藤校之一 UPenn 女主席顶住油条压力,坚决维护正当的言论自由,拒绝把支持巴勒斯坦人权益的口号作为宣扬对油条种族屠杀。


巴勒斯坦人的土地房屋被非法暴力侵占,人们80年来被驱离被屠杀,他们要反抗争取自己的权益,土地,房屋,在整个80年闲,巴勒斯坦人就是被围攻被欺压的受害者,结果被你们说成了是对侵略者(以色列)復国主义的种族屠杀? 这就是你们的逻辑?

The term "intifada" (انتفاضة in Arabic) is an Arabic word that translates to "uprising" or "shaking off." It has been historically used to refer to popular Palestinian uprisings against Israeli rule in the occupied territories, particularly in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

There have been two major Palestinian uprisings commonly referred to as intifadas:

  1. First Intifada (1987-1993): The First Intifada was a series of protests, demonstrations, and acts of civil disobedience that began in December 1987. It was largely driven by Palestinian frustration with the Israeli occupation, economic hardship, and political grievances. The First Intifada involved widespread grassroots participation and marked a turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  2. Second Intifada (2000-2005): The Second Intifada, also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada, erupted in September 2000. It was characterized by a significant increase in violence, including suicide bombings, shootings, and other attacks. The trigger for the Second Intifada was often attributed to a visit by Ariel Sharon, then an Israeli opposition leader, to the Temple Mount (known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif). The Second Intifada resulted in a significant loss of life on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides.
The term "intifada" has been used more broadly to describe popular uprisings or protests in other contexts, not limited to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It signifies a collective and often spontaneous expression of discontent, resistance, or rebellion by a population against perceived oppression or injustice.

巴勒斯坦人的土地房屋被非法暴力侵占,人们80年来被驱离被屠杀,他们要反抗争取自己的权益,土地,房屋,在整个80年闲,巴勒斯坦人就是被围攻被欺压的受害者,结果被你们说成了是对侵略者(以色列)復国主义的种族屠杀? 这就是你们的逻辑?

The term "intifada" (انتفاضة in Arabic) is an Arabic word that translates to "uprising" or "shaking off." It has been historically used to refer to popular Palestinian uprisings against Israeli rule in the occupied territories, particularly in the West Bank and Gaza Strip.

There have been two major Palestinian uprisings commonly referred to as intifadas:

  1. First Intifada (1987-1993): The First Intifada was a series of protests, demonstrations, and acts of civil disobedience that began in December 1987. It was largely driven by Palestinian frustration with the Israeli occupation, economic hardship, and political grievances. The First Intifada involved widespread grassroots participation and marked a turning point in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
  2. Second Intifada (2000-2005): The Second Intifada, also known as the Al-Aqsa Intifada, erupted in September 2000. It was characterized by a significant increase in violence, including suicide bombings, shootings, and other attacks. The trigger for the Second Intifada was often attributed to a visit by Ariel Sharon, then an Israeli opposition leader, to the Temple Mount (known to Muslims as Haram al-Sharif). The Second Intifada resulted in a significant loss of life on both the Israeli and Palestinian sides.
The term "intifada" has been used more broadly to describe popular uprisings or protests in other contexts, not limited to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. It signifies a collective and often spontaneous expression of discontent, resistance, or rebellion by a population against perceived oppression or injustice.

没有人贴标签。感兴趣的人都可以回去看看问答的原文,三位大学校长面对的问题直接了当,非常清楚,是“calling for the genocide of Jews",这里没有歧义。现在有人辞职,也是因为对这个问题的回答。
这个犹太裔(?)议员的提问方式,让我想到那傻x议员提问tiktok CEO..
这个火药味十足的议员是纽约市联邦共和党众议员,是个极右议员,力挺川普。 她是点燃这次众议院问询战火最激烈的议员。她的问话方式就像一个黑社会大佬拷问犯人。她家庭是捷克和意大利移民背景,被选区内XX人资本推崇支持。



Mia Antonacci, 20, is a member of the group's campus scholar programme. As a Jewish woman, she admits she is conflicted.


For many, Ms Magill's mistake was treating her congressional hearing like a court appearance, rather than an opportunity to give moral clarity on what they felt was a simple question.


Her resignation will not end the deeply polarised debate over the Israel-Gaza war roiling the University of Pennsylvania and so many other US college campuses.

But reaction to her comments this week had produced rare unity among the students we spoke to: all agreed that the president hadn't handled the hearing well.

"She was attempting to maybe try and represent both sides, but what she said at the congressional hearing was not appropriate and did come off as antisemitic," says Sayyid. "I can understand why students were hurt."


5.5小时视频中1:43:00开始,这个共和党议员开始搬出圣经某某条说XX人也是基督教的创始人,XX人有圣经说的回归等等权力,说正是由于美国现在缺乏宗教历史,才是,,,,, LOL

呵呵,把圣经搬出来,给XX人在现实社会的暴力侵占巴勒斯坦土地站台。 LOL :cool:

5.5小时视频中1:43:00开始,这个共和党议员开始搬出圣经某某条说XX人也是基督教的创始人,XX人有圣经说的回归等等权力,说正是由于美国现在缺乏宗教历史,才是,,,,, LOL

呵呵,把圣经搬出来,给XX人在现实社会的暴力侵占巴勒斯坦土地站台。 LOL :cool:

听证会一个议员对UPENN 主席发难说你那个活动为啥请ROGER WATERS 一个英国流行摇滚明星? LOL

这个ROGER WATERS是一个英国著名明星,早在2006年就表达对被占领土巴勒斯坦人的遭遇表示同情,请他去UPENN去表演,就是反犹? LOL 把中国文革那一套都照搬到美国了。

听听这个ROGER 大明星对巴以的看法,就是一个同情者而已,请他,就是支持大屠杀了。LOL

这个火药味十足的议员是纽约市联邦共和党众议员,是个极右议员,力挺川普。 她是点燃这次众议院问询战火最激烈的议员。她的问话方式就像一个黑社会大佬拷问犯人。她家庭是捷克和意大利移民背景,被选区内XX人资本推崇支持。


瑞鸡山庄,eom,明珠虎蹦… 我看你是贴标签贴昏头了。
The devil is in the details.





The devil is in the details.





这是一个悲伤的事实 - 人类还没有发展到没有战争的阶段。