[闲聊] 大家来谈谈最近ottawa加税的话题吧

BTW, mayor Chiarelli admitted for the first time yesterday on the Ottawa Citizen that he knew the tax increase would NOT be only 3%, but rather 16% to 30% a year ago! WHY didn't he tell us earlier, before the city election???

AND why is city council only giving us a list of cuts? I want to see what services they are keeping. We'll start from the essential services, and work out way down. Let's be crystal clear on where the money is spent and how the money is spent! $140 work lunch is NOT acceptable!

I am fed up with all 3 levels of governments! It is time for a change.
最初由 渐渐 发布

AND why is city council only giving us a list of cuts? I want to see what services they are keeping. We'll start from the essential services, and work out way down. Let's be crystal clear on where the money is spent and how the money is spent! $140 work lunch is NOT acceptable!

I am fed up with all 3 levels of governments! It is time for a change.

:zhichi: :zhichi: :zhichi:
市政选举我这区最惨,RICK屎拉里居然是唯一候选人,根据选举条例,以100%的票自动当选.这哥们还拍个了纪念照,上书:100% support, me and Sadam Hussain.

最初由 渐渐 发布
FYI, 40% of the the shortfall is attributed to employee salary. :smokin:
AND, city management wants to have a 20% salary increase! :mad:

City of Calgary is a lot bigger than Ottawa, but much more efficient. Their operating cost is much less than what the city of Ottawa is budgeted for. Take Toronto for example, we are paying about 30% more in property tax than Torontonians. Now the size of Toronto is a factor, but 30% more???

The matter of the fact is NOT that we as taxpayers are not paying ENOUGH, the fact is this city council is so incompetent that it is unable to run a successful government.

ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. If they can't give us what they promised, then we'll know what to do when it comes to the next election. :o
最初由 渐渐 发布
ENOUGH IS ENOUGH. If they can't give us what they promised, then we'll know what to do when it comes to the next election. :o

说实话,俺最光火的就是还得等到下一次。选举的时候,什么牛都敢吹。选上了转头就不认了。:flaming: :flaming:
最初由 丫丫 发布

Those who were eligible but didn't vote in the last city election don't have the right to complain.

You gave up your right in the first place. What the current mayor and his buddies can do has been crystal clear during the past 3 years.

"You guys spread your legs, they just go in."
市政三年后首次上调地税能跑去示威,可是地税基数涨了百分之三四十没见有谁组织抗议省政府做法的活动?谁组织了叫上我,今天刚收到mpac的通知,说三月31号继续上诉截止日期前他们办不了俺的上诉,让俺最好在此之前先递了‘继续上诉’的申请,回头上庭前如果解决了他们会退上诉费用…:kan: 跟他们斗到底:flaming:
FYI, property assessment and city tax increase are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. The fact is, if city council would do what they've promised to do, we'd have a lower mill rate to balance the increased property value in recent assessment that'll result in an unchanged property tax.

I have called my city counselor to voice my true opinions, and I urge everyone to do the same.

For those who favor a tax increase, well, you could pay my bills too. Rest assured that I'm NOT going to sponsor some arsy program that gives grants to those who use toe nails, pubic hair and mouse droppings and call that arts! It is our RIGHT to complain and protest, so don't you DARE to tell us what we can or cannot do!
就我所知,受high-tech layoffs负面影响,City of Ottawa的IT员工自2002年起就没有涨薪,目前IT员工薪酬比外边的仍低至少15%,2004年的operating budget 也cut了$2.1 million.
最初由 Kent以东首帅哥 发布
俺既不担心property tax, 也不担心房租, 落个轻松.



最初由 649 发布
就我所知,受high-tech layoffs负面影响,City of Ottawa的IT员工自2002年起就没有涨薪,目前IT员工薪酬比外边的仍低至少15%,2004年的operating budget 也cut了$2.1 million.


最初由 胡说之 发布
市政选举我这区最惨,RICK屎拉里居然是唯一候选人,根据选举条例,以100%的票自动当选.这哥们还拍个了纪念照,上书:100% support, me and Sadam Hussain.

There were two other candidates at the beginning, but Rick persuaded them to give up (don't know what tricks he was using). Anyway there will be no next time for him if he choose to increase tax with his uncle, the mayor, this time.