

当然有疫情的因素。即使疫情前,是啥样? 一个在HOME SCHOOL 数学就80-85分的,在本地IB FULL SIZE入学考试,数学接近满分 :evil:
别打EOM的主意。 EOM不多拿教育局一分钱,家底都是自己省吃俭用,家长捐献的。
其实这些PROGRAM,多花的钱和整个教育经费相比真的没有多少。还是平均主义的思想在抬头。加拿大在教育上的对大众的投入在世界上都算是很高的。没有几个比加拿大强,比如经费,师资总体上按学生和人口数量分配。但针对特殊PROGRAM, 确实需要门槛的,搞平均和革命,那就犯了大错啦。把中国文革那套搬过来了。即使是现在的中国,也没走到这一步。

其实这些PROGRAM,多花的钱和整个教育经费相比真的没有多少。还是平均主义的思想在抬头。加拿大在教育上的对大众的投入在世界上都算是很高的。没有几个比加拿大强,比如经费,师资总体上按学生和人口数量分配。但针对特殊PROGRAM, 确实需要门槛的,搞平均和革命,那就犯了大错啦。把中国文革那套搬过来了。即使是现在的中国,也没走到这一步。

比起美国加州来,多伦多已经很克制了,只是针对特殊PROGRAM AA,而不是全方位AA。多伦多已经取代渥太华成为新的北方硅谷。教育正在向美国加州硅谷看齐。美国华人网友非常羡慕多伦多教育没有按种族实现比例分配(平均主义,AA)。





比起美国加州来,多伦多已经很克制了,只是针对特殊PROGRAM AA,而不是全方位AA。多伦多已经取代渥太华成为新的北方硅谷。教育正在向美国加州硅谷看齐。美国华人网友非常羡慕多伦多教育没有按种族实现比例分配(平均主义,AA)。






你就扯吧,为了高中这点事情,还要吃药??? 吃啥药管用?史玉柱的“脑黄金”,“健脑丸”? :cool:
你就扯吧,为了高中这点事情,还要吃药??? 吃啥药管用?


近几年很多美国加州大厂在多伦多扩大员工规模,或多或少让多伦多人民慢慢接受美国加州文化(比如,教育按种族分配,平均主义AA) 。



i genuinely just feel cheated

i did everything right, got the gpa, the sat, the extracurriculars -- i grinded my essays until they were 10/10. i think i'm less annoyed about getting waitlisted at ucsd and ucla (my dream schools) than the false promise that was told to me when i started high school, that if i did everything the way i was supposed to (and i did!) i would have a fair shot. i knew the college process wasn't fair but today it has hit me that it really, really isn't and i wish someone had told me earlier that so many AP classes and a 1570 can end up meaning nothing. the admissions choices feel arbitrary, not for any larger reason. i can't believe ucla is going through 150000 applicants trying to figure out which ones are the best for their gigantic class. it's really luck. and i guess that's okay. really. just wish i had been told that earlier before i lost my youth to a process with zero guarantees. that's why i feel cheated.


近几年很多美国加州大厂在多伦多扩大员工规模,或多或少让多伦多人民慢慢接受美国加州文化(比如,教育按种族分配,平均主义AA) 。



i genuinely just feel cheated

i did everything right, got the gpa, the sat, the extracurriculars -- i grinded my essays until they were 10/10. i think i'm less annoyed about getting waitlisted at ucsd and ucla (my dream schools) than the false promise that was told to me when i started high school, that if i did everything the way i was supposed to (and i did!) i would have a fair shot. i knew the college process wasn't fair but today it has hit me that it really, really isn't and i wish someone had told me earlier that so many AP classes and a 1570 can end up meaning nothing. the admissions choices feel arbitrary, not for any larger reason. i can't believe ucla is going through 150000 applicants trying to figure out which ones are the best for their gigantic class. it's really luck. and i guess that's okay. really. just wish i had been told that earlier before i lost my youth to a process with zero guarantees. that's why i feel cheated.


娃还小,老大SK, 老二2岁多一点。不过看这些故事,头皮发麻,我在国内一个学英语得家长群里,都牟足了劲要往这边卷呢。
学法语搬QC :tx: 。。。魁瓜IB欢迎您。。。。 :jiayou:
多伦多教育局今天传来噩耗。教育局大比例投票,决定所有需要考试或既技能资格的特殊增强性高中教育项目比如IB, AP, TOPS, STEM,取消技能或考试评估,而改用按兴趣,就是任何人不需要考试,不需要技能或MERIT评估,换句话说,就要走上人人有份,抽签或主观选择了。

TDSB votes to remove skill-based assessments for specialized schools, programs​

Toronto’s public school board trustees voted Wednesday night to replace ability-based assessments with an interest-based application.​

Isabel Teotonio

By Isabel TeotonioEducation Reporter
Thu., May 26, 2022timer4 min. read

updateArticle was updated 22 hrs ago
Trustees at Toronto’s public school board voted Wednesday night to approve a major overhaul of the admissions process at specialized programs and schools, replacing ability-based assessments with an interest-based application.
During the Toronto District School Board meeting, trustees criticized and applauded the controversial change to the process, which is aimed at improving access and will impact programs that typically focus on areas such as the arts, athletics, science and math.
In her opening remarks on the issue, Director of Education Colleen Russell-Rawlins said the policy change will “provide a fair chance for all students who have an enduring interest and passion for an area of program to be accepted.”

“We must remember that public education is for everyone. It is our responsibility to remove barriers that prevent students from access to education and provide them the pathways to pursue their dreams and realize their full potential.”
Currently, applicants for these programs are assessed on their ability through auditions, formal portfolios, entrance exams or report cards. Under the new policy, applications will be based on a student’s interest and they will need to demonstrate an active interest or passion in an area. If demand for a program exceeds available space, then a random selection process will be used, with priority given to those from under-served communities.
There are about 40 specialty programs and schools — 16 accepted every applicant because there was sufficient space. The policy change will affect those applying for September 2023, and only apply to high school programs. About 9,000 of the TDSB’s 235,000 students are in a specialized program or school.
In recent weeks, news of the proposed change upset some parents and students, who say a lottery process is unfair and may preclude those who have been working hard towards getting into a specialized program. Some also worry that an interest-based application may ultimately result in programs being watered down.

Russell-Rawlins said the board “will closely monitor the quality of experience and outcomes of these programs.”
下一步均贫富。。。一步到位。。。 :buttrock: