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我的 新书短篇小说集《玫红色的艾玛》近日出版并在Amazon世界各地网站上架销售。加拿大Amazon链接如下:
Amazon搜索词:Dudu, Dudu fiction, Zhanqing Du, Dudu Anthology, Emma in Rose
渥太华的村民欲购买签名书,可直接与作者我联络,请加我微信 dudu201311
此书收录了我的50余篇小说,时间跨度较大。 移民们把他乡做故乡,落地生根过程中所遭遇的悲欢离合、爱恨情仇、心路历程等在书中有多方位体现。
英文简介:The anthology collects over 50 short fictions by DuDu (Zhanqing Du). Her main characters focused on the Chinese immigrants with different social classes, different ages, different occupations and different genders, who settled down and started their new life overseas. These stories not only gave a panoramic view of the new immigrants culture clashes, sense and sensibility, love and hate, life and death in the adaption stages from an apprehensive newcomer to a confident citizen in their beloved second homeland, but also sketched many colourful facets of humanities as well as the exotic overseas life style to her readers. The book vividly manifests that the two opposite sides in our human nature are universal and inter-changeable, and prevailing despite of culture and distance. This book is written in Chinese.
Amazon搜索词:Dudu, Dudu fiction, Zhanqing Du, Dudu Anthology, Emma in Rose
渥太华的村民欲购买签名书,可直接与作者我联络,请加我微信 dudu201311
此书收录了我的50余篇小说,时间跨度较大。 移民们把他乡做故乡,落地生根过程中所遭遇的悲欢离合、爱恨情仇、心路历程等在书中有多方位体现。
英文简介:The anthology collects over 50 short fictions by DuDu (Zhanqing Du). Her main characters focused on the Chinese immigrants with different social classes, different ages, different occupations and different genders, who settled down and started their new life overseas. These stories not only gave a panoramic view of the new immigrants culture clashes, sense and sensibility, love and hate, life and death in the adaption stages from an apprehensive newcomer to a confident citizen in their beloved second homeland, but also sketched many colourful facets of humanities as well as the exotic overseas life style to her readers. The book vividly manifests that the two opposite sides in our human nature are universal and inter-changeable, and prevailing despite of culture and distance. This book is written in Chinese.