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It sounds like Forest is/was a YES China student
So who will be so kind to tell us the profile of YES CANADA?
I agree with you. YES CANADA program is really suck! Nobady can learn in this program;but the regular MBA is much better.
好像YES CANADA PROGRAM只是前3个月中国学生一起上课,3个月以后不就和其他MBA课程一样了吗?
如果真想读MBA的话,劝你读Regular MBA, 我有两个朋友从OU's Regular MBA毕业,都找到工作了,说MBA找不到工作,其实还看个人。
那如果我先通过YES CANADA 过来,然后再转读 Regular MBA 可不可以?
the OU regular MBA program also suck.

go to york u for MBA studies.

York U MBA is one of the top programs in canada and NA.
Schulich Ranked Among Top 25 Business Schools in North America 2002 Financial Times Global MBA Rankings

Toronto: The Schulich School of Business at York University was ranked among the top 25 schools in North America, among the top 10 schools outside the US, and ranked 31st overall in the world in this year's Financial Times of London Global ranking of MBA programs. This year's survey marks the third consecutive year that Schulich has moved up in the Financial Times Ranking (Schulich was ranked 45th in the 2000 survey and 35th in the 2001 survey). The Financial Times Ranking is the world's most comprehensive ranking which measures a wide range of criteria, including graduate salaries, career progress and academic research.

Two other Canadian business schools, the Richard Ivey School of Business at the University of Western Ontario and the Joseph L. Rotman School of Business at the University of Toronto were also rated among the top 25 schools in North America. Known as "Canada's Global Business School" (TM), Schulich had the second highest number of international students among all North American schools in the top 100 ranking and scored highly in categories that measured international dimensions.

In the overall ranking of the top 100 business schools in the world, Ivey ranked 18th and Schulich and Rotman were both ranked 31st. Five Canadian schools were ranked among the world's top 50.

"We are very pleased that the Schulich School of Business has for the third straight year improved its position in the Financial Times ranking of the world's best business schools," said Dezsö J. Horváth, dean of the Schulich School of Business. "The Canadian business and academic communities should be proud of the fact that five Canadian schools were ranked among the world's top 50 and eight were ranked among the world's top 100 ­ a considerable achievement given our country's small size relative to many other countries."
To: Luke

我的两个朋友都在Canada工作,一个是男孩,毕业以后去了Vancouver工作,一个是我朋友的老婆,毕业后在Revenue Canada工作,因为是政府部门,所以现在在培训一年的法语。另外还有两个Roommate,是CU MBA毕业的,都在Ottawa工作,一个在Royal Bank,另一个在一家私人公司。


至于那位forest,我认为就是换了再好的学校,也不一定就找得到工作。我想他/她一定是YES CANADA,这个Program,一不需要高的TOFEL成绩,二不需要GMAT,又是针对中国学生招生,中国学生多也就不奇怪了。还有他说得那些OU MBA SUCKS的理由我听来都不是理由。比如说,"OU MBA 都是中国学生",我刚才说了,YES CANADA中国学生多是很正常的,既然你是申请这个Program的,就是“姜太公钓鱼,愿者上钩”,怨不得人。再如,"OU's Professor sucks".每个学校的教授都有教的好教的不好的,一般来说,你修的课程中,有50%的教授教的不错也就可以了,教的不好自己多花点时间就是了,有什么大不了的?还有,“OU 的语言环境不好”,这就更可笑了,很多时候,在学校说不了英语,回家可以说嘛,我现在就住一英国老太太的家里,既然在学校锻炼的不多,回家再锻炼。很多东西得靠自己争取,等着别人都给你安排好,这跟等死有什么区别?

总之一句话,如果你真想认认真真读MBA,而不是混一张文凭的话,劝你努力考TOFEL,GMAT,你有很多学校可以申请,对于MBA,语言还是关键。英语不是靠在网上写写骂人文章就有进步的,有些人在网上骂的凶,现实生活中恐怕连口都不敢开。对于不要求TOFEL,GMAT的MBA Program,我也不敢苟同。对于那位forest,我只想说,对自己要求多一点,对别人要求少一点,如果连对自己的要求都做不到的话,有什么资格去要求别人?

to green_grass
真的很感谢你的回复。但是我现在可能是进退两难,已经联系了yes canada,这个MBA真的很糟糕吗? 中介说这个课程只是先前3个月中国学生一起上课,补一些和课程相关的知识点。然后和国际学生一起上课的。和其他MBA没有什么区别的。
中介都往好的说。我不知道这个program是不是真那么糟,只是觉得不用TOFEL,GMAT的MBA应该不会好到哪儿去。我暂时不认识上YES CANADA的学生,没办法回答了。不过你既然已经申请了,还有别的办法吗?
To forest,
You are loser in OU and I do not think you will succeed in York either, where you will find more Chinese students. To be frank, if you are not a full-time MBA, I do not think you will find too many Chinese students in your class.
OU的MBA China也学要TOFEL成绩,并且要求还不低,特别对作文要求很高,即使TOFEL考了600多分也不一定就可以打他们的要求。我知道一个人就是考了610多分,作文因为只有3.5而只拿到conditional offer. 还必须通过学校的Cantest考试才能拿到正式的offer.
610 vs 3.5? of course it clearly explains this guy's real English level which cannot be disguised by those "fast food" trainings.
my English is really poor. I took Tofel test 3 times, and the best score is 567. But all my article got 4 points.It seems now I can feel little bit confident with myself.