谢谢解释,能给个出处吗?说实话,我还是不明白你这$2000到底是什么东西?觉得是fake news。
这话讲的,水分太大了。现在真对你的 所谓大数据怀疑了.. 你不是故意误导大家吧?
福总把原来强制性收取的学生校园活动杂费改为志愿性质。这笔钱加上减免的10%的学费,总数一年$2000左右。现在最抓狂的是原来控制使用这笔经费的校园学生会。有些大学的这些团体做很多和校园根本不搭界的事情比如建立社会范围的食物银行,参与联邦,省,市各级政治活动,个人兴趣爱好体育等等。。。 如果谁要搞啥比如体育兴趣爱好或有政治倾向的活动,请志同道合的人自己出钱凑份子,别用所有学生的钱给自己贴金。
Voluntary Student Unionism
Finally, the Ford government announced the introduction of voluntary student unionism. The APUO vehemently opposes this announcement. Student unions play a crucial role in influencing post-secondary education policies in the province, and across the country. Under the previous government, the now reversed reforms to the OSAP program helped to improve access to post-secondary education for students from low-income families. The introduction of a more generous grants program, prioritizing the needs of students with financial need was the result of research and lobbying efforts by the student movement.
At the University of Ottawa, the Student Federation of the University of Ottawa and the Graduate Students’ Association provide essential services to the community, including a Food Bank (which was the second most visited Food Bank in Ottawa in 2014), the Student Rights Centre, the Centre for Students with Disabilities, the Pride Centre, and the Women’s Resource Centre. These two student unions have also consistently supported the APUO and other campus labour unions during collective bargaining.
The introduction of voluntary student unionism will mean that student unions across the province will have no guaranteed income. Many will cease to be able to deliver effectively services that are crucial to the community. Equally importantly, they will lose the resources that they have currently to advocate on behalf of the student body. Similar legislation introduced in the United States led to the collapse of the student movement. It is clear to the APUO that the Ford government is attempting to dismantle its opposition at the same time that it is unleashing a series of attacks on the post-secondary education sector.
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