
最初由 CFA 发布


最初由 Felix 发布


if you earn CAD70000 per year and you buy the maximum RRSP amount, the income tax should around CAD15000 in 2002, you can calculate it yourself. the assumption is you are single. If you are married and your spouse does not have a job, you pay less income tax.
最初由 免费 发布


then that guy must has too much time to kill. it does not make any sense to me.
Fraser Institute -- as if they have any creditibility.

Waiting time is an old problem with no solution -- unless you can change the basic law of probability in a stochastic process.

To have no waiting time, most physician must be idle often - so at peak there will always be someone available to treat new arrivials. Will society bear this cost ?

OK there is a solution, to allow queue jumping: by money, by power, or by connection. And you might as well believe China is a better society.

最初由 ltw 发布
Well, I was just trying to tell the truth. It seems that the Canadian medical care officals need to invite a Telecom Software Engineer to help solving the scheduling or the queuing problem.

Just kidding(No offensive) :-) Good luck.


Medical care wait times increased over past year in Canada
October 21, 2003

TORONTO - A national survey conducted by the Fraser Institute, a Vancouver-based right-wing think-tank, released Monday, the average waiting times across Canada to see a doctor and to get diagnostic and other essential medical care have increased in the last year and have reached an all-time high over the past decade, suggests .

More than 90 per cent of average waiting times are considered beyond clinically "reasonable," indicates the survey. The institute surveyed 2,817 specialists across Canada for its 13th annual waiting-list survey, titled Waiting Your Turn: Hospital Waiting Lists in Canada.

The total waiting time - from the moment a patient gets a referral from a family doctor to the time he or she gets treatment - in a dozen specialties covering areas such as cancer, heart, eye and orthopedic care rose from 16.5 weeks in 2001-02 to 17.7 weeks in 2003, the survey suggests.

"Canadians are waiting almost 18 weeks for essential medical care," said John Graham, the institute's director of health and pharmaceutical policy research.

"The standard solution - throwing more money at the problem - is just not working. "

Graham said the survey found total waiting time for care is 90 per cent longer now than in 1993.

The rise in total waiting time is the result of both an increase in the first wait (from visiting a general practitioner and getting a consultation with a specialist, which grew from 7.3 to 8.3 weeks over the one-year period) and the wait between the consultation with a specialist and the actual treatment (which rose from 9.2 to 9.5 weeks), the survey concludes.

This year's nationwide increase in total average waiting time reflects increases in seven provinces, with decreases in British Columbia, Saskatchewan and Manitoba, the survey found.

Among the various specialties, the shortest total waits were for cancer surgery (6.1 weeks), cancer radiation (8.1 weeks) and general surgery (10.3 weeks), while patients waited longest for orthopedic surgery (32.2 weeks), eye treatment (30 weeks) and plastic surgery (28.6 weeks).

Getting diagnosed for a problem in the first place also proved to be more burdensome for Canadians, according to the survey.

The median wait for an ultrasound was 3.6 weeks; for computed tomography (a CT scan) it was 5.5 weeks; and for magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) it was 12.7 weeks.

The specialists interviewed for the survey were also asked what they regarded as clinically "reasonable" waiting times. They responded that actual waiting time exceeded reasonable waiting time in 92 per cent of the comparisons.

Graham said the survey shows that the "federal and provincial governments are still failing to act in the face of international evidence that increasing patient options for private care reduces waiting times. "

However, any trend towards privatizing health care was blasted by Roy Romanow, Saskatchewan's former NDP premier, in his royal commission report on the future of health care in Canada.

The Fraser Institute isn't the first to put its finger on the unacceptably long waiting times for medical care, said Michael Decter, a former Ontario deputy health minister who's now with the Canadian Institute for Health Information.

However, Decter said he doubts it's possible to solve the waiting-time dilemma quickly, because one key is to boost the number of health-care professionals like nurses and doctors.

"I'm not sure creating more private clinics would solve the problem at all, let me be clear on that," said Decter, who had no involvement in the Fraser survey.

"The real issue is making some investments in capacity (medical personnel). But you don't produce a doctor or nurse overnight, so these (waiting-list) problems don't have instant solutions."

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布
Fraser Institute -- as if they have any creditibility.

Fraser Institute --- Called the most powerful think tank by the Ottawa Citizen. And I think it has more creditibility than someone here...

:) :D
最初由 ltw 发布

对不起,这些日子心情不佳,上一贴多有得罪,请见谅。其实,是苦是甜,大家心里清楚。得之不喜,失之不悲, 真能做到这一点的人,不多见。

我举的在医院的例子,是发生在我的一位朋友身上的真事, 并未夸张。我自己有一次看病,也需预约专科医生,等了三个月。医疗人员短缺造成的排队就医这一点,你会体验到的。

至于楼主,如果真的要来加拿大的话,请认真考虑我所说的那几点。做好在加拿大从零做起的准备,做好在加拿大失业的准备,做好在加拿大打工生存的准备。思想准备充足些,弄清此行的机会成本。我个人以为,对于30岁以上, 事业有成的人来讲,移民(特别是在这个经济不景气的时候)不是个明智的选择。

“以出世的心态,做入世的事情” 这是我一朋友的赠言。 很惭愧,我始终没能做到。



最初由 免费 发布


最初由 Felix 发布


最初由 就是喜欢看热闹扎堆儿~ 发布


是呀,我也就是因为太想家了。“每逢佳节倍思亲”。 在这里再工作两年(多积累点经验和人生阅历),我就回国。 虽然中国还存在很多问题,但我相信中国会更好。我也相信,大多数中国人在中国比在北美机会多。
最初由 ltw 发布

Fraser Institute --- Called the most powerful think tank by the Ottawa Citizen. And I think it has more creditibility than someone here...

:) :D

Fraser Institute is an extreme right wing, attention-seeking organization.
最初由 捶妮春 发布

是扣得比较高的, (退税的时候, 还能拿回一部分来.)

每月拿三千是可能的,但有一部分存在税务局了,年终可以拿回来。这个是没利息的,最好是改一下自己在公司的benefit plan,让公司代扣税时少扣些。
最初由 就是喜欢看热闹扎堆儿~ 发布

