[公告] 愿意签名的请进来-促使移民局加快公民申请办理进度!

I got the following information from RCMP website:

CFSS processes more than 15,000 criminal record searches each month. The processing time is currently in excess of one hundred and fifty (150) days from receipt of an application. Note that processing time can vary due to incoming workloads.

If you are asked for fingerprint, your application could be delayed at least half year but it beyond CIC's control. Therefore, we need to think the timeline reasonably. I think it is normal for 12 to 14 months in Ottawa
若你是抱怨说太慢了, 他们会答复你workload 太多, 人手不够. 当你说我急着入籍好去美国或中国工作, 那...
最初由 deepbluesee 发布
若你是抱怨说太慢了, 他们会答复你workload 太多, 人手不够. 当你说我急着入籍好去美国或中国工作, 那...






Dear Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada,

We hope all is well with you.

We send you this letter as immigrants of Canada, and trust that you will give it due consideration.

One of the reasons Canada is so loved and respected by immigrants like us is its efficient government. When we come to Canada we embrace it as our new home and after the required length of time, we proudly and excitedly apply for our Canadian citizenship. For reasons unknown to us or to our friends and acquaintances in the same situation, we are encountering extremely long delays in the processing of our citizenship applications, particularly in Ottawa. According to the CIC Ottawa office, the present average processing time in Ottawa is at least 12-15 months, and it is becoming even longer. We know of an individual who has been waiting for 16 months, another for 19 months. Some people have been waiting for their citizenship tests for half a year, after passing the background security checks. In one case an applicant’s security checks were done twice because the first one expired during the long wait before the next step. We understand and agree with the need for security checks, however the problem appears to be occurring for some after passing the required checks. In speaking with friends in Toronto and Montreal the same bottlenecks do not appear to be occurring, and citizenship applications are being process in an average of just 6 to 8 months.

Such extremely lengthy processes severely impact our lives and opportunities. Many of us are sadly still ineligible to exercise the right of all Canadians living in Ontario to vote in this upcoming provincial election, and might also ineligible to vote in the federal election in next year. In addition, potential work opportunities in this difficult economic downturn are being lost. The apparent inconsistencies in processing times depending on location, does little to uphold the notion that government bureaucracy in Canada is minimal as compared to the countries we have left behind in hopes of a new future. One might also boldly ask about how fair it is for all. We say boldly because it is not allowed to ask such questions in some countries, and we love that Canada gives its citizens these rights.

Could we ask you please, to respond the following questions we respectfully ask?
1) Why is the process12-15 months and even longer in Ottawa, while it is just 6-8 months in other places?
2) Are we being unreasonable in hoping to be treated the same regardless of where we happen to live?
3) Is there any non-legal recourse for others and us to determine why our applications are being held up here in Ottawa in particular? Is legal recourse available to us prior to becoming citizens?
4) Are these sorts of application delays monitored and reported on, and if so, who receives this information?
5) Will actions be taken to understand and address the application delays (particularly those occurring after security checks have been completed)?
6) Is it possible that the process could be more transparent, with a time regulation and accountable monitoring system for the process?

We trust you will respond as quickly as possible, and look forward to your response.

Thank you very much for your time and for your consideration of these concerns, Minister!


(Names and Signatures as follows)

Returning address: ... ...


Member of Parliament for Ottawa Area:
Mauril Bélanger, (613) 992-6448
Eugène Bellemare, (613) 995-6298
Marlene Catterall, (613) 996-9880
Hon. John Manley, (613) 995-1534

Member of Provincial Parliament for Ottawa Area:
Claudette BOYER, (613) 744-0889
Hon. Brian COBURN, (613) 834-7647
Garry GUZZO, (613) 224-3306
Dalton MCGUINTY, (613) 736-7374
Richard PATTEN, (613) 722-6703
最初由 deepbluesee 发布
若你是抱怨说太慢了, 他们会答复你workload 太多, 人手不够. 当你说我急着入籍好去美国或中国工作, 那...


再者, 如果急于入籍的目的是要赶快回国或者去美国, 这也违反了加拿大增加移民的初衷。加拿大没有义务要接纳我们, 更不要说还必须快速地接纳。

我虽然等了19个月才拿到公民, 但我对加拿大还是心怀感激。在加拿大从申请移民到拿到公民大约是6年,但是在美国要10年以上。
I think the point here is why it is much slower than other areas.
问题是12-15个月的处理时间是不是正常? 一般这个时间跨度会很大,你们听说其他地方有人6-8个月拿到了, 并不表明12-15个月就不正常了. 从法律角度说, 加拿大政府没有根据去限制你的去向. 但你忘了政府移民的目的是什么? 若你敢将要回国或到美国工作做理由写入信中, 我也来签个字.
Re: 致移民部长的请求信----征集签名

最初由 jov 发布



Dear Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada,

We hope all is well with you.

We send you this letter as immigrants of Canada, and trust that you will give it due consideration.

One of the reasons Canada is so loved and respected by immigrants like us is its efficient government. When we come to Canada we embrace it as our new home and after the required length of time, we proudly and excitedly apply for our Canadian citizenship. For reasons unknown to us or to our friends and acquaintances in the same situation, we are encountering extremely long delays in the processing of our citizenship applications, particularly in Ottawa. According to the CIC Ottawa office, the present average processing time in Ottawa is at least 12-15 months, and it is becoming even longer. We know of an individual who has been waiting for 16 months, another for 19 months. Some people have been waiting for their citizenship tests for half a year, after passing the background security checks. In one case an applicant’s security checks were done twice because the first one expired during the long wait before the next step. We understand and agree with the need for security checks, however the problem appears to be occurring for some after passing the required checks. In speaking with friends in Toronto and Montreal the same bottlenecks do not appear to be occurring, and citizenship applications are being process in an average of just 6 to 8 months.

Such extremely lengthy processes severely impact our lives and opportunities. Many of us are sadly still ineligible to exercise the right of all Canadians living in Ontario to vote in this upcoming provincial election, and might also ineligible to vote in the federal election in next year. In addition, potential work opportunities in this difficult economic downturn are being lost. The apparent inconsistencies in processing times depending on location, does little to uphold the notion that government bureaucracy in Canada is minimal as compared to the countries we have left behind in hopes of a new future. One might also boldly ask about how fair it is for all. We say boldly because it is not allowed to ask such questions in some countries, and we love that Canada gives its citizens these rights.

Could we ask you please, to respond the following questions we respectfully ask?
1) Why is the process12-15 months and even longer in Ottawa, while it is just 6-8 months in other places?
2) Are we being unreasonable in hoping to be treated the same regardless of where we happen to live?
3) Is there any non-legal recourse for others and us to determine why our applications are being held up here in Ottawa in particular? Is legal recourse available to us prior to becoming citizens?
4) Are these sorts of application delays monitored and reported on, and if so, who receives this information?
5) Will actions be taken to understand and address the application delays (particularly those occurring after security checks have been completed)?
6) Is it possible that the process could be more transparent, with a time regulation and accountable monitoring system for the process?

We trust you will respond as quickly as possible, and look forward to your response.

Thank you very much for your time and for your consideration of these concerns, Minister!


(Names and Signatures as follows)

Returning address: ... ...


Member of Parliament for Ottawa Area:
Mauril Bélanger, (613) 992-6448
Eugène Bellemare, (613) 995-6298
Marlene Catterall, (613) 996-9880
Hon. John Manley, (613) 995-1534

Member of Provincial Parliament for Ottawa Area:
Claudette BOYER, (613) 744-0889
Hon. Brian COBURN, (613) 834-7647
Garry GUZZO, (613) 224-3306
Dalton MCGUINTY, (613) 736-7374
Richard PATTEN, (613) 722-6703
