Are Canadians getting a good deal with universal health care?

最初由 渐渐 发布
Well, if the so called "rich" are now lining up the private queue, why would the public queue have a longer waiting time?

Because doctors especially good one will choose to work in a private clinic/hospital, as the pay is higher. Thus it depleted public system of the most precious resources: good physicians.
最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

Because doctors especially good one will choose to work in a private clinic/hospital, as the pay is higher. Thus it depleted public system of the most precious resources: good physicians.

May not be true. Because the capacity of the private health providers won't be large compared to the public system. As to good doctors leaving public system for higher pay, even if without a Canadian private health sector, doctors can move to the States anyway. With a private system, they at least stay in Canada - serving Canadians, well, rich Canadians.
Canada already has a problem of keeping its highly trained medical staff in Canada, maybe, just maybe, with a parallel private system, the medical staff will be adequately paid and will actually stay in Canada.

最初由 Xiaomimi 发布

Because doctors especially good one will choose to work in a private clinic/hospital, as the pay is higher. Thus it depleted public system of the most precious resources: good physicians.