[闲聊] 大家来谈谈最近ottawa加税的话题吧

最初由 lifeisfun 发布

Maybe he lives in the street.

:D :D


最初由 渐渐 发布
FYI, property assessment and city tax increase are TWO DIFFERENT THINGS. The fact is, if city council would do what they've promised to do, we'd have a lower mill rate to balance the increased property value in recent assessment that'll result in an unchanged property tax.

I have called my city counselor to voice my true opinions, and I urge everyone to do the same.

For those who favor a tax increase, well, you could pay my bills too. Rest assured that I'm NOT going to sponsor some arsy program that gives grants to those who use toe nails, pubic hair and mouse droppings and call that arts! It is our RIGHT to complain and protest, so don't you DARE to tell us what we can or cannot do!

Yes, the property assessment and the mill rate are two different things. Don't mix them up. The city always use this trick to redirect your anger to province (for sure provincial govern is not doing good deeds but that's another story). As said, the city can always lower mill rate to keep the tax unchange even if the property assessment increases. This year, the average assessment of Ottawa is around 22%, but the city only choose to lower the mill rate by 16%, which means 6% tax increase. And that's on top of the 3% tax increase in the debate.

Don't let the city fool you and me. I feel sorry to see that there are little voice among our folks on this issue. This affect not only those who own houses, but also those who rent (like the students as landlord will pass this increase to you anyway). I see people are quite active on some nonsense issues and attacking each other, when it comes to the real issue, where are those real fighters. Come out show us your ability.

Thanks for posting the list of city councilor and I sent an email to
Rick (who represents my ward) telling him that if he chooses to increase tax this time, don't expect my vote next time.
TO: wnttkn

City of Ottawa 翻译成中文就是渥太华市政府.
Based on its analysis of year 2000 census data, the government workers make 23 per cent more on average than workers in the same type of job employed in the private sector.
最初由 test 发布
Based on its analysis of year 2000 census data, the government workers make 23 per cent more on average than workers in the same type of job employed in the private sector.
Yeah, Is that right?
At least I know SOMEBODY on this BBS switched from a Federal Gov job to a private company for 20K more a year, around year 2000:smokin:

最初由 649 发布
TO: wnttkn

City of Ottawa 翻译成中文就是渥太华市政府.
