精华 本年度滑雪俱乐部第一次活动(Group lesson available)

  • 主题发起人 主题发起人 Joy
  • 开始时间 开始时间
最初由 Joy 发布
I will send e-mail to everyone, to see how many people are interested in snowboard class.

Mont Marie 有两座山峰(见link). 左面的叫Vanier Mountain,右面的叫Cheval Blanc. 中间有小火车相联(约4,5 分钟). 雪道分低(绿色),中(蓝色),高(黑色)三级。

初学者如果没有人引领,一定要先学会看雪道图(Trail Map). 在图上找绿色雪道(Trail). 上山后如果搞不清方向,一定要问人确定是绿道后再下。



Trial Map of Vanier Mountain. This mountain will be right in front of you after you get out the Main Chalet.

We'll meet in Main Chalet. Whoever takes group lesson waite at 11am in front of the school bell (校钟) , labeled as "Le Rendez-Vous" (约会) in the map.


The green line is called "Bellevue Haut" et "Bellevue Bas".

Ps: click 图的右下角 to enlarge.
Trial map of Cheval Blanc. In order the get to Cheval Blanc, you need to turn left, walking about 50 metres. Then you can catch the train there.

After you get to the peak of Cheval Blanc, beginners can ski along Calypso, all the way back to rue Radar in Vanier mountain.

This is a very good lane for beginners, but you'll need someone to show you the route. Because the sign is not well labelled at the peak.

最初由 feng 发布


If there aren't enough people for snowboard class. You can learn from wildcat.
This week it is snowing almost everyday. Sunday's weather will be perfect for ski.

High -3, low -9, light snow
Joy, do you have driving directions to Mount St. Marie?
最初由 haoren1 发布
Joy, do you have driving directions to Mount St. Marie?

有没有详细的交通地图? 这个http://www.montstemarie.com/winter/...directions.html 介绍的太笼统了,而且根本看不清楚
Time Km Instruction For Toward
Summary: 94.3 kilometers (1 hour, 16 minutes)

9:06 AM 5.6 Take Ramp (LEFT) onto TC-417 4.4 km HWY-417 / RTE-417
9:09 AM 10.0 Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto HWY-17B [RR-83] 2.0 km Rue Kent / Kent St.
9:11 AM 12.0 Turn RIGHT (East) onto HWY-17B [RR-34] 1.0 km
9:12 AM 13.0 Turn LEFT (North) onto Sussex Dr [Promenade Sussex] 1.6 km
9:14 AM 14.6 Turn RIGHT (East) onto RR-99 [King Edward Ave] 0.1 km
9:14 AM 14.7 Take Ramp (RIGHT) onto MacDonald Cartier Bridge [Pont MacDonald Cartier] 0.9 km Hull
9:15 AM 15.5 Entering Québec
9:15 AM 15.5 Road name changes to Pont MacDonald Cartier 0.3 km
9:15 AM 15.8 Road name changes to HWY-5 21.7 km
9:30 AM 37.5 Turn RIGHT (North-East) onto Chemin De la Riviere 0.2 km
9:31 AM 37.7 Turn LEFT (North-West) onto HWY-105 7.8 km
9:37 AM 45.5 Turn RIGHT (North) onto HWY-105 [HWY-366] 41.3 km
10:08 AM 86.9 Turn RIGHT (East) onto Local road(s) 1.5 km
10:10 AM 88.3 Bear LEFT (East) onto Local road(s) 3.9 km
10:14 AM 92.2 Bear RIGHT (East) onto Local road(s) 1.0 km
10:15 AM 93.2 Bear LEFT (North) onto Local road(s) 0.8 km
10:16 AM 94.0 Turn LEFT (North-West) onto Local road(s) 0.3 km
10:16 AM 94.3 Turn LEFT (North) onto Local road(s) 30 m
10:16 AM 94.3 Arrive J0X 1Z0

Driving distance: 94.3 kilometers
Trip duration: 1 hour, 16 minutes
Driving time: 1 hour, 16 minutes

10;30 到,发完票,换完鞋,如完厕..., 都快中午了,滑不了多久。建议早出发一小时,头天早睡,当天早起,珍惜玩的时间。
Sorry, I have sent all the info. People may mix up if I send another one. Maybe next time:)
最初由 Joy 发布

This lesson is for Dec 21 ski trip in Mont Marie. Are you coming?
