Peter Scheff wants you to buy gold--conflicted interests. Do you really know him? He also had racist comments in Twitter, which has been bombarded by viewers and abandoned by his followers, inducing me.
From the tradings you bragged, you must have been aware that no one can predict market. But you still often put your pridictions in this forum without any caveat. By doing so much so, you are either an idiot or a manipulator who could be in suspicion on inducing others to enter the market behind you.
There is no shortage of people who came to this forum occasionally to disclose their thoughts on the market. Why are there no figures pointing at them? Because no one like you, who has been repeatedly mispredicted the market but keep on doing and doing without basic self-consciousness. You might think it not enough, and your assertions on market predictions have been appreciated. My reply is clear that enough is enough.我的天,又来一个较真的,和吵架的,且佛晓
你英文写得不错。 我就是一个网民,和现在那些因为各种事件在网上发表观点的村民一样。我认为市场涨也好,跌也好,是我个人观点,每次我都强调,个人自己把握。
即使不强调,我这些观点,能有利益冲突么? 如果我是一个政府官员,银行总裁,你的所说完全正确。但我不是,我说的都是大盘,不是个股,大盘除了美联储主席,老川,老X,全世界没几个人能影响得到的。 犯得着人身攻击吗? 几句话不顺你的耳, 就开始各类脏词横飞,阴谋论都出来了,累不累? 这坛子比我说法粗鲁出格的多了去,是更应该去管管他们。
至于你说的这个PETER至于他是否有种族歧视的话,我不知道也不关心,我用他的视频中就是想说美元,知道老川第一笔大支票很痛快也很奏效,为何共和党对第二笔大支票层层阻挠还难产呢,很多人想多发钞票多好? 你应该是有点专业背景,好好想想。这话题是市场的话题,不是种族歧视的话题, GOOD LUCK。
作为cfc公众人物网红吧,IMO,漫天说不涉及个人实际利益,比如向左还有博士,还有各种都无所谓,制造群众话题有助于缓解心理压力,符合Public health号召。