再次请教大家:CFC 2017 landscaping 园林改造团购请了一家收钱不服务的公司, 并想请大家帮我解读一下这里面的关系

什么VIP团购?CFC上的不实信息,中国人喜欢贪图小便宜,结果吃亏了,当你人生一个教训吧。我家也做landscaping,我找谁来做?一看网上reviews,二看邻里街坊的工程效果,这是关键决定因素。西人公司的报价也能讨价还价,别信狗屁团购。我找的landscaping是渥村排名前10的landscaping,付款方式工程进行一半时支付50%,工程全部完工交付后再付余下50%。活做的效果高大上,我们非常满意,干活的都是白人小伙子,干活很卖力,用料足,工头就是老板的合伙人负责工程施工的是天天监督,每天收工时如果我们在场都会向我们汇报与交流,老板在铺石材之前还来double check,给大家借鉴。
楼主 , 最终结果如何?
Vip group buy 就是为了多赚钱,可惜大家上大当以后才认识到。
business is business is business
group buy is business so......
There are some problems instead of a problem:
1. VIP Group Never told you it is their business and kept saying they are sacrificing their time to help Chinese home owners getting better deal. The nature of the business was not group buy but a group of salespersons trying to get more commission by the method of misleading.
2. They imagined they were a group of experts who can know all trades well but in fact they had no experience at all. The only thing they know is just google and re-edit words from internet.
3. VIP is not history, same type of business may still running!