Family income stays flat: Stats Canada

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Canadian Press

Thursday, May 20, 2004

OTTAWA -- Family income after taxes remained virtually unchanged between 2001 and 2002 after growing during the previous five years, says Statistics Canada. After-tax income for families of two people or more was an estimated $60,500, virtually unchanged from $60,300 in 2001 after adjustments for inflation, the agency said Thursday.

"This lack of growth was in contrast to the increase of 3.2 per cent in annual average after-tax income for these families between 1996 and 2001.''

Average after-tax income declined in 2002 for single-parent families headed by women, the agency said. However, their income gains were among the strongest between 1996 and 2002 because more single mothers had jobs.

"On average, the after-tax income for the estimated 500,000 single-parent families headed by women declined to $30,800 in 2002 from $32,500 in 2001.

"For unattached individuals, after-tax income amounted to $25,900 in 2002, up 2.4 per cent from 2001.''

After-tax income for families of two people or more remained stable in most provinces, but there was the occasional exception.

"In Alberta, after-tax income declined to $64,300 in 2002 from $65,600 in 2001.

"The biggest gain was in Nova Scotia where after-tax income for families of two or more people rose to $51,000 from $49,800.''

The agency also said that:

_Of the estimated 500,000 lone-parent families headed by women, 34.8 per cent were in low income in 2002, up from 30.1 per cent in 2001. This was the first increase in the low-income rate for these families in five years.

_An estimated 605,000 families were in low income in 2002, compared with 564,000 in 2001.

_Among families in which the major income recipient was aged 65 and older, after-tax income was estimated at $43,400.

_In 2002, families of two or more in Newfoundland and Labrador received, on average, government transfers estimated at $11,300 _ the highest in Canada and well above the national average of $7,300.

Energy costs drive up inflation rate

Canadian Press

Thursday, May 20, 2004

OTTAWA -- Rising energy costs drove the annual inflation rate up to 1.6 per cent in April, Statistics Canada said Thursday.

The rate jumped dramatically from a mere 0.7 per cent in March.

The April rate was influenced by a jump in the price of gasoline and other energy last month as well as a sharp drop in energy costs during the same period one year earlier.

That made last month's increase look even more dramatic in comparison.

The April rate of 1.6 per cent seems to be much different than the March figure but is actually more in line with where the cost of living has been running in recent months, Statistics Canada noted.

The core rate of inflation - which is closely watched by policy makers - also jumped, to 1.8 per cent last month.

That's a considerable increase from the annual rate of 1.3 per cent reported in March.

Core inflation excludes volatile food and energy items.

The increase will likely fuel expectations that the Bank of Canada will be tempted to begin raising interest rates later this year to prevent inflation from growing quickly.

The central bank, which was cutting rates early this year to boost growth, likes the core rate at about two per cent.

On a month-over-month comparison, inflation grew by 0.2 per cent from March to April, which has been about average for monthly increases in the last year, the agency said.

Higher prices for electricity - up by an average of 15.1 per cent - gasoline at the pumps, cigarettes and tuition fees accounted for much of the rise in the cost of living last month.

Ontario was hit especially hard by higher power costs, which jumped by 54.7 per cent due to new legislation that permits higher rates for electricity.

Gasoline prices rose by an average 6.9 per cent in April compared with one year earlier.

That will likely spike even more sharply in next month's inflation report.

Helping to hold down inflation were lower prices for natural gas, fresh vegetables, autos and computer equipment.

最初由 渐渐 发布

After-tax income for families of two people or more was an estimated $60,500, virtually unchanged from $60,300 in 2001 after adjustments for inflation, the agency said Thursday.



咱还在温饱线上,还要向先富起来的致敬,希望先富起来的带领我们阶级弟兄一起,共同走向富裕的‘康庄大道’ -)

After-tax income for families of two people or more was an estimated $60,500

Re: Re: Family income stays flat: Stats Canada

最初由 terry 发布


You consider this high ? Then who is buying all those 250,000+ single houses in Barrheaven and Kanata ?

Most good pay positions are in non-high tech area. NONE of my neighbors in Barrheaven are in high tech.
Re: Re: Re: Family income stays flat: Stats Canada

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

You consider this high ? Then who is buying all those 250,000+ single houses in Barrheaven and Kanata ?

Most good pay positions are in non-high tech area. NONE of my neighbors in Barrheaven are in high tech.


Re: Re: Re: Family income stays flat: Stats Canada

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

You consider this high ? Then who is buying all those 250,000+ single houses in Barrheaven and Kanata ?

Most good pay positions are in non-high tech area. NONE of my neighbors in Barrheaven are in high tech.

Re: Re: Re: Re: Family income stays flat: Stats Canada

最初由 Rock2008sz 发布


Have you consider the rising costs? Property tax, gasoline price, child care, energy costs, transportation costs, car name it. Property tax is paid AFTER TAXES, so is this so called health premium, it's not just a tax, but a deduction from your disposable income, in other words, tax on top of taxes!

毛毛雨 here and there gets accumulated. While the average household income stays constant, any bit of increase in taxes seems just that much more outrageous.

p.s. Those who seem to consider the health premium 毛毛雨 probably never paid a dime in taxes anyway! But hey, that's ok, it's just how this great country works!
Re: Re: Re: Re: Family income stays flat: Stats Canada

最初由 Rock2008sz 发布

This is typical, pathetic but typical: instead of focusing on the issues at hand and try to solve problems together, we, the Chinese, rather attack each other.
Have you guys had the chance to take a look at the Stat Canada internal results? Some results can give you guys an astounding thing to consider:
1,在多伦多,2001年时,如果你家庭税前收入在262000CAD/yr,你的家庭才刚刚属於Toronto top10%收入的家庭。

2,在2002年,约有1%的加拿大家庭税前年入100万CAD or above。我实在难以想象,在中国甚至是上海有1%的家庭年入100万人民币
Re: Re: Re: Re: Family income stays flat: Stats Canada

最初由 Chinese 发布

Canada is the second richest country in the world.

Do you know how much teachers, nurses, policeman, salesperson, mechanics, plumber, trade contractors, etc make ?

Besides, Canada is a nation of "small business owners", do you know how much they make ?

I moved to Nepean in 1998, I remembered reading then the average family after-tax income in Nepean is $82,000.
最初由 chengchy 发布
Have you guys had the chance to take a look at the Stat Canada internal results? Some results can give you guys an astounding thing to consider:
1,在多伦多,2001年时,如果你家庭税前收入在262000CAD/yr,你的家庭才刚刚属於Toronto top10%收入的家庭。

2,在2002年,约有1%的加拿大家庭税前年入100万CAD or above。我实在难以想象,在中国甚至是上海有1%的家庭年入100万人民币

Both numbers are reasonable. Now there is another number :

I always laugh when those Chinese garbage bragging about their $2000 per month salary in Shanghai. Stupid, nothing else.
"Chinese garbage"? please pay attention to what you said. You may feel good about saying Chinese this, Chinese that for the moment (which I noticed for a while), but you probably won't feel good if someone says XXXXXX garbage to you, right? So how about not to start the humiliation to each other...

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

Both numbers are reasonable. Now there is another number :

I always laugh when those Chinese garbage bragging about their $2000 per month salary in Shanghai. Stupid, nothing else.