2022 Ottawa市选(周一Oct 24): Live Results at 8pm: https://youtu.be/pzGsGeJZGts


虽然渥太华有幸拥有三位强有力的候选人(Catherine McKenney, Mark Sutcliffe, Bob Chiareili),但我们的底线是在经济脆弱的时候保持财政谨慎和平衡。

出版日期:2022 年 10 月 21 日

Mark Sutcliffe和他的妻子Ginny和三个孩子(23 岁的Erica、10 岁的Jack和 13 岁的Kate)对激进事务表示同情,同时仍然尊重支出限制。

Bob Chiarelli 说渥太华市的财政状况是灾难性的,所以他没有做出重大支出承诺,而是发誓要审查这些财政账本。尽管他有自由党背景,但他在市长竞选中是财政保守派。


这就留下了另外两位可信的市长候选人:Catherine McKenney和Mark Sutcliffe。他们提供了真正的决策,来领导市政府度过未来四年不可预测的岁月。像我们一样,深思熟虑的渥太华人会为他们投票给谁而苦苦挣扎。

然而,最终,我们社论相信 Sutcliffe 是三个有价值的人中的最佳选择。


全球背景则是一个因战争而引起的不稳定的世界经济;对气候变化的悲观预测;和不断变异的病毒。本周,财政部长Chrystia Freeland警告说“加拿大经济将面临艰难的日子”。市政府也不能幸免。所以我们要考虑:

* 谁将显示财政自律?谁将在经济危机中发挥领导作用?

McKenney和Sutcliffe都承诺限制房产税的上调。但是,如果经济衰退,McKenney会放弃在自行车基础设施等方面的大笔支出吗?他们的支持者会允许他们 (McKenney)吗? Sutcliffe的巨额支出承诺较少,并无意动用城市储备金或承担大量新债务,因此Ottawa可能会更容易适应。

* 谁会修复城市的基本服务

Sutcliffe再次领先,他专注于道路、公共交通、除雪等问题。可以肯定的是,他的竞争对手McKenney 也有雄心勃勃的交通计划。但是McKenney则是把类似的雄心放在快速扩张自行车道上,将投入达到数亿元。纳税人可能想知道,当车辆(和自行车)正在躲避未修复的坑洼时,为什么要将其宏伟的自行车道扩张计划压缩为一个市长任期。


• 谁能给市议会带来和平?(会是谁带来市府的和平?)



不过,我们的底线是财政谨慎。如果是你的钱(当然是),而且经济看起来像现在这样差,你会投入大量的新投资,承担大量的前期债务 - 还是稍等片刻,专注于必须解决的问题,保留你的万丈雄心给更光明的未来?

这就是为什么我们赋予 Sutcliffe 胜选的优势——希望未来更光明的经济将使 McKenney 的愿景更加可行。在一个完美的世界里,两位候选人都可以留在市议会里。但这一次,我们只能拥有一个。

这篇文章是免费的—因为我们相信这是一个至关重要的公共利益问题。如果您想支持我们,因为我们将继续为所有渥太华人提供重要的新闻,请订阅:https ://ottawacitizen.com/subscribe/
在这个周四Oct 20的辩论里视频的最后总结发言中,Mark Sutcliffe 居然说他的祖祖辈很久以前,是从中国移民过来的。。。


Catherine McKenney has very narrow lead in Ottawa mayoral race: poll​

21.10.2022 0

Ottawa mayoral candidate Catherine McKenney has a razor-thin lead over their main rival, Mark Sutcliffe, a Mainstreet poll suggests.

McKenney's 4.1 per cent lead is just above the three per cent margin of error in the poll, which was held earlier this week.

The outcome of Monday's election is a matter of turnout, multiple observers say.

"It comes to the issue of who's going to vote, how are they going to get people to vote and what the turnout is going to be," said Carleton University's Christopher Waddell.

Older voters, who tend to turn out more reliably, tend to support Sutcliffe, the poll shows.

"When you look at how, from the age breakdown, who's supporting whom, people over 65 vote in greater numbers than people 18 to 49," said Jerald Sabin, who also teaches at Carleton. "And that's where Sutcliffe's support is."

On the other hand, the poll also showed that 65 per cent of voters are dissatisfied with Ottawa's city government.

"It isn't a total surprise, but that is really high," Waddell said.

"I'm struck by how high the dissatisfaction is with the municipal government," Sabin said. "Part of that is going to be the city's response to the convoy, and part of that is going to be other non-convoy related things going on in the city, notably the LRT."

A change election dynamic tends to favour McKenney, Sabin argued.

"The Sutcliffe campaign, when it began, started from a position of continuity with the current administration at the city.

"As much as change is in the air, those who are interested in change will have coalesced around McKenney. And to the extent that the urban core of the city has been energized by the experience of the convoy, that may translate into enthusiasm for them on election day."

McKenney was one of the few political leaders who visibly stood up for the afflicted residents of central Ottawa during the convoy protest last winter. They may benefit from that prominence, which was reinforced in the public mind recently by their testimony at a federal commission examining the use of the Emergencies Act, according to Waddell.

The convoy allowed McKenney to be seen on a larger stage, says the University of Ottawa's Luc Turgeon.

"I think the convoy in some ways allowed Catherine McKenney to became more known by more people.

"First, it helped Catherine McKenney become known outside the downtown core. And it helped people in the downtown core to be even more motivated to vote for Catherine McKenney."

Sabin agreed.

"It gave Councillor McKenney a higher profile and a platform from which to launch their campaign. Their consistent engagement during the convoy was in real contrast to what seemed to be a very chaotic and uncoordinated response from Ottawa City Hall, the province and the federal government."

The undecided number in the poll, 13 per cent, is lower than nearly any other municipal poll run recently by Mainstreet, other than Vancouver, where it was also 13 per cent. Hamilton's was 20 per cent, Surrey, B.C., was 25 per cent and Vaughan, Ont., was 50 per cent. It suggests a high level of engagement among Ottawans.

Former mayor Bob Chiarelli, now 81, and former police officer Param Singh are also running. Neither has a hope of winning, but at four per cent and 10 per cent respectively, they change the dynamic in a close race.

That tends to favour McKenney by diverting votes that would probably otherwise have gone to Sutcliffe, Turgeon argued.

"People who vote Chiarelli are more sort of centre-right, maybe a bit older people who have a memory of Mr. Chiarelli when he was mayor. So I think these people usually would tend to vote for Mark Sutcliffe if it was a battle between just two candidates."

"The division of the vote on the centre-right is really helping Catherine McKenney because it’s taking votes that in a two-way battle would go to Sutcliffe."
Rogers TV 已经开始专题讨论了。
上午去投了Mark, 感觉现场人不太多啊,不到10个人,可能只有5-6个