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Trump recorded discussing paying for Playboy model's story of affair
President's onetime lawyer Michael Cohen had secretly recorded the conversation in 2016

A secretly recorded tape of Donald Trump by his longtime personal lawyer was played on CNN Tuesday night in which the two can be heard talking about a potential payment for a Playboy model's story about an alleged affair and the soon-to-be president is heard discussing whether to "pay with cash."

The audio recording, surreptitiously made by Trump's former personal lawyer Michael Cohen two months before the 2016 presidential election, was provided to CNN by Cohen's attorney, Lanny Davis.

The conversation between Trump and Cohen came weeks after the National Enquirer's parent company reached a $150,000 deal to pay former Playboy model Karen McDougal for her story of a 2006 affair, which it never published, a tabloid practice known as catch and kill. Trump denies the affair ever happened and his campaign had said he knew nothing about the payment.

Trump and Cohen appear to be discussing buying the rights to McDougal's story from the Enquirer's parent company.


Trump lawyer audiotape reveals alleged payment conversation

00:00 00:44

'So what do we got to pay for this, one-fifty?': Trump to then lawyer Michael Cohen about $150K figure 0:44
Cohen can be heard on the tape saying that he needed to start a company "for the transfer of all of that info regarding our friend David," a possible reference to David Pecker, Trump's friend and president of the National Enquirer's parent company, American Media Inc.

When Cohen begins to discuss financing, Trump interrupts him and asks, "What financing?"

"We'll have to pay," Cohen responded.

The audio is muffled, but Trump can be heard saying "pay with cash," though it isn't clear if he is suggesting to pay with cash or not to pay with cash. Cohen immediately says, "No, no, no" and Trump can then be heard saying, "check" or "cheque."

Trump fired back at Cohen over the recording on Wednesday morning.

"What kind of lawyer would tape a client? So sad!" the president wrote on Twitter.

Trump's current attorney, Rudy Giuliani, told The Associated Press that he's had an expert enhance the recording and the president says "don't pay with cash."

"It clearly indicates that the president did not want to pay with cash. Suggesting otherwise is ridiculous and is inconsistent with the rest of the conversation, during which it was discussed doing it through a corporation," Giuliani said.


President Donald Trump's lawyer Rudy Giuliani said Cohen, as Trump's lawyer, thought it would be best if he could buy the rights to Karen McDougal's story. (Susan Walsh/Associated Press)
Giuliani said Cohen, as Trump's lawyer, thought it would be best if he could buy the rights to McDougal's story and the recording captures the two of them discussing how to do that.

"Cohen says I have to pay him. The president brings up cash and says don't pay with cash and says 'cheque,' He wants it memorialized," Giuliani said. "Cohen then says 'No, no, no, no' and he cuts off the tape. He obviously cuts it off in mid-sentence and that in itself is suspicious."

"The president wanted to do it the right way. If you wanted to hide something, you would not do it by corporation or check," he said.

'Listen to the tape'
The payment was never made and Giuliani said he didn't know why that was the case and hadn't discussed it with Trump.

"Listen to the tape. Donald Trump is not shocked money is being paid about someone named Karen McDougal," Davis said during an interview with CNN.

Davis said his client — who is under investigation by federal officials in New York — "has been disparaged and insulted and called all kinds of things."

"He's got truth on his side and he'll continue to tell the truth," Davis said.

Davis did not immediately respond to a request for comment from the AP on Tuesday night.

A dozen audio recordings
American Media, Inc.'s payment effectively silenced McDougal through the election, though days beforehand news of the deal emerged in The Wall Street Journal. At the time, a Trump spokesperson said his campaign had "no knowledge of any of this."

The FBI raided Cohen's office, home and hotel room in April, searching in part for information about payments to McDougal and porn actress Stormy Daniels, who says she had a sexual relationship with Trump in 2006 — which Trump denies — and was paid $130,000 as part of a non-disclosure agreement signed days before the 2016 election.


Karen McDougal is shown at a 2004 event in Hollywood, Calif. (Cherie Steinberg/Getty Images)
A dozen audio recordings seized during those raids were forwarded to federal prosecutors last week after lawyers dropped challenges on attorney-client privilege grounds.

Giuliani said those recordings captured Cohen discussing the president with third parties, who he would not identify. They are also being enhanced by experts, he said.

Trump and Cohen can also be heard on the recording released Tuesday discussing other legal issues, including fighting a request by The New York Times to unseal court records concerning Trump's divorce from his first wife, Ivana.
@向问天 你的截屏澳特了。这年头,村长书记们打电话来约去98,你没个录音你都不好意思说是体制内的。
@2018 @冷笑六声
Trump 昨天“焦头烂额”,被自己的前私人律师曝料:



Cohen claims Trump knew of 2016 Trump Tower meeting ahead of time: report
President Trump's former longtime personal attorney Michael Cohen claims that Trump had prior knowledge of the infamous June 2016 Trump Tower meeting between Trump campaign officials and a Russian lawyer, CNN reported Thursday.

Sources told CNN that Cohen claims that he was with Trump when Donald Trump Jr. told him of the offer from Russians and that Trump approved going ahead with the meeting.

CNN reported that Cohen does not have evidence to back up his story, such as audio recordings, but that he is willing to discuss it with special counsel Robert Mueller, who is investigating any ties between the Trump campaign and Russia.

Trump's personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani pushed back on the report during an appearance Thursday night on CNN's "Cuomo Prime Time," pointing to past denials that Trump had advance knowledge of the Trump Tower meeting.
2018-07-29 16:37:56 来源: 中央广电总台国际在线


  英国路透社日前报道,美国参议院7月26日通过了一个名为Miscellaneous Tariff Bill的法案,中文称为“综合关税法案”或“关税杂项法案”。报道的标题颇有意味地用了个修饰词“quietly”(静悄悄地)——《美参议院悄悄通过立法降低数百种中国商品的关税》。




  第一层:法案一致通过,连争论都没有(“With no debate,the Senate unaminously passed a bill”);




  毕竟,到访美国的欧盟委员会主席容克,不仅得到了美国媒体浓墨重彩的报道,更在特朗普的推特上,将白宫玫瑰园的浪漫延续了下去——《经济学人》给这次见面取了个唯美贴切的标题:Sealed with a kiss(以吻封缄)。(哈哈哈,莫名觉得这首欧美经典情歌用在这里居然有说不出的贴切,《经济学人》取标题的能力也真是要给个大写的服字!)






  1.从法案本身来看,据美国国会官网显示,其最早提交到众议院的时间是2017年9月11日(对应法案流程的第一步“Introduced”);下一节点是2018年1月16日,应该也就是众议院进行讨论并通过的日期,此后就是1月17日,从这一天起,处理者由众议院变成了参议院(对应流程的第二步“Passed House”);再下一个节点就是2018年7月26日了。

  也就是说,这一法案从正式提出到现在,已经历时10个多月。这么长的时间段、这么重要的议题、这么敏感的时期,白宫或特朗普本人不可能不关注,也就不可能不施加影响。此外,如果说众议院的共和党优势还不够明显,共和党目前在参议院还是很有话语权,再考虑到特朗普声称的自己在共和党内的支持率,如果特朗普反对,参议院对这一法案不可能无争议地“一致通过”。这只能说明 ,法案内容及通过都是出自白宫的授意,或者至少说,是在特朗普不反对的状态下进行的。

  2.从英国媒体的报道切入点来看,英国作为欧洲国家的重要代表(虽然英国已经发布了脱欧白皮书,但是在欧盟的官网上,欧盟的28个国家里,目前仍然是包括了United Kingdom的),对美国对外咋咋呼呼给各国添乱、实际上不动声色自有打算的做法并不感冒。管中窥豹,或可判断容克代表欧盟刚刚表过的态的不确定性将进一步上升,除了德国、法国之外,英国也不可能真的跟美国好到一个鼻孔出气。更不要说在欧盟内部农业出口占大头的其他国家。



  白宫及特朗普近期的表现看似散乱反复,实际上并非无迹可循。有个重要的样本,就是特朗普本人的作品《交易的艺术》(The Art of the Deal)。他在书中回顾自己各种交易经历,总结出11条重要步骤。



  1.Think Big(敢于想得大)

  贸易战这种手段,在国际经济博弈中并不罕见。但是上来就抛出几千亿美元的价码,对象还是仅次于自己的第二大经济体,这确实也无愧于think big了。这样一个大目标,自从提出的那一刻起,得到的关注就能为其增加不少政治筹码,如果打击手段有用,哪怕是兑现承诺的一小部分,都将为“再造美国辉煌”的宣言镀上夺目的金边;即使没有达到预期打击效果,也能威慑到众多实力稍弱或者对美国依存度较高的国家,再次巩固其国际社会的老大地位,甚至改写多边贸易体制的现有规则。

  2.Protect downside and the upside will take care of itself(保护好短板,长项自然不会有问题)


  3.Maximize Your Options(让你的选择尽可能最大化)


  4.Use your leverage(用好你的杠杆)



  特朗普1987年写出的这本书,书名The Art of the Deal不由得不让人联想起另一本书的名字:The Art of War,也就是《孙子兵法》。这部中国古代的著名兵法书,同样也是沃顿商学院的书目,1968年,特朗普正是从这里毕业,进入其父的房地产公司开始了自己的生意。










过两天,就变成“我就collision了,你能怎么着吧(so what)?!”
我要是特朗普智囊,赶紧的请普京一块谈判,年底必须的双普会::monster: 一是弄个美俄战略合作伙伴压一压中国,二是给北约施压多凑点份子钱,三是再玩玩消减过期核武器库存的游戏、砸实诺贝尔和平奖,四是启动美俄经济贸易0关税0补贴谈判,送普京一个大饼、替自己还个人情,美国农民面前抖一抖,五是是即使通俄门被证实,那也是为了美国国家利益的前瞻战略。:evil:
@向问天 你们毛左们给看看靠谱么?