


这和50步笑百步, 境况是不同的。


提前警告后的精确制导武器 VS 非制导的火箭弹
你这才是带节奏。 你才是一直在误导别人。

扶持过也好, 扶持的也好, 那又如何?CCP不单是被苏联“扶植过”, 同时也是苏联“扶植的”, 最后该翻脸还不是翻脸。

我小时候看你可爱抱过你, 长大了看你可怜, 还给过你助学金, 但是你走上社会以后, 去强奸妇女,杀害婴儿, 我照样打死你!
:kan: 看清楚再发

别哪天被你的高等洋主人像吃剩的骨头那样扔掉还不知道谁干的,李肃的油管视频看了么? 有悟性,会救你一命,没悟性,哪天栽沟里都不知道咋回事。 :)

侬扎资头三, 摇头摆尾一天天的骗人去买垃圾地产, 鼓吹内卷, 贩卖焦虑,装作人模狗样的唱高调, 实则偷偷拉偏架, 支持恐怖主义。
看到恐怖分子杀人、虐婴、强奸, 兴奋得恨不得自己就在现场。 满肚子坏水, 一脑子下作。 天天哈巴狗一样跟着北京的风向,要跟哈马斯一家亲。

以色列清剿哈马斯, 就跟剐了你的心头肉一样。 跟着一帮极左傻逼们塞私货。

吾帮侬杠清桑, 侬各扎资头三,活该受报应咯。你愿意自己子女长大了跟哈马斯为伍, 还满心光荣, 实则你的子女长大后就是哈马斯强奸虐待的对象。
到时候你还要哭着喊着要求保护。 你这种猪头啊,现在跟着主子打配合, 以后被人卖了都不知道。

李傕的视频看了没有?没有就赶紧去看吧。 别学李肃,想要火中取栗,最后被主子弄死。

傻逼一个, EOM知道不知道?

提前警告后的精确制导武器 VS 非制导的火箭弹


美国国务卿一直不主张停火的,他也在说far too many 巴勒斯坦人,死亡已经超过11000人,联合国雇员死亡过百,也许警告的作用不够,也许武器精准程度还差点。


US Secretary of State says "far too many Palestinians have been killed" in Gaza​

More than 100 UN workers killed in Gaza since the Israel-Hamas war began, agency says​

British doctor sent back to Gaza after his name was not on the list of evacuees at the Rafah crossing​

阿土说以眼还眼,加倍偿还,不知多少倍合适,现在至少有7- 8倍了。估计十倍肯定是打不住。
这需要更正一下,“以眼还眼”不是阿土说的,是以色列说的,至于是几倍不知道。另外,“以眼还眼” 指的是对哈马斯,不是加沙平民。你现在给的数字完全是哈马斯的一面之词,根本没可信度。而且哪些是被误伤的平民,哪些是哈马斯也不知道,所以你这种比法就是拍着自己脑袋搅混水。

6 hr 47 min ago

UN rights chief raises doubts over Israeli safe zones: "Nowhere in Gaza is safe"​

From CNN’s Zeena Saifi in Jerusalem

United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk speaks during a press conference in Amman, Jordan, on November 10.
United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Volker Turk speaks during a press conference in Amman, Jordan, on November 10. Alaa Al Sukhni/Reuters

The top United Nations human rights official on Friday raised doubts over Israel’s unilateral establishment of “safe zones” in Gaza, saying that nowhere within the territory was safe for civilians.

Israel on Friday announced another six-hour window for civilians to evacuate south from northern Gaza. US National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby on Thursday said that Israel would “begin to implement four-hour pauses in areas of northern Gaza each day,” but it was as yet unclear whether that is just a formalization of what the IDF has already been doing, or something new.
Türk said that he believes that the Israeli occupation is at the root of violence between Israelis and Palestinians.

His trip to Amman is part of a five-day visit to the Middle East he started on Tuesday to discuss “Israel’s escalation in Gaza,” his office said in a statement.
Before stopping in Jordan, Türk was in Egypt where he said he visited El-Arish Hospital, one of the hospitals treating seriously wounded Palestinians who were evacuated from Gaza. He talked about seeing many children injured by Israeli bombardment, kids with broken legs and severe burns.
“These were the “lucky” children who suffered terribly but are still alive and receiving proper medical treatment,” he added.
Speaking at the Egyptian side of the Rafah crossing earlier this week, Türk said that both Israel and Hamas had committed war crimes over the course of the war.
He talked about his UN colleagues in Gaza who have had to flee with their families to find shelter, saying they always “keep their bags close” in case they need to flee again. He recounted their stories of mourning the killings of dozens of their loved ones over the past month.
“The extensive Israeli bombardment of Gaza, including the use of high impact explosive weapons in densely populated areas, razing tens of thousands of buildings to the ground, is clearly having a devastating humanitarian and human rights impact… Israel must immediately end the use of such methods and means of warfare, and the attacks must be investigated,” he stressed.