Drive on Marck Rd. from south to north till Alcatel. Turn right at Terry Fox Rd. and keep driving 200 to 300 metres. Never stop looking at your left until you see the small white bridge in the picture below. There are some tiny pools on both sides of Terry Fox. Over 10 geese families live there every year.
Drive on Marck Rd. from south to north till Alcatel. Turn right at Terry Fox Rd. and keep driving 200 to 300 metres. Never stop looking at your left until you see the small white bridge in the picture below. There are some tiny pools on both sides of Terry Fox. Over 10 geese families live there every year.
Yes. There are less geese families than last year around the small ponds, but if you go little bit far into the golf course, should be less than 500 m, than you can see lots of geese around another ponds.