
牙,真的。 一年以前的事拿来现在说,居心啊。 挺可怕
Rong Xin Liao, 84, reveals how he was attacked while waiting for the bus in San Francisco, California
(ABC 7)
An 84-year-old Asian man has spoken out after he was kicked out of his walker by a random attack one year ago.
Rong Xin Liao was waiting at a bus stop in the San Francisco, California, suburb of Tenderloin on the morning of 20 February when he was viciously attacked, he revealed to ABC 7.
"I didn't do anything to him," Mr Liao told the publication from his assisted living facility.
Surveillance footage shared by ABC 7 shows Mr Liao sitting in his walker on the sidewalk while he waits for the bus to arrive. A young man then appears and starts running towards Mr Liao before jumping to kick the elderly man in the shoulder.
Mr Liao and his walker fell to the ground from the kick and footage shows his head hitting the sidewalk.



呸!什么祖国强大了, 华人就不受欺负?
我看是正好相反。 北京政府在背后闯祸捣蛋,搞对抗, 但是压力和后果都由海外华人来承受。 
Rong Xin Liao, 84, reveals how he was attacked while waiting for the bus in San Francisco, California
(ABC 7)
An 84-year-old Asian man has spoken out after he was kicked out of his walker by a random attack one year ago.
Rong Xin Liao was waiting at a bus stop in the San Francisco, California, suburb of Tenderloin on the morning of 20 February when he was viciously attacked, he revealed to ABC 7.
"I didn't do anything to him," Mr Liao told the publication from his assisted living facility.
Surveillance footage shared by ABC 7 shows Mr Liao sitting in his walker on the sidewalk while he waits for the bus to arrive. A young man then appears and starts running towards Mr Liao before jumping to kick the elderly man in the shoulder.
Mr Liao and his walker fell to the ground from the kick and footage shows his head hitting the sidewalk.


造势。 纳闷,背后黑手啥目的?

粉红战狼跑来一圈闹个够,余下的垃圾算海华头上; 海华爱心满满送医送药救人水火,也不想想自己海华叛徒的身份; 还易躁狂,给滴水就掀巨浪,抽空还痛打别的海华,也不想想,再积极你也是叛徒。 翻来覆去,忙来忙去, 最后回去还是会得到粉红战狼蔑视, 里外都挨骂