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- 2002-10-07
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【加拿大乐活网lahoo.ca特约撰稿人周萃芳撰写】也许在几周前,如果你在超市、社区中心或医院等见到一些亚裔面孔的人戴着口罩,会感到不解或惊讶为了维护这个值得每个加拿大人珍惜的价值观,为了回报社会的善意,也为了保护整个社会在最大程度上免受此次事件的影响,绝大部分从中国返回的华裔,基本都实行了自愿隔离两周的防范措施而为了帮助这些人,社区的其他华裔也立即自行组织和行动起来,为这些同胞提供日常采购等服务,以保障他们在隔离期间的生活能尽量保持正常To maintain this value and to reward the goodwill of society, many Chinese Canadians are doing their best to protect their communities from the potential perils of the virus. Even though there is nobody asking them to do anything, the vast majority of Chinese people returning from China have implemented precautionary measures, including self-quarantine, for two weeks. Other people in the Chinese community have also immediately organized and acted independently as volunteers, providing daily shopping and other services to these compatriots to ensure that their lives during their isolation periods could be kept as normal as possible.I think it is normal to feel this way because the data about the Coronavirus is changing daily and the number of the infected and the deaths is increasing every day. In the face of this grim situation, fear, flight, and panic are all normal human responses. However, please keep in mind that there is no discrimination or aversion against Chinese people. Because "we are against the virus, not the Chinese. The more emergency arise, the more need for calm, humanity, unity."
阅读原文: [共勉]一名加拿大华裔的呼吁:疫情之下,我们共渡难关
阅读原文: [共勉]一名加拿大华裔的呼吁:疫情之下,我们共渡难关