有人知道CIC OTTAWA的电话吗?

u google le ma :blink:
CIC what do u mean?, CATHOLIC IMMIGRATION CENTRE ? Community Information Centre of Ottawa ? or Citizenship and Immigration Canada , if is Citizenship and Immigration Canada u have to call 1-800 number to ask them to give u local office phone number if u have special request.

是Citizenship and Immigration Canada

给我的号码根本不符合我的情况:( 没有学生签证这一项啊:rolleyes:
最初由 ミ古堡の芒果ペ 发布

是Citizenship and Immigration Canada

给我的号码根本不符合我的情况:( 没有学生签证这一项啊:rolleyes:

U can ask operator to give u contact info ya!
CIC call centre can give you the fax number of Ottawa CIC: 995-1304.