Ont. public elementary teachers vote 98 per cent in favour of strike action



Allison Jones, The Canadian Press
Published Friday, November 1, 2019 10:55AM EDT
Last Updated Friday, November 1, 2019 11:19AM EDT

TORONTO -- Public elementary teachers and education workers in Ontario have voted 98 per cent in favour of a strike should it become necessary, with the union representing them calling the result an "overwhelming" mandate.

The Elementary Teachers' Federation of Ontario said Friday talks with the province at the central bargaining table have not progressed in any meaningful way. The union said almost every issue -- from class sizes to salary -- has become a sticking point in the negotiations.

ETFO president Sam Hammond would not lay out a timeline for a potential strike, but he said the union would meet with a conciliator on Monday
Over the next four years, Ontario high school students will lose 25 per cent of their teachers. That adds up to almost 10,000 teaching positions removed from our schools. Ten thousand fewer adults teaching courses, taking extra time to help students, coaching sports, and overseeing clubs and other student activities. Tens of thousands of course options will no longer be available to students. Thousands of support staff positions – professionals who work mostly with special needs students or students with mental health challenges – are also being eliminated.

Just a few weeks into the first year of this ill-conceived plan we are already feeling a profound impact in our schools. Across the province we’ve seen classes crammed with as many as 40 or 45 students. We’re seeing “stacked” classes, with a single teacher instructing multiple grades and curriculums – usually two or three, but in some cases as many as four – in a single period. Students with special needs have lost access to the support staff who gave them an equitable opportunity for success. Countless students are unable to fill their timetables or denied access to courses they will need in order to graduate.

As chaotic as things have been these past few weeks, that chaos will only get much, much worse over the next four years. By the time the 2022-23 school year rolls around, the cuts will be much deeper and the turmoil in our schools will have become unmanageable.
Students and educators, however, will not be the only ones to feel the negative effects of this government’s missteps. In June the Conference Board of Canada released a report entitled The Economic Case for Investing in Education. Their research found that each dollar invested in public education in Ontario generates $1.30 in economic growth. This positive impact is amplified by the fact that the higher graduation rates that come with more investment in education can save the province millions of dollars every year on costs associated with healthcare, criminal justice, and social assistance. Unfortunately, the exact opposite is also true. When investment is removed from the education system, as the Ford government is doing, the economy shrinks and costs increase.
Public System such as 公立教育系统,医疗系统,基础设施等等,对普通中产阶级来说致关重要。跟着富人喊私有化,他们私有化得起,估计还可以捞了大把好处,普通中产喊属于被人卖了还帮人数钱的。
