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<HTML>这里的课本很贵, 所以很多同学都复印课本. 我认为这样不好. 一. 违法. 二. 对不起教授. 三. 对不起政府贷款.四. 有损中国人形象

所以我从来不复印书, 虽然我并不富裕. 希望多些人认识到这一点. 我提议, 大家都买新书, 若资金困难, 可以学完再把旧书卖掉, 滩低成本,又不违法, 一举两得.


<HTML>你以为教授真是欣赏那本教材才用的吗? 那为什么三不五时换个版本呢(内容根本没什么不同)? 这是商业运作而已, 更莫名其妙的是老大一本书买回来,他老人家只讲三分之一的内容……怎么看都是复印明智多了。</HTML>
Re: 没对不起任何人。

Re: 没对不起任何人。


随便找本书看看:比如这本吧,“Modern Compiler Implementation in C”- Andrew W. Appel

"This book is in copyright. SUbject to statutory exception and to the provisions of relevant licensing agreements, no reproduction of any part may take place without the written permission of Cambridge University Press".

只印几章, 没人搞得清楚你是不是有permission和collective agreement. 混过去就完了, 你还挺有理的。

你是学法律的吗? 什么是法律常识啊?</HTML>
Re: 没对不起任何人。


Re: 没对不起任何人。

<HTML>Tachnically, if you copy whole book, you are illegal. But if you just copy a few chapters, this may be OK, because it's thought as references use. ig. You feel confortable if you copy a few papers from technical journals.

To be honest, I would feel embrassed to use a photo-copied sheets in a class.</HTML>
Re: 没对不起任何人。

<HTML>I am talking about the whole book copying. If you are a qualified student, you must be able to get loan from the government which is supposed to finance your study expenditure including books. If you make photo copy instead of buying, you are actually stealing the money and the knowledge. I don't think anyone of you is qualified to talk about the law with me. Copying is wrong! You guys do it just for your own mean benefit. However, the people who sin always disguise themselves under some beautiful excuses. This is like what an old Chinese saying goes: you are trying to build a "memorial archway" of chastity for yourself who is actually a bitch!

准文痞和屎片子擦嘴长大的市井之徒, 请远离这个干净的话题.</HTML>
Re: 没对不起任何人。

<HTML>过客兄弟, 英文我没看清, 倒是你这最后的两句国语够狠的, 你原来不是这样的风格呀! :)</HTML>
everyone wants a brand new textbook rather than a poor quaility copy.

<HTML>students copy book for benefit? come on, they just can not afford it...is this so hard to believe?

and what's so great about government loan? it's not that you don't need to pay it back, just pay it later...even local students are trying to avoid it. they would rather apply for scholarship.

so students who didn't apply the loan is qualified to do whole book copying?

besides, I suspect a lot people would do whole book copy...in most cases, half book copy is more than enough, :crazy: I don't see any meaning of this 'clean' topic at all.</HTML>
Re: everyone wants a brand new textbook rather than a poor quaility copy.

<HTML>A. Copying is wrong.
B. Everyone has done something wrong in his life.
C. You could be forgiven for copying books, not chicanery.</HTML>

to 过客

<HTML>你列出的四点前面还有点道理,但是什么叫有损中国人形象,用印的书就没形象,就丢脸?政府贷款关INTERNATIONAL STUDENT 什么事,屁话!!!</HTML>
Re: R

<HTML>If you are an international student, you are supposed to be able to finance yourself, which means you had been assumed as being able to afford tuition, books, etc before Canada issued the student visa to you. If you didn't turn out to be able to afford it, the only explanation is : you are a liar! BTW, stop using coarse language please, liar!</HTML>
过客, 你丫是不是有病啊?

<HTML>印书是不对, 这TMD和liar有狗屁关系啊? 就你丫诚实吗?

Re: 过客, 你丫是不是有病啊?


