

Budget watchdog says carbon rebate will be higher than carbon tax for most people
Canada's budget watchdog agrees with the federal government's claim that Canadians are going to get more from the climate change tax rebate than they are paying in carbon tax.

The PBO report says over the next five years all but the wealthiest 20 per cent of Canadian households will get more back from the rebate than they will pay in carbon tax.

The rebates are the same regardless of income, but wealthier Canadians tend to own bigger homes, drive more and bigger cars, and consume more products, all of which contribute to a higher carbon tax total.

In Saskatchewan for instance, the average household is expected to pay $425 in carbon tax this year, and will get $598 back from the rebate. In Ontario, the average cost will be $256, and the average rebate $300. In Manitoba, the average cost will be $260 and the average rebate $336, and in New Brunswick the average cost will be $193 and the average rebate $248.
The benefits also grow almost every year, across every income group. By 2023-24, the PBO predicts the lowest-income households in Saskatchewan will get $131 more in rebates than they pay in carbon tax. In Manitoba, that group will be $214 better off; in Ontario, $195; and New Brunswick, $143.


The Parliamentary Budget Officer provides independent analysis on the state of the nation's finances, the government's estimates and trends in the Canadian economy; and upon request, estimates the cost of any proposal under Parliament's jurisdiction.
The wealthiest families in Saskatchewan, Ontario and New Brunswick will pay between $13 and $50 more in carbon tax than they receive from the rebate. In Manitoba, the wealthiest families will still be better off by $37, the PBO says.




According to 11 out of every 10 economists, the best way to reduce carbon dioxide emissions is to implement a carbon tax. Or, if you happen to be a Liberal prime minister or MP: “putting a price on pollution.”

As has been repeatedly drilled into Canadians over the past several years, carbon taxes are supposed to be the most efficient, least costly and entirely revenue-neutral solution to fighting climate change. We know this because Ottawa tells us so. As does the self-appointed Ecofiscal Commission. And an apparently endless series of experts, self-appointed and otherwise. Got that? Carbon taxes are the best of all possible options.

So then why are Canadians getting carbon taxes plus all other tax, subsidy and regulatory options? Isn’t that the worst of all possible worlds?


The public face of Ottawa’s carbon-pricing plan recently imposed on New Brunswick, Ontario, Manitoba and Saskatchewan (and perhaps Alberta in short order) has two parts. First is a tax on hydrocarbon fuels and energy used by consumers and small-and-medium sized businesses — with Ottawa promising most families getting back more than they paid in “climate action dividends.” Then there’s a separate scheme for big business, which had the foresight (and lobbying muscle) to arrange for itself a deal that sees up to 90 per cent of its costs returned via rebates and subsidies.

Setting aside the question of whether it’s fair that small-and-medium sized business owners alone get stuck with the bill for carbon taxation, this policy is supposed to replace a whole host of inefficient and costly regulations.

“Regulations are more expensive than carbon pricing,” the Ecofiscal Commission reminds us in a recent release touting the benefits of taxing carbon. Earlier this year, 27 Nobel Prize-winning economists made the same argument in support of a similar U.S. carbon tax proposal. “A sufficiently robust and gradually rising carbon tax will replace the need for various carbon regulations that are less efficient,” the economic experts advised.


A placard is held high at an anti-carbon tax rally in Calgary on Oct. 5, 2018. Leah Hennel/Postmedia News

Carbon taxes are thus an economic ideal that is supposed to avoid the need for inefficient and costly government regulations.

Funny thing, though. Alongside its new carbon taxes, Ottawa is also unleashing a host of new carbon-fighting regulations, covering such things as methane, coal and all other fossil fuels as well as costly energy efficiency programs and even buying CO2 emission offsets — so called “hot air” — from other countries. But the most significant of these is the federal government’s upcoming Clean Fuel Standard. It’s a minefield of hidden costs, new regulatory burdens, inter-government duplication and bureaucratic uncertainty.

Under the proposed Clean Fuel Standard, all firms that produce or import liquid, gaseous or solid fuel in Canada will have to reduce the carbon intensity of their product by 11 per cent come 2030: either by blending in lower carbon alternatives (such as ethanol into gasoline), changing their processes or switching to renewable energy. They can also buy credits from other firms to cover their obligations. This can be expensive. While Ottawa’s direct carbon tax is set to rise to $50 per tonne by 2022, the future cost of a Clean Fuel Standard credit is estimated at between $150/tonne and $180/tonne.


This means the government’s added cost on a litre of fuel will keep going up for all Canadians. A report by Navius Research pegs the ultimate impact of the Clean Fuel Standard on gas prices at about 5¢ per litre, or slightly more than Ottawa’s carbon tax just added at the pump. Diesel will rise by 7.5¢/L. Natural gas is also rising. But Canadian families will not get a “climate action incentive” to compensate them for these hidden increases. In a further blow to transparency, electric vehicle manufacturers will be allowed to generate credits to sell to needy fuel producers — a secret gift to make up for the potential disappearance of electric car subsidies due to their political unpopularity.

These changing fuel rules will inevitably push up demand for ethanol and other biofuels, with all the unintended consequences this entails in terms of land use and food costs. However, these potentially damaging upstream land-use effects will be ignored under the Clean Fuel Standards.


Most worrisome of all is that this regulatory monstrosity will be stacked on top of all existing rules. The federal Renewable Fuels Regulation, for example, currently mandates all gasoline sold in Canada must contain five per cent renewable content by volume. However, the Clean Fuel Standard regulates on the basis of carbon intensity, rather than volume. So, Ottawa will have overlapping regulations doing different things at the same time. Plus, B.C. already operates its own clean fuel standard, but it’s unclear how this will interact with the federal system — although Ottawa has said it will not accept credits generated from provincial programs.

Having sold carbon taxes to Canadians on the basis that they’re better than all the alternatives, the federal Liberals are now giving us all the horrible alternatives as well. We’re getting carbon taxes plus new regulations plus old regulations plus the unintended consequences of how all this will interact. And that’s neither efficient, transparent nor ideal. But it will make energy in Canada hopelessly expensive.

— Peter Shawn Taylor is a journalist, policy analyst and contributing writer to Canadians for Affordable Energy.
应该叫carbon benefit,或者黑碳金?