2022 Ottawa市选(周一Oct 24): Live Results at 8pm: https://youtu.be/pzGsGeJZGts

Municipal governments are local elected authorities. They include cities, towns and villages, and rural (county) or metropolitan municipalities. They are created by the provinces and territories to provide services that are best managed under local control; from waste disposal and public transit to fire services, policing, community centres and libraries. A municipal government’s revenue is raised largely from property taxes and provincial grants.

Municipal Structures​

The administration of local government is handled by the municipal public service. It is made up of officials and employees appointed by an elected council and is organized into departments. Council members are politicians who are voted into office in municipal elections. School trustees and some other local officials are also elected, including parks representatives in cities such as Vancouver. Council members are generally non-partisan and run for office as individuals, rather than as part of a political party. This sets them apart from federal and provincial politicians, who take part in a party system.

Municipalities employ large numbers of staff to look after roads; sewers; fire prevention; police; recycling and waste disposal programs; transit; parking enforcement; city recreation (parks, sports facilities, local paths); public health services; and by-law enforcement. Most municipal councils establish committees to direct and control the public service. Each committee makes recommendations to the municipal council. Committees deal with issues ranging from transportation to policing to finances.


In some American cities, duties such as budget formation and appointment of administrators are the responsibility of the mayor. In Canada, the significance of the office of mayor does not stem from the assignment of such powers; but rather, from its high profile. In provincial statutes, the mayor is variously described as the “chief officer,” “chief executive officer” or “head of council.” The mayor may be high profile; but they have little power independent of the municipal council.

All provinces provide that the mayor shall be elected at large. This means that unlike councillors, they do not represent a specific geographic area or “ward” of the municipality. Canadian mayors generally preside at all council meetings. They are ex officio members of all committees and can make recommendations to the council.

Mayors also act as the point person during major civic emergencies. For example, the 2013 flooding in Calgary put Naheed Nenshi in the national spotlight while he led the city through the crisis. Mayors also help promote their cities to attract workers and tourists, and to promote local business.

Mayors also sometimes rise to higher political office. Ralph Klein, mayor of Calgary from 1980 to 1989, was later the Conservative premier of Alberta from 1992 to 2006. Glen Murray was the first openly gay mayor of a major North American city when he served as mayor of Winnipeg from 1998 to 2004. He later became a Liberal cabinet minister in the Ontario government.
Ed Broadbent和Paul Dewa都是NDP。Paul Dewa曾是渥太华中区议会议员。
Broadbent应该曾经是NDP 的党领。。

Don't make wrong 啊村长,我对Ed/Paul的个人操守没意见,great people。。在Federal 层面管理国家也没意见。。但是我们现在是选市长,一定要务实的。。就如为神马大家选您为CFC 村长一样。


(Google Translate)

周四,市长候选人Catherine McKenney将通过一项“大胆的气候行动”计划,到 2050 年使渥太华实现净零排放。


他们周四表示:“到 2050 年,我们将把渥太华变成一个净零城市。” “这是一个涉及我们所有人的计划。......我们将使渥太华成为气候行动的世界领导者,住在这里的人们也将成为气候领导者。”



该计划称,根据城市预测,从现在到 2050 年,建筑和交通将占减排量的 75% 左右。

McKenney表示,到 2030 年,他们将要求所有新建筑是净零排放建筑,并鼓励住宅改造。他们还将到 2030 年将城市的树冠增加到 40%。


麦肯尼的计划还将使该市从化石燃料投资中撤出,并采取“购买清洁”采购政策,到 2040 年实现碳中和。

竞争对手马克·萨特克利夫 (Mark Sutcliffe)上个月发布的环境计划也将在渥太华种植更多树木——每年 250,000 棵。

他还承诺在四年内为城市建筑建造 200 个新的电动汽车充电站和 100 个电动自行车充电站,并投资 1 亿美元进行改造。

Bob Chiarelli 尚未发布完整的环境平台,但在他的网站上呼吁成立市议会委员会,与 Hydro Ottawa 合作制定“有效、实用和负担得起的政策以及气候变化和碳减排”。


(Google Translate)

周四,市长候选人Catherine McKenney将通过一项“大胆的气候行动”计划,到 2050 年使渥太华实现净零排放。


他们周四表示:“到 2050 年,我们将把渥太华变成一个净零城市。” “这是一个涉及我们所有人的计划。......我们将使渥太华成为气候行动的世界领导者,住在这里的人们也将成为气候领导者。”



该计划称,根据城市预测,从现在到 2050 年,建筑和交通将占减排量的 75% 左右。

McKenney表示,到 2030 年,他们将要求所有新建筑是净零排放建筑,并鼓励住宅改造。他们还将到 2030 年将城市的树冠增加到 40%。


麦肯尼的计划还将使该市从化石燃料投资中撤出,并采取“购买清洁”采购政策,到 2040 年实现碳中和。

竞争对手马克·萨特克利夫 (Mark Sutcliffe)上个月发布的环境计划也将在渥太华种植更多树木——每年 250,000 棵。

他还承诺在四年内为城市建筑建造 200 个新的电动汽车充电站和 100 个电动自行车充电站,并投资 1 亿美元进行改造。

Bob Chiarelli 尚未发布完整的环境平台,但在他的网站上呼吁成立市议会委员会,与 Hydro Ottawa 合作制定“有效、实用和负担得起的政策以及气候变化和碳减排”。

Broadbent应该曾经是NDP 的党领。。

Don't make wrong 啊村长,我对Ed/Paul的个人操守没意见,great people。。在Federal 层面管理国家也没意见。。但是我们现在是选市长,一定要务实的。。就如为神马大家选您为CFC 村长一样。

Ed Broadbent 1975–1989任联邦NDP党魁啊。


全职政客二十多年。没有搜到多少民生成绩, 网上信息太少