卡北巨盘UNIFORM RR4要开卖了,6万押金

uniform发话了 也就是说禁足完全不影响新房发售?


以为当房东就躺着数钱? EVICTION FREEZE, 晓得伐?



7:25 PM

A local family says an ongoing dispute with its tenant, could leave them with no place to live.
After selling their primary residence, Justin Trudel and his family were set to move into their rental property next month, but fear a looming eviction freeze could leave them without a roof over their heads.
Trudel alleges the tenant was asked to vacate the rental property months ago, so the Trudel family could move in. The family adds that the tenant has not paid any fees for six-months.
The property has been a rental for the Trundel family for the last year, but in June, Trudel said he stopped receiving rent payments from the tenant.
“There’s been some promises of payments, some attempts to come to payment agreements, a lot of our emails and texts are going unanswered - still no payments,” Trudel said.
With the bills racking up, Trudel and his family chose to sell their primary residence, set to close on February 21, and move into their rental property.
“Two mortgages for our family is a stretch to begin with, two young kids, two daycare bills,” he said.
In August, Trudel submitted an application to the Landlord and Tenant Board to evict the tenant for non-payment. He waited until December for a hearing and the board approved the request.
“At that point they informed us an evictions order was imminent, I believe they stated up to thirty days it would take, that time has now gone and past,” said Trudel.
But now, with a State of Emergency in effect, Trudel is concerned a looming tenant eviction ban will leave him and his family without a home to move into.
“Another 28-day freeze puts us out of our house,” he said.
CTV has attempted to contact the tenant but has not heard back.
“The sheriff here in Ottawa, I’m advised they’re waiting for clarification from the province and the expectation is that there will be a tenant eviction moratorium again during this new state of emergency,” said Ottawa Lawyer Michael Thiele, Partner at Quinn Miele Mineaukt Grodzki LLP.
“It puts landlords who have significant rental arrears in a very tough spot, because there’s no legal recourse, there’s no remedy, there’s nothing they can do,” he added.
“Our original thought was to move in with relatives, unfortunately right now those relatives live on the Quebec side with those restrictions over there, and co-mingling households isn’t really an ideal situation,” said Trudel.
With just over a month left in their current home — Trudel, his two kids, and his wife, are left with questions about the roof over their heads.
“I’m just concerned what the end result will be, where we’re going to live,” he said.
uniform发话了 也就是说禁足完全不影响新房发售?

Residential building 不在范围内。这个紧急状态几乎考靠自觉。
Residential building 不在范围内。这个紧急状态几乎考靠自觉。
去年年初lock down是房价还小跌了下 我打赌这次大家涨了经验 估计完全不跌。。。
2012-2016年最佳买进期间,我在网上说了多少?10大优点,10大户型的,没多少人听的,绝大多数都反着听,老夫孤独的扛起了瑞奇的大旗,迎着卡黑掀起的狂风暴雨逆风前行,最后呢,反着听的成千上万的老中和各族群众在厕所痛哭,家里吵架打架斗殴的,啥事都有, :buttrock: 翻翻那些年的贴吧。往事堪回首乎? :cool:

去年年初lock down是房价还小跌了下 我打赌这次大家涨了经验 估计完全不跌。。。
2019年市政府规划 人口从2019年 100万 上涨到 2036年 120万
同时 市政府规划 每年 新建住房 5000套 (包括高楼,condo,TH,single)

2019年底, 整个Kanata高科技区540家企业共雇佣2万3千员工, 北电在高峰期在渥太华就雇佣2万3千员工, “孤篇盖全唐”

自从北电倒闭后, 加拿大没有足够的企业可投资

加拿大拥房成本比美国低, 房产是稳健投资

从2017年开始, 有些外地投资人开始投资渥太华房产
比如 多伦多印度人A 在渥太华买30Lot新独立屋4套出租
多伦多印度人B 在渥太华买10套房出租
多伦多印度人C 在渥太华买10多套新TH出租
还有 。。。

现在渥太华房子供不应求, “自住刚需与投资刚需齐飞,投资共房产一色”, 这就是为什么盖那么多房子,还满足不了渥太华市场需求, 虽然渥太华没有增加了这么多人口。


12/17/2020 14:19 EST | Updated 12/18/2020 09:33 EST

Canadian Population Growth Hits Lowest On Record As Ontario, B.C. Shrink

More people emigrated out of Canada than moved to it in the third quarter of this year.

Canada’s population increase of 2,767 people in the third quarter of this year is the smallest increase in records going back to 1946

Not so this time, and the result is that six provinces and two territories saw their populations shrink in the third quarter by small margins. It’s the first time any of these places recorded a population decline in records going back to 1951, StatCan said.

渥太华土地有限, 面对未来增加的人口, 市政府批准的地越来越小, 新独立屋会越来越少, 新TH和condo会越来越多。

在轻轨附近会盖高楼 ,缓解人口和交通压力

预计2030年后 3期轻轨建成后 闲置的高尔夫球场会盖高层住宅

"渥太华土地有限"??? 不准确吧,首都不缺地,周围能开发的FARMER用地多了去了,就是走一些市政府ZONE修改流程和手续而已,
2019年市政府规划 人口从2019年 100万 上涨到 2036年 120万
同时 市政府规划 每年 新建住房 5000套 (包括高楼,condo,TH,single)

2019年底, 整个Kanata高科技区540家企业共雇佣2万3千员工, 北电在高峰期在渥太华就雇佣2万3千员工, “孤篇盖全唐”

自从北电倒闭后, 加拿大没有足够的企业可投资

加拿大拥房成本比美国低, 房产是稳健投资

从2017年开始, 有些外地投资人开始投资渥太华房产
比如 多伦多印度人A 在渥太华买30Lot新独立屋4套出租
多伦多印度人B 在渥太华买10套房出租
多伦多印度人C 在渥太华买10多套新TH出租
还有 。。。

现在渥太华房子供不应求, “自住刚需与投资刚需齐飞,投资共房产一色”, 这就是为什么盖那么多房子,还满足不了渥太华市场需求, 虽然渥太华没有增加了这么多人口。


12/17/2020 14:19 EST | Updated 12/18/2020 09:33 EST

Canadian Population Growth Hits Lowest On Record As Ontario, B.C. Shrink

More people emigrated out of Canada than moved to it in the third quarter of this year.

Canada’s population increase of 2,767 people in the third quarter of this year is the smallest increase in records going back to 1946

Not so this time, and the result is that six provinces and two territories saw their populations shrink in the third quarter by small margins. It’s the first time any of these places recorded a population decline in records going back to 1951, StatCan said.

渥太华土地有限, 面对未来增加的人口, 市政府批准的地越来越小, 新独立屋会越来越少, 新TH和condo会越来越多。

在轻轨附近会盖高楼 ,缓解人口和交通压力

预计2030年后 3期轻轨建成后 闲置的高尔夫球场会盖高层住宅
我觉着也是 如果年底房价还坚挺 那就真下不来了
