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最初由 dingdong 发布
Can anyone have a professional editor to proofread the letter?
The Honourable Denis Coderre, P.C., M.P.
Minister of Citizenship and Immigration Canada
Ottawa, Ontario
K1A 1L1
Dear Honourable Coderre,
Re: Citizenship processing speed problem in Ottawa, group complaint letter
We are sending you this letter as a group of immigrants of Canada, and trust that you will give it due consideration.
We have a common complaint that we are bringing to you with this letter. We have serious concerns over the slow processing of our citizenship applications in Ottawa, compared with Toronto and Montreal. We understand there is a central processing centre in Sydney, NS and only the citizenship test and the ceremony will be held in local CIC office. We have compared the average processing time in three major cities, Montreal, Toronto, and Ottawa. Our research indicates that Montreal and Toronto residence usually wait about six to eight months for their citizenship application to be finalized, while in Ottawa, we wait twelve to sixteen months. Among the people whose signature we have collected below, some have waited for 16 months, even 19 months.
This abnormal delay in processing has severe impact on our lives and job opportunities. First, we are been deprived of our citizens’ right to vote. At the moment, we are not eligible for the Ontario provincial election, and might also miss the opportunity to vote in future federal election. Second, we may lose job opportunities, since all federal job openings favour Canadian citizen. Yet the Federal government is the single biggest employer in this town. We can’t take advantage of the NAFTA neither without a Canadian citizenship, in terms of traveling and job searching within North America. Third, it adds unnecessary workload for both the applicants and the CIC that we now would have to apply for our Permanent Resident Card if we do not get our citizenship by December 31, 2003.
We, as a group of immigrants anxiously waiting for our citizenship application to be finalized, would like you to treat our request with priority and finalize our application as soon as possible. We hope you will respond as soon as possible and we will hold off contacting the media at this time.
Names and Signatures follow on next page