谁用过TEMU: team up? 拼多多在美国的新的app大火,成了下载排名第一的app. 继tiktok 以后又一个美国头疼的问题



Temu is the most-downloaded shopping app in the U.S. Launched by China’s Pinduoduo in early September, it is the latest marketplace to bring China-made goods to Western consumers.

“Why buy a $40 bikini made in America when you can buy a $4 bikini directly from China? For that matter, why buy a $20 bikini made in China but imported by a U.S. company like the Gap when you can buy a $4 bikini directly from China?” in 2018, Alana Semuels wrote for The Atlantic. Shein has been the most successful at bringing this vision and, unsurprisingly, has become the biggest digital-only clothing retailer.

Temu was ranked the No. 1 shopping app on the iPhone app store on Monday, October 17th. Ahead of Amazon, Shein, and Walmart. It has been in the top 10 on iPhone and Android app stores for over a week. Temu’s quick rise to the top is driven almost exclusively by advertising. The app hasn’t gone viral on social networks. Quite the opposite, it has attracted little attention from influencers or users.

Very few apps make it to the top of the most-downloaded list. It had the same incumbents - Amazon, Walmart, Target, eBay, Nike, and Etsy - for years. While ranking doesn’t capture retention (Wish was the most-downloaded app for years but also had high churn), Temu is aggressively growing its user base even if the current app is only an early version.
Temu 相比 AliExpress 的优点在于,和目的国邮政签合约,可批量寄到美、加,再分开由邮政投递,有 tracking。

比如:iPhone 的 lightening 接口的有线的耳机,或者各种接口的转接 adapter 等单价较低的商品。

Temu is the most-downloaded shopping app in the U.S. Launched by China’s Pinduoduo in early September, it is the latest marketplace to bring China-made goods to Western consumers.
当初trump 退出万国邮政联盟是对的,提高中国到北美的运费,就能提供中国产品的价格,要不然北美小厂家没法竞争