To be honest, if I had the vote right, I would definitely vote for Conservative Party. Just look at Ontario for the past 8 years, under the leadership of Mike Harris, Ontario becomes the economic engine of Canada. Also I do not think it is a good idea to have liberal party dorminant in both federal and provincial government.
Absolutely NO conservertive party at all, for sure!! Better be a minority government running by Liberal and NDP.
When the conservertive was in power the last time, the corruption was even worse. Joe Clark is right, let's choose 'evil the less'. NOT steven harper the bad lier.
Liberal has been in power for too long and it gradually corrupts to an alarming degree. On the other hand, I feel other candidates are trying to outperform Liberal party in achievements. Liberals have already demonstrated how arrogant they can be toward their own ethics and promises, it is time to vote new parties.
From our experience in China, Chinese considered tax as something going into a black hole and nothing else come back. In Canada, it's not the case.
That's said, government in general is less efficient. People cares about their own money, not somebody else's. But some service is better run by the public, for example military, court system and probably educational system.
The debate is on medicare: is it better runned by the free market system or the public ? I am a big fan of free market, but free market can only be more efficient if the buyers have good information anout the product - does this apply to medicare ?