The validation extension on the documents will continue until the situation with regards to the pandemic improves, officials said.
Ontario is extending the validity for drivers’ licences, licence plate stickers, health cards, and other documents amid the novel coronavirus pandemic.
Officials made the announcement Thursday and said the purpose is to prevent the need for in-person visits to ServiceOntario, DriveTest centres, and International Registration Plan offices during the coronavirus outbreak.
“These new regulations include extensions for driver licences, licence plate validation, Ontario Photo Cards, and Commercial Vehicle Operator Registration certificates, among others,” a statement from the Ministry of Transportation said.
超过50名St. Mary's General Hospital的护士在没有防护措施的情况下接触过新冠患者!(St. Mary's General Hospital是滑铁卢地区的一家综合医院。) 今天,安省护士协会会长Vicki MckKenna表示,一些护士在急诊科服务疑似流感患者时接触到了新冠病毒。 病人并没有被隔离,提供服务的护士也没有带N95口罩,因为护士的雇主特别不鼓励护士戴。 这些护士在之后又接触了更多其他护士。导致多个医护工作者生病。 “这种情况绝对不应该发生在医疗系统。“McKenna表示。 Over 50 nurses exposed to COVID-19 at St. Mary's General Hospital: ONA