卡车司机组车队抗议 - 是不是过头了?支持还是反对?

愚蠢, 土豆哪会自己掏钱? 还

住在和工作学习在渥太华downtown 的人,受够了,天天鸣笛嘈杂从早到晚,满街不戴口罩,路上堵,商店不能正常营业,这年怎么过!
卡车司机,请离开donwtown, 哪里来回哪里去!CFC上高谈阔论的人,这事发生在你家门口,你还会道德绑架别人吗?
我不想戴口罩,当疫情在武汉爆发,我戴口罩怕别人揍我:我不想戴口罩,当卡车司机在downtown 游行示威,我戴口罩怕跟不戴口罩的人眼睛对视。

这个link 有live update. 渥市警长的言外之意是, 因为风险太高, 他们无能为力​

3:05 p.m.
Mayor and council are now getting an opportunity to ask questions to police brass.

Coun. Matthew Luloff asks when, or if, police will use force to end the protest. Police chief Peter Sloly says all “options” on the table.

Coun. Laura Dudas says while she understands that politicians can’t direct police, she wants to know when Ottawans will “get their city back.”

Sloly says police must act lawful and “proportionally” in regards to the risk involved, and protest is national — if not international — in scope.

“Any act taken without understanding [the] totality… of the risk would be irresponsible,” he said.

“The longer this goes on, the more I’m convinced there may not be a police solution to this demonstration… This is a national issue, not an Ottawa issue. As the Ottawa police chief, I will continue to do — my members will continue to do — my very best to keep this city as safe as possible.”

Truck convoy: Protests 'intolerable,' more charges coming, says chief​

住在和工作学习在渥太华downtown 的人,受够了,天天鸣笛嘈杂从早到晚,满街不戴口罩,路上堵,商店不能正常营业,这年怎么过!
卡车司机,请离开donwtown, 哪里来回哪里去!CFC上高谈阔论的人,这事发生在你家门口,你还会道德绑架别人吗?
我不想戴口罩,当疫情在武汉爆发,我戴口罩怕别人揍我:我不想戴口罩,当卡车司机在downtown 游行示威,我戴口罩怕跟不戴口罩的人眼睛对视。


连警察都己经说了, 现在downtown地区风险太高, 他们人单力孤, 无力执法, 需要增援。那普通和平居民还要去以身犯险?Rideau Centre这一周到6号都关闭, 宁可生意不做, 也不愿意出危险。

况且, 和平居民的要求本来就是end the protest, 难道自己还反而加入protest?既然反对扰乱生活, 难道还要乱上加乱?

4:10 p.m.
这位女性仅仅是因为戴了口罩, 就遭攻击, 那个男的要她摘掉口罩, 还骂她Asian(其实这女士是白人)。华人还是站远点吧
An Ottawa woman in her late 20s said a man on a hotel balcony hurled abusive comments at her, which escalated to a death threat after she stopped taking cellphone video of the incident.

The incident happened around noon on Tuesday, she said.

The woman, who asked not to be identified, was headed to a store wearing a mask when a man on a balcony of the Business Inn and Suites at the corner of Elgin Street and MacLaren yelled at her that she was “free” not to wear a mask. She replied that for her, freedom wears a mask.

The man made a few more offensive comments and she took out her cell phone to take video, hoping to dissuade him from further comments. He continued yelling at her, including using an anti-Asian racial slur.

After she turned off the cell phone, the man said “Now I have a target. it’s the back of your head. That’s where I’ll put a bullet,” the woman recalled.

“When I was recording, it didn’t know on of the comments was a racial slur,” said the woman, who is white and says she can understand why people of colour are feeling “terrified.”


连警察都己经说了, 现在downtown地区风险太高, 他们力量微薄, 无力执法, 需要增援。那普通和平居民还要去以身犯险?Rideau Centre这一周到6号都关闭, 宁可生意不做, 也不愿意出危险。

况且, 和平居民的要求本来就是end the protest, 难道自己还反而加入protest?既然反对扰乱生活, 难道还要乱上加乱?

4:10 p.m.
这位女性仅仅是因为戴了口罩, 就遭攻击, 那个男的要她摘掉口罩, 还骂她Asian(其实这女士是白人)。华人还是站远点吧
An Ottawa woman in her late 20s said a man on a hotel balcony hurled abusive comments at her, which escalated to a death threat after she stopped taking cellphone video of the incident.

The incident happened around noon on Tuesday, she said.

The woman, who asked not to be identified, was headed to a store wearing a mask when a man on a balcony of the Business Inn and Suites at the corner of Elgin Street and MacLaren yelled at her that she was “free” not to wear a mask. She replied that for her, freedom wears a mask.

The man made a few more offensive comments and she took out her cell phone to take video, hoping to dissuade him from further comments. He continued yelling at her, including using an anti-Asian racial slur.

After she turned off the cell phone, the man said “Now I have a target. it’s the back of your head. That’s where I’ll put a bullet,” the woman recalled.

“When I was recording, it didn’t know on of the comments was a racial slur,” said the woman, who is white and says she can understand why people of colour are feeling “terrified.”
3:55 p.m.

In response to a question from Kanata North Coun. Cathy Curry, Sloly says there has been discussions about calling in the military for assistance, but the option would come with “massive risk.”

“There is a process. It’s extremely well-established. It’s extremely well-governed and extremely rare,” he said of calling in the military.

Sloly says this power has only been invoked twice in Canada that he is aware of: in 1970 after the radical Quebec separatist group kidnapped a provincial cabinet minister and a British diplomat and in 1990 during the Oka crisis when Mohawk protesters objected to the expansion of a golf course and housing development on disputed territory.
3:15 p.m.

Coun. Catherine McKenny, who represents Centretown, called on Sloly to hand over responsibility for the main protest to the RCMP and to focus city police resources on blunting the impacts in residential areas.

“People are terrified and there’s no presence of the police,” McKenny said of what they heard from constituents.

Chief Sloly says he has asked and recently received approval for additional RCMP resources to help with the protest. The RCMP, though, is not the police of jurisdiction for this protest, he said, and that force is “probably more underfunded” than the Ottawa police.

Transitioning the lead role for handling these protests from the Ottawa police to the RCMP is “not jurisdictionally possible,” Sloly cautioned.
5:15 p.m.

Ottawa area healthcare unions joined voices calling for an end to protests in downtown Ottawa on Wednesday.

Unions representing thousands of healthcare, long-term care, paramedic and public health workers said the protests are threatening the health and safety of its members and the community they serve.

“By blocking healthcare workers, patients and emergency services from reaching their destinations quickly, treatments are being delayed and lives put at risk. Immunization clinics have been closed and public health measures to protect our community in a pandemic have been disregarded by thousands of people.”

The statement from five union locals, including CUPE 503, ONA 83, OPSEU 464 and 475 and Unifor 8300 said sleep deprivation, extreme noise and harassment has been affecting the health of downtown community which is affecting healthcare workers while some of the most vulnerable are not able to access the services they need.





公共安全部长的发言人Marco Mendicino指出,联邦政府在支付市政特别警务费用方面发挥了作用:


