分就是大麻素? 哈哈
那不就正好, 直接上大麻素. 我在坛子里, 推荐了半天的大麻素, 中国产, 中东财团经营. 去吧

我文章开头就说了大麻里面的actives太多了. According to WIKI, it is one of 483 known compounds in the plant, including at least 84 other cannabinoids, such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC), cannabidiol (CBD), cannabinol (CBN), cannabavarin (THCV), cannabigerol (CBG), cannabichromene (CBC), cannabicyclol (CBL), cannabitriol (CBT), and cannabielsoin, etc., etc. 至于哪个最起作用,and what kind of pharmacological effects, 通常的讲法是:tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) +Cannabidiol (CBD). 但是其它的都有weak pharmacological effects.

世界并不是按你我的逻辑变化, 所以你我的逻辑都不重要。
大麻合法在很多地方已经是现实。现实摆在那里,你可以闭上眼睛不看。 但是绝对挡不住变化
Nah, 您这就不科学了吧。 屠呦呦从青蒿里提取了青蒿素(Artemisinin)还得诺贝尔奖了呢。 青蒿素没提取的时候,也就是用水煮了煮吃掉的(但是有效成分青蒿素不溶于水且高温分解,所以没有提纯的青蒿素来的快)。 大麻也是这样。 直接吃各种有效成分(当然也有杂质)也都还在呢。
听Lowe Green说,自由党前财政部长,早就in大麻生意,就等着大麻合法化。不知真假,欢迎本坛肘子门去打假。



说的对啊,以后合法化了,某些人又在大放厥词说大麻危害小于烟酒,那要是家长本身是抽烟喝酒的,碰上孩子吸大麻还没法管了呢,咋管?孩子一句话就给你顶回来:你抽的烟比我吸的大麻还有毒呢,你还来管我 ?
我奉劝大家别太在意所谓披着科学外衣出来的统计结果,common sense最重要。。。 因为那些研究人员或有意或无知的玩弄数据。
我举个例子: 我们这政治斗争后,上任了个新老板。。。三个月后,政绩出来了:大事故、重大事故同比减少了50%。

Heroin本来就是a semi-synthetic opioid obtained from chemical synthesis by adding two (2) acetyl groups from opium poppy to make it more psychological potent。海洛因我是没听说过用来治病。大麻只是plant called canabis, a mixed combination of chemicals. 有效成分和非有效成分在一起的。也有药用提纯了的THC & CBD, etc.。 取决于intake route,不一定大麻里每一种成分都能被吸收的。大麻至少可是加拿大政府支持用来治病的。而且文献还说能治疗癌症,有抗氧化等功效。还在进行临床的验证。这东西,可真不是光用来止痛的。就这几点,已然证明它不是那么的糟糕了。你没听说过喝酒治疗癌症的吧。咖啡还上瘾戒不掉呢不是。告诉您,这可是秘方 ~no need to thank me.
Why marijuana is a concern
  • Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug in Canada, with 10.6% of Canadians reporting past-year use in 2012.

  • Canadian youth had the highest rate of past-year marijuana use in 2009–2010 (28%), compared to students in other developed countries.

  • A growing body of research suggests that marijuana use — particularly chronic use — can negatively affect mental and physical health, brain function (memory, attention and thinking) and driving performance.
Marijuana can also negatively affect the development and behaviour of children born to women who used the drug during pregnancy.

More details:
About Marijuana
What is marijuana?
Marijuana, hashish (hash) and hash oil come from cannabis sativa, a type of hemp plant. All three contain THC, a chemical that changes the way you think, feel and act. The word “cannabis” is used to refer to all three.

  • Marijuana is made from the dried leaves and flowering tops of the plant.
  • At a certain stage in the growth of the plant, before the flowers are mature,they become coated with a sticky resin. The resin can be dried to make hash.
  • Hemp can also be used to make rope, fabric and paper. When it is grown for this purpose, the amount of THC is too small for someone to use it to get high.
What does marijuana look like?

  • Marijuana is a green, brown or grey mixture of dried and shredded hemp leaves, stems, seeds and flowers.
  • Marijuana is often rolled in paper so it looks similar to a cigarette. A common slang name for this is a joint.
  • Hash is dark brown or black, and comes in solid chunks.
  • Hash oil is reddish-brown or green.
Street names:

Weed, herb, chronic, jay, bud, blunt, bomb, doobie, hydro, sinsemilla, hash, joint, pot, grass, reefer, Mary Jane (MJ), ganja, homegrown, dope, spliff

Did you know?

Cannabis sativa, cannabis indica and cannabis ruderalis have all been used for their intoxicating effects. When grown for industrial purposes, cannabis indica contains very little THC and could not be used to get high.

Who uses marijuana?

  • Marijuana is the most commonly used illegal drug in Canada.
  • Almost half (44%) of Canadians say they have used marijuana at least once in their lifetime.
  • In 2005, just over one-quarter (26.5%) of Ontario students (grades 7–12) said they had used marijuana in the past year, and one-third (31%) reported trying it at least once in their lifetime.
  • In Ontario, male students are more likely to use marijuana than females (28% versus 25%).
  • Students’ rates of marijuana use vary across Ontario: Toronto students are less likely to use it (20%) than students in the north (33%) or west (29%).
  • Three per cent of Grade 7 students have tried marijuana in the past year.
  • By the time they have reached Grade 12, nearly half (46%) of Ontario students have used marijuana in the past year.
  • About one in eight students (12%) who use marijuana use it every day. This is about three per cent of all grade 7 to 12 students in Ontario (about 33,200 students).
True or False?

  1. Marijuana is natural, so it can’t be bad for you.
  2. All marijuana is the same strength.
  3. One in five students (20%) who drive say they have driven within one hour of using marijuana.

  1. False. A lot of natural things are poisonous, like snake venom and certain plants. When you smoke marijuana, it releases harmful chemicals into your lungs.
  2. False. There is great variation in how strong marijuana can be.
  3. True. And what many people don’t know is that if you drive while you are high, you will be impaired.
Marijuana and its effects
Can you get addicted to marijuana?

Yes, you can. Some people have a hard time quitting and have to find treatment.

They may feel they need the drug, and get anxious when they don’t have any.

Some people who use a lot of marijuana every day and then quit suddenly may have problems sleeping. They may get anxious, irritable or nervous without the drug. Or they may have an upset stomach or lose their appetite. These symptoms rarely last more than a few days.

Is marijuana harmful?

Yes. If you smoke marijuana, it can harm you. Many people don’t know this, but marijuana smoke contains more tar and more of some cancer-causing chemicals than tobacco smoke.

Here are some other ways that marijuana use can harm you:

  • To get the maximum effect, people who smoke marijuana often inhale more deeply and hold the smoke in their lungs longer than tobacco smokers do. This increases the risk of cancer.
  • Smoking marijuana irritates your lungs and has been linked to chronic cough and bronchitis. It may also make asthma worse.
  • In people at high risk of developing schizophrenia, marijuana may bring on symptoms earlier.
  • If you're pregnant, the more marijuana you smoke, the more likely your baby will have problems (such as being too small).
  • Using a lot of marijuana for a long time may make it harder to pay attention, remember things and learn.
  • Large doses of marijuana can lead to “toxic psychosis.” This can cause people to hallucinate (see or hear things that aren’t really there), become paranoid (feel like people are out to get them) and believe things that aren’t true. These symptoms usually disappear within a week after the person stops using marijuana.
  • Marijuana that you buy illegally may contain other drugs, or harmful pesticides or fungus.
  • You may make decisions while using marijuana that you regret later.
  • Marijuana affects your co-ordination and makes it harder to concentrate and react. This makes it dangerous to do things like ride a bicycle, drive a car or operate machinery.
Fast facts

There are at least 400 chemicals in marijuana.

Did you know?

If you smoke marijuana, the effects last for several hours. But the THC (the main active ingredient) is stored in your fat cells and can stay in your body for days or weeks! This doesn’t mean that you would be high for weeks, but you would test positive on a drug test for THC weeks after you smoked marijuana.

How does marijuana make you feel?

Marijuana affects each person differently. How it affects you depends on:

  • how much you use
  • how strong it is
  • how often you use it
  • whether you smoke it or eat it
  • your mood and what you expect to happen when you take it
  • whether you have drunk alcohol or used other drugs when you take it.
If you use marijuana, you may:

  • feel more relaxed and less inhibited—or more anxious, confused, panicky or even paranoid
  • be more outgoing and talkative, and laugh more—or you may be quiet and withdrawn
  • find that time seems to pass more slowly and distances become distorted
  • have keener senses, such as sharpened hearing and vision
  • have trouble keeping your balance
  • have trouble thinking clearly, remembering things that just happened, and doing some tasks (e.g., homework)
  • want to eat a lot (get “the munchies”)
  • have a sore throat and lungs
  • have increased heart rate
  • feel sleepy as the drug wears off
  • hallucinate, especially if you use a lot of marijuana at one time
  • have a dry mouth and/or red eyes.
The dangers, medical uses, and the law
Is it dangerous to smoke marijuana and drive?

Yes. Marijuana makes it harder to concentrate, pay attention and tell how far away things are, for up to five hours after you use it. It also makes your hands less steady and slows your reaction time; this means you wouldn't be able to react as quickly to a sudden, unexpected emergency. Your risks go up when you combine smoking marijuana with drinking alcohol. All these things may make it harder to drive safely. There is no roadside breathalyzer test for marijuana. But specially trained police can tell if you are high, and you could be charged.

Are there medical uses for marijuana?

Yes. Research has shown that marijuana can relieve nausea and vomiting, and can help a person regain his or her appetite. This can be helpful for people with AIDS or those undergoing cancer treatment. Synthetic THC is used as a prescription medicine for people in these situations. Marijuana may also help relieve pain and reduce muscle spasms - but more research is needed to see how useful it is for these problems.

Fast facts

Health Canada has allowed some people with serious illnesses to grow marijuana for medical use. This is called a medical exemption.

Did you know?

Research shows that you have a greater chance of having a car crash when you drive after using marijuana. After alcohol, marijuana is the second most common drug found in dead and injured drivers.

Did you know?

Mixing marijuana and alcohol is more dangerous than using each drug separately. Mixing even small amounts of marijuana and alcohol can make it dangerous to drive. Many impaired drivers test positive for marijuana and alcohol together.

Can smoking marijuana affect my school performance?

THC remains in your brain for days or weeks, and may affect your memory, speech and learning. Using marijuana regularly also affects your thinking and can make you less motivated.

Is marijuana legal?

No. Marijuana possession is illegal in Canada. A first-time conviction for possessing 30 g or less of marijuana can result in a six-month prison sentence, a $1,000 fine or both. You will also have a criminal record, which may make it harder to get some jobs or to travel to another country. The maximum penalty for a second offence is a $2,000 fine and 12 months in prison. A change has been proposed in the law about possessing marijuana. The legal penalty for possession of small amounts would be reduced to a fine with no criminal record. Some people call this “decriminalization,” but possessing marijuana would still be illegal.

Fast facts

  • Most people convicted of possessing marijuana for the first time receive a fine or a discharge. Either way, you could end up with a criminal record.
  • The maximum penalty for growing marijuana is seven years in prison.
  • The maximum penalty for selling marijuana (called “trafficking”), or bringing it in or out of the country, is life in prison.
Did you know?

When you smoke marijuana, you risk getting arrested. In 2003, more than 41,000 Canadians were arrested for marijuana possession.

Reducing risks and getting help
How can I reduce my risks?

  • Don’t drive when you are high. To reduce risk even more, don’t drive for several hours after using marijuana.
  • Don’t get into a car with someone who has been using marijuana.
  • Don’t mix marijuana with alcohol or other drugs.
  • Don’t use marijuana before or during school.
  • Understand that smoking marijuana could get you arrested.
  • Choose not to use marijuana.
  • Get help if you think your marijuana use is getting out of control.
How can I get help?

Do you, a family member or a friend have a problem with substance use? If you want help, you may want to talk to someone you trust, such as your doctor, a teacher, a health nurse, or a guidance or addiction counselor. You might also want to contact an addiction assessment centre or a self-help group (look in the Yellow Pages of your phone book under “Addictions”). Here are some other places to look for help:

  • Centre for Addiction and Mental Health’s Information Centre at 1 800 463-6273
  • Kids Help Phone at 1 800 668-6868
  • Ontario Drug and Alcohol Registry of Treatment at 1 800 565-8603 or www.dart.on.ca.