卡北巨盘UNIFORM RR4要开卖了,6万押金

有多新? 我看官网上最近的report 是九月份的

我不太清楚具体专业细节。大概看了一下,只是预测 -2.3% 。 没有说要跌30%?

Ottawa – Back on track with prices rising exceedingly fast
The hottest market in the country going into the pandemic, Ottawa didn’t take
long to get back on track. Home resales spiked this summer, as buyers and
sellers returned from the sidelines, and changing housing needs prompted
moves that wouldn’t have been considered pre-pandemic. Demand-supply con-
ditions have remained extremely tight throughout, and prices are accelerating
exceedingly fast. This would normally erode affordability but the temporary
bounce in household income masked the effect in the second quarter with
RBC’s aggregate measure diving 2.3 percentage points to 37.1%.
找到了一个最新的report. 对渥太华没有具体数据分析。但是只是说house 价格快速增长,condo会冷却:

A lack of single-family home supply could be restraining activity in Ottawa and Montreal. Active listings in this catego-
ry have plummeted 50% and 38%, respectively. Nonetheless, home resales still rose markedly last month (up 26% and 32%, respec-
tively). We expect detached-home prices to continue rising rapidly, while soaring condo listings are likely to cool down condo prices.
不懂property tax怎么来的,才有可能觉得房价上涨,property tax也上涨。
Toronto的property tax % 就比Ottawa低
我估计这里很多人连property tax是用作啥用途都搞不明白。
Uniform这次顶多是没跳涨。。你看年初Acadia Minto怎么个卖法。。类似尺寸的,Terry Fox东边好意思比西边不多卖个200k+吗?

今年比较反常, 经济形势不明朗, 房价却疯涨

以前买房 看学区, 尽量避开 (1)高压线, (2)低地势, (3)近垃圾场, (4)高氡气

今年买房是抢房, 低地势+近垃圾场+高氡气, 中签率5%, 买到就是赚到

氡气国际标准是低于100, 加拿大标准却是低于200 (加拿大天生有氡气抗体?), 当然不知高氡气是否影响健康.

附近比"低地势"还高10米的房子, 暴雨后地下室进水, 后来建筑商经过处理后才解决问题.



Ottawa有家高科技公司打算明年初多伦多上市, 查了他们的工资和员工评论 low pay + overtime
