市政府关于建立Newcomer Reception Centres的网上建议调查

A Special Day


要不然我会去建议设在 Bowesville park and ride,一个主要优点:得罪的人比较少

要不然我会去建议设在 Bowesville park and ride,一个主要优点:得罪的人比较少


Firstly, the lack of transparency in the decision-making process is troubling. From what I understand, this decision was made without the input or vote of our elected council members, leaving residents in the dark about how this location was chosen.

Secondly, the proposed location lacks critical amenities such as nearby shopping options and accessible public transit. Without these resources, the incoming residents may struggle with daily needs and transportation, which could place additional demands on our city’s infrastructure.

Lastly, there is limited information about the background of the incoming refugees, many of whom we understand to be single individuals. Without clear information on background checks or potential vetting processes, many in our community are concerned about the possibility of undocumented individuals or those without proper criminal background screenings being housed nearby. Transparency on these points would go a long way in easing concerns.

Firstly, the lack of transparency in the decision-making process is troubling. From what I understand, this decision was made without the input or vote of our elected council members, leaving residents in the dark about how this location was chosen.

Secondly, the proposed location lacks critical amenities such as nearby shopping options and accessible public transit. Without these resources, the incoming residents may struggle with daily needs and transportation, which could place additional demands on our city’s infrastructure.

Lastly, there is limited information about the background of the incoming refugees, many of whom we understand to be single individuals. Without clear information on background checks or potential vetting processes, many in our community are concerned about the possibility of undocumented individuals or those without proper criminal background screenings being housed nearby. Transparency on these points would go a long way in easing concerns.

Firstly, the lack of transparency in the decision-making process is troubling. From what I understand, this decision was made without the input or vote of our elected council members, leaving residents in the dark about how this location was chosen.

Secondly, the proposed location lacks critical amenities such as nearby shopping options and accessible public transit. Without these resources, the incoming residents may struggle with daily needs and transportation, which could place additional demands on our city’s infrastructure.

Lastly, there is limited information about the background of the incoming refugees, many of whom we understand to be single individuals. Without clear information on background checks or potential vetting processes, many in our community are concerned about the possibility of undocumented individuals or those without proper criminal background screenings being housed nearby. Transparency on these points would go a long way in easing concerns.



确实市政府也不可能每一项工作都要市议员投票决定,不过在停车场上盖住人的大棚算不算zoning change? 听证会都不搞,其实就是city知道阻力很大,想斩立决。

In Ottawa, the decision to approve new municipal buildings typically follows a public and transparent process, often including a vote by City Council, especially when the project involves significant changes in land use, zoning, or building permits.

这次city太过分了,300个单身的,血气方刚,nepean sportplex全是小孩子,teenage,未成年的上各种课,万一搞出一个强奸案,非闹翻了。
确实市政府也不可能每一项工作都要市议员投票决定,不过在停车场上盖住人的大棚算不算zoning change? 听证会都不搞,其实就是city知道阻力很大,想斩立决。

In Ottawa, the decision to approve new municipal buildings typically follows a public and transparent process, often including a vote by City Council, especially when the project involves significant changes in land use, zoning, or building permits.
我的回答没有什么建议。如果一定要建议,那就是,各级政府官员以身作则,带头接受new comers。联邦政府官员每家接受3-4家;省府官员每家接受2-3家;市级官员每家接受1-2家。

我只是提问:这些new comers在进入社区前,政府做过背景调查了吗?这里面有多少是合法的?有多少是不合法的?有多少有吸毒史的?有多少是潜在恐怖分子?这些年欧洲包括我们加拿大,各种不该有的悲剧已经让我们感到震惊,恐惧。政府不做任何背景调查,就把这些人放进社区,是滥用人们的善良。

Firstly, the lack of transparency in the decision-making process is troubling. From what I understand, this decision was made without the input or vote of our elected council members, leaving residents in the dark about how this location was chosen.

Secondly, the proposed location lacks critical amenities such as nearby shopping options and accessible public transit. Without these resources, the incoming residents may struggle with daily needs and transportation, which could place additional demands on our city’s infrastructure.

Lastly, there is limited information about the background of the incoming refugees, many of whom we understand to be single individuals. Without clear information on background checks or potential vetting processes, many in our community are concerned about the possibility of undocumented individuals or those without proper criminal background screenings being housed nearby. Transparency on these points would go a long way in easing concerns.
你的第一点说没经过our council的同意和意见。。。有些冤枉City了。。。

当时巴屯的两位议员要求把选址决定权从City Staff手里拿下的动议,除了巴屯两位议员和东边的一位议员赞成,其他20来位包括卡屯的议员反对“夺权”,表面他们相信City会作出正确的选择。。。
