[问题] 不爽!刚回国又要我来考入籍考试!订不上机票!该怎么办?

Re: 真是活该! 笑死我了

最初由 Tommy 发布
真是活该! 笑死我了....30
最初由 morningstar 发布


最初由 闲得慌 发布


我还是希望进度快一点,明儿就拿 citizen 就可走人。
Where can YOU go ?

Don't kiding yourself. If you are a loser in Canada, chances are you are a loser anywhere.

USA: if you can't find a job in Canada for the past 3 years, you won't be able to find a job in US either.

China: you are a foreigner there. Canadian government has started notifying Chinese government of all former Chinese who has applied and got Canadian citizenship. Unless your Daddy can help you, the best you can hope for is a 12,000 yuan/month work, where you have to work twice as hard as in North America. And you will be layed off within a year.

最初由 一家言 发布

我还是希望进度快一点,明儿就拿 citizen 就可走人。
Re: Where can YOU go ?

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
Don't kiding yourself. If you are a loser in Canada, chances are you are a loser anywhere.

USA: if you can't find a job in Canada for the past 3 years, you won't be able to find a job in US either.

China: you are a foreigner there. Canadian government has started notifying Chinese government of all former Chinese who has applied and got Canadian citizenship. Unless your Daddy can help you, the best you can hope for is a 12,000 yuan/month work, where you have to work twice as hard as in North America. And you will be layed off within a year.

Re: Where can YOU go ?

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
Don't kiding yourself. If you are a loser in Canada, chances are you are a loser anywhere.

USA: if you can't find a job in Canada for the past 3 years, you won't be able to find a job in US either.

China: you are a foreigner there. Canadian government has started notifying Chinese government of all former Chinese who has applied and got Canadian citizenship. Unless your Daddy can help you, the best you can hope for is a 12,000 yuan/month work, where you have to work twice as hard as in North America. And you will be layed off within a year.

我相信我的工作不会比你差,无论在加还是在中国。我三年前离开中国时工资就已经是15k/M. 在这我还不知道什么叫 Lay off.
Re: Where can YOU go ?

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
Don't kiding yourself. If you are a loser in Canada, chances are you are a loser anywhere.

USA: if you can't find a job in Canada for the past 3 years, you won't be able to find a job in US either.

China: you are a foreigner there. Canadian government has started notifying Chinese government of all former Chinese who has applied and got Canadian citizenship. Unless your Daddy can help you, the best you can hope for is a 12,000 yuan/month work, where you have to work twice as hard as in North America. And you will be layed off within a year.

Re: Re: Where can YOU go ?

最初由 一家言 发布


If you are so "good" in CHina, why in hell do you want a Canadian citizenship ?

I know lots of people like you: come on, you don't have a job here. And you know what ? You won't get back your previous job in China, now that you are a foreigner there.

Accept this and you will be at peace:

You are a piece of garbage, and be thanksful there are at least free medicare and welfare for you in Canada.
Re: Re: Re: Where can YOU go ?

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

If you are so "good" in CHina, why in hell do you want a Canadian citizenship ?

I know lots of people like you: come on, you don't have a job here. And you know what ? You won't get back your previous job in China, now that you are a foreigner there.

Accept this and you will be at peace:

You are a piece of garbage, and be thanksful there are at least free medicare and welfare for you in Canada.
两边的good是不一样的,看你侧重什么了,非得认为中国不好才要申请这边的国籍? 太simple了吧.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Where can YOU go ?

最初由 digger 发布

两边的good是不一样的,看你侧重什么了,非得认为中国不好才要申请这边的国籍? 太simple了吧.


Actions are more important than words.

You know where is good, so you thorw out Chinese citizenship like a piece of garbage. And you couldn't wait.
最初由 morningstar 发布



她是跟公司说了的。 而且公司会给申请“中国绿卡“。

Re: Re: Where can YOU go ?

最初由 digger 发布


Looks at his post closely. He is implying that Chinese Canadian don't love Canada, just want to use Canada, and will leave as soon as they swear loyalty (under oath) to Canada.

This kind of post deserves to be hit back fast, and hard.
Re: Re: Re: Where can YOU go ?

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

If you are so "good" in CHina, why in hell do you want a Canadian citizenship ?

原以为你牛哄哄的应该还有两把刷子. 看来你不过是一谨小慎微地守着一份仅够温饱的饭碗,小富即安的凡夫俗子。

你用不着给 GOOD 加上引号. 我们原部门(不是整个公司)落户 Ottawa (不是整个加拿大) 的就有八,九人. 好像没谁离开中国前月薪低于 5 位数, 现在在这儿也没人待业在家或做 Labor 工.

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

You know where is good, so you thorw out Chinese citizenship like a piece of garbage. And you couldn't wait.


Re: Re: Re: Re: Where can YOU go ?

最初由 一家言 发布


Now you tell the truth: you know Canadian citizenship is better and you want it.

But still, after out of a job for so long, even Canadian citizenship won't save you.

Forget about your 5 digit job back when in China, you won't get it back.
最初由 GM0 发布

她是跟公司说了的。 而且公司会给申请“中国绿卡“。
