先跟大家通报一下, 我已经和律师多次沟通过, 律师非常不错,给我不少好的建议。现在我也已经根据Consumer Protection Act 里面按照消费者具有30天内无条件取消合同的条款将此事向consumer Protection报告并且拿到reference # 了。VIP Group让我把告到消费者协会的文件给他们这样可以帮我向OLM要求拿回deposit. 但我现在遇到几个问题, 已经问了VIP Group Buy但还没收到回复。这些问题也是律师和Consumer Protection需要我向VIP Group Buy了解的。以下就是我问VIP Group Buy的问题, 特加上中文方便大家给我一些建议。先谢谢。
1. since I did not pay a fee to the VIP Group Buy, do I consider a member of the group buy or do I consider as a customer?
我和VIP Goup Buy 之间没有任何会费关系, 那么我算它这个组织的会员还是顾客?
2. What is the relationship between VIP Group Buy and OLM? Are you partners? Or is OLM hired as sub-contractor by you?
VIP Goup Buy和OLM 之间是什么关系? 是合伙人, 还是说OLM是VIP Group 请的分包商?
3. Do OLM pay a fee to you to get business through you?
OLM 通过 VIP group buy 获得客户, 需要向VIP Group Buy 交纳手续费或其他费用吗?
4. Do you protect my interest in any way? As you know, even for amazon or any website that sell goods or services to on-line customers, customers gets their money back when the goods/services were not delivered. Do you have the same policy?
VIP group buy 会保护我作为消费者的权益吗?就像我们在Amazon上面买东西, 作为消费者, 我们如果交了钱在订单里都标明的预计送达时间没收到货物或者服务, 是可以无条件拿回已交货款的。那么VIP Group Buy 有同样的客户保障条款吗?